COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
The Italian anti vaxxer in question is also a Sovereign Citizen (so nutter) with links to the far right.

"Yeah, but think of all the money he saved on hospital fees AND he no longer has the virus!"

- Antonio Mureddu: An actual moron who thinks he knows better than doctors and won't help the people he kills with his stupid beliefs.
...braindead extremists...
I've been reading r/covidatemyface lately so I've been exposed to these sort of news quite regularly the last few days. And I agree people like this are extremists. This is perhaps one of the clearest examples of them causing harm and it left me wondering whether governments should start categorising these nutters as terrorists at least to have more weapons in the arsenal against them, at least from a legal, intel and law enforcement angle.

I know it sounds weird but if you think about it what they're doing could be thought of as causing more harm than the odd terrorist attack of say a small pipe bomb killing a few. I would have never imagined I'd be calling for a tougher stance from the government towards the population
I should confine my posts about this jackass to the Cursed Media thread but couldn't resist this one.
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A couple of things from this article.
We’re taking Ivermectin and various vitamins including a lot of Zinc
I wonder how much "a lot of Zinc" is because while it won't kill you, it's not good, either.
15,000 have died as a result of the Covid vaccines and hundreds of thousands others have had serious side effects. [snip] government pushers urging us to take the free poison. Don’t do it. The Pfizer CEO certainly won’t. Bill Gates and his family won’t, either
How many lies can you cram into a couple of sentences?
I would never go to a hospital with Covid.
Good. Save the bed for someone who needs it.
Robert David Steele did it a few weeks ago and they killed him. The hospitals get extra money for Covid death reports, which is necessary to keep fear ramped up
Absolutely insane. "Hey, hospitals! If you kill that guy, we'll pay you more." Is my wife working for the mob now?
This is about vaccine passports, tracking, government control and tyranny
Why do people think their actions are so important that the government wants to track them? With something mixed into a vaccine, no less. Personally, they won't learn 🤬 from me. "This guy goes to work, drives home, makes some supper and gasp watches football on the weekends."

I'm not saying I support the idea but since you have a phone, they probably already are anyway. If anything, the vaccine would be a backup tracker. They should all go back to landlines just to be safe.
Now let's see how long it takes the FDA to review this and if they'll require more data again. As of right now, there's nothing scheduled.
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Well quite. It's too late now, but YT and every deliberate spreader of deadly misinformation should be held to account and made to pay for the damage they have done.
I don't disagree that damage has been done but I sense our views may differ when it comes to who has done it, the degree to which it has been done and how those who have done it should be held to account.
But the vaccine does not stop you from dying. They kept on saying. Nobody said the vaccine is a miracle.

Well to be honest why do cyclists wear helmets also why do soldiers wear helmets and body armour?? For protection and minimise their chances of getting killed or mortally wounded.

Vaccine is there to protect you and minimise your chance of getting sick or ending up in the hospital. Also going help in killing off the virus for the long term or at least getting it under control. Small pox, polio, cholera kills thousands if not millions due to medicine and measures that it gets under control or even eradicated. Vaccines play a big role in eradicating diseases.

Its literally common sense. I guess anti vaxxers prefer playing russian roulette and trusting their natural immunity in fighting a "hoax".
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Everytime I see the guy on the left it looks like someones explaining how advanced calculus is used to calculate orbital velocities.
That's too advanced for Tuck. It's more like explaining why his cereal gets soggy after he pours the milk on it.
I found out on Tuesday that someone from a sister department died from Covid last week.

He was a very nice guy but the handful of conversations I've had with him over the years inevitably ended up skewing, usually only briefly, to something conspiracy related - JFK, moon landing, government spying, etc.

The last time I saw him was about 2 months ago and he asked if I was vaccinated and I said I was the second it became available. He said he was still thinking about it...

RIP, Lee.
Now Tucker, these are small, but the ones out there are far away...
He should watch Sesame Street.

Near... far... near... far...

Sesame Street Photo GIF
Everytime I see the guy on the left it looks like someones explaining how advanced calculus is used to calculate orbital velocities.
I think he looks constipated.

And people wonder why the nursing shortage is continuing to get worse:
Why is it so hard for so many people to just not be a jerk?
And people wonder why the nursing shortage is continuing to get worse:
"But nurses are being fired because they won't get vaccinated."