Create a Nation

  • Thread starter JMoney
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Rhys: Sorry, but you can't have invisibility pills due to being unrealistic. You can develop them, but it will take many years.

I'll edit my post.

Can I also annex Moldova and Lithuania?
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Country name: Oktoberfest
Capital: Warsaw
Starting land: Poland, Czech Republic (If that's how you spell it :S) and Slovakia
GDP (50 billion to start with): $50 Billion
Population (at least 3M to start with, no more than 50M): 50 Million peoples
GDP Per Capita (divide gdp by pop.): 1 thousand, I think. Them big numbers...
Total Military size (5% of population): 2.5 Million
Land: 1,250,000
Sea: 625,000
Air: 625,000
Your biggest industries: Oil and nautural resources
Leader title (king, president): President Brock
Member of UN: Yup
Do you accept the rules and regulations: Yup Yup
Do you accept that I can mod your stuff to an extent? I guess, Yup
Extra Information: The polish people have always been good at engineering, and are now rumoured to be making deadly next-generation war machines, within the bunkers that lie across the land.
Micro, Venom: Welcome!

Okay, everyone, you can't just annex a country without getting on good terms with them first i.e. making trade agreements, loaning money, helping build up their nation.

Rhys: Moldova and Lithuania decline, but Lithuania offered you a free trade agreement (FTA). Do you accept?

Vandenal: Saskatchen declines, and instead offers out a free trade agreement (FTA). Do you accept?

Jahgee: Unfortuneately, you can't expect to take over a whole state with a few hundred troops. 23 of your troops returned to your nation, 34 were captured, and the rest were killed. All 12 of the states you sent troops to have declared war. Here is the troop count for each.

Maine: 85,000
Vermont: 60,000
Rhode Island: 20,000
Conneticut: 50,000
Pennsylvania: 125,000
Ohio: 110,000
Michigan: 160,000
Indiana: 90,000
Illinois: 140,000
Maryland: 55,000
Minnesoda: 65,000
Total: 960,000
Rhys: Moldova and Lithuania decline, but Lithuania offered you a free trade agreement (FTA). Do you accept?

Yes, I will accept. I would however like to invade Moldova, thus declaring war on Moldova. Sending 125,000 land troops and 65,000 aircraft for the invasion.

Rhys159 and Ryou, wanna be allies?
Sure, it'll help should Germany attack either of us.
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Ok 1 final question. :dunce:

If I claim southern China do I also claim Hong Kong and Macau? Or are they seperate?
After a successful plunder of the nothingness left in Ireland, TGOPP now includes the whole island of Ireland.
NAME CHANGE: TGOPP is now Piratopia.
Population has increased to 10 million and the navy is 5 million.
New industry, Farrrrmin'.
GDP is now &20 billion.

Original post will be edited to show this.
Ah, darn. I would join but New York is taken :(

Never mind, I'll just do something else :D

Country name: Eliphanata
Capital: Accra
Starting land: Ghana
GDP (50 billion to start with): 50 Billion
Population (at least 3M to start with, no more than 50M): 10M
GDP Per Capita (divide gdp by pop.): 5,000 o.o
Total Military size (5% of population): 500,000
Land: 300,000
Sea: 100,000
Air: 100,000
Your biggest industries: Electronics and Food
Leader title (king, president): President....hmm, let's think of a name. President Annan Faragoso (I just typed in some letters for the last name xD)
Member of UN: Why not?
Do you accept the rules and regulations: Yes
Do you accept that I can mod your stuff to an extent?: Sure, you probably need to.
Extra Information: We're in Africa, and we don't eat elephant.
That's all you need to know.
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Screw it, I'm joining.

Country name: New Aztec Empire

Capital: New Tenochtitlan (San Diego)

Starting land: California, Nevada, Arizona.

GDP (50 billion to start with): $50 Billion

Population (at least 3M to start with, no more than 50M): 48 million.

GDP Per Capita (divide gdp by pop.): $1,041.66

Total Military size (5% of population): 2,400,000

Land: 50%
Sea: 15%
Air: 35%

Your biggest industries: Farming/livestock, mining, arms manufacturing.

Leader title (king, president): Emperor Montezuma III

Member of UN: Yes

Do you accept the rules and regulations: Obviously.

Do you accept that I can mod your stuff to an extent?: Yes.

Extra Information: The military of the New Aztec Empire is one of the most well trained in the world, with Army training alone taking over 5 years to complete. On top of that, the special forces, the Jaguar Warrior Corps, is among the most skilled spec-ops forces in the world, utilizing the most advanced known technology in the world.
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I would like to invade the state of Oregon with 150,000 troops, with 1,000 men from said invading troops being from the air force (to clear out the skies and to destroy enemy defenses).

EDIT: And can you please update the OP with a world map? It would really help since we could see what territories we control.

EDIT 2: Oh, and had to change things, such as move from Mexico to California since Mexico is an AI country. :grumpy:. I'll get the original Azteca back for sure, you'll see... [bloodthirst]
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The Republic of Texas issues the following statement:
Declaration of Sovereignty
The Congress of The Republic of Texas hereby claims sovereignty to lands extending from Oklahoma to Louisiana. Any breach of the Republic of Texas' borders and/or breach of sovereinty or threat of attack will be met swiftly and without mercy. The Republic of Texas will hereby claim the waters 65 miles from the farthest west coast of Brownwood to the fartherest east coast of New Orleans. Any vessel that breaches 65 miles inside of coastal boundries without prior notice will be captured or destroyed with extreme prejudice. The Republic of Texas would futhermore like to extend Free Trade Agreements to the surrounding nations as an act of goodwill. Nations who refuse the peace offering will be considered neutral. Those who accept will be considered friends of the Republic. Thank you, and God bless the Republic of Texas. -Cody McKnighte, President
Country name: Empire of Hong Kong.
Capital:Hong Kong
Starting land:Hong Kong., Macau, Philippines, Wake Island., Taiwan, Guangdong, Midway, Vietnam.
GDP :$43billion
Population: 50 million
GDP Per Capita: $960
Total Military size (5% of population):2500000
Your biggest industries:Arms and Aerospace.
Leader title (king, president): Emperor
Member of UN: Yes
Do you accept the rules and regulations:Yes
Do you accept that I can mod your stuff to an extent?Yes
Extra Information: The leading country in weapons research. Also has a big and growing oil and mining industry.
Wake island was home to a US army base before the war with a missile program. Although now destroyed the empire is hoping to make this a major modern military base and has already re established and expanded the airfield.

Anyway first move is to offer an alliance and trade agreement to India.
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I formally propose a peaceful alliance with the State of Alpenland.
Country name: Empire of Hong Kong.

Epic! :lol:

Hong Kong and Macau are technically China but have lots of autonomy.

Might have a think about a country... this springs to mind!

Hooray, my only competitor so far in N.A. is at peace with me. I also send in a 1,000 Ground Troop Brigade's to Maine, Vermont, Rhode Island & Connecticut. I am also sending 2,500 Troop Eroberer Force's to Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin & Minnesota. Also, I am giving the CFSoC access to my top of the line space program in order to jump-start theirs.

Man, even the local police forces could have wiped your troops out. :lol:
Might have a think about a country... this springs to mind!


I thought it was Petrovia?

I too am considering a Country. Will hopefully post full application soon. 👍

EDIT: Also, would a World Map possibly be a good idea? So that the parts of the world each nation rules can be seen, so if anyone wants to setup a nation they can clearly see which land is taken.
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My perfect country wouldn't work because it would be an NPC territory. Individually Federated Anarchocapitalist People's Territory. Or IFAPT for short.
Epic! :lol:

Hong Kong and Macau are technically China but have lots of autonomy.

Might have a think about a country... this springs to mind!


I was considering that, but it seemed too obvious, so I stuck with the Democratic People's Socialist Fascist Republic Totalitarian Communist Kingdom of Brookistan (TDPSFRTCKB).
The Republic of Texas wishes to annex Arkansas as well as Mississippi. Also, The Republic sends two divisions (50,000 troops) of Texas guard to the border of Texas and Mexico along with two armored regiments (20,000) Troops).

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As a response to Texas' course of actions, I would like to send 100,000 troops each to the states of New Mexico and Utah in an attempt to occupy said regions, in order prevent the Texans from taking these regions.
I would like to ask Rhys if his nation would like to assist me in invading the country of Estonia. Even if Rhys declines, I will still carry on. I am volunteering to send in the following troops:

20,000 Land
50,000 Sea
30,000 Air

I am awaiting approval from the United Eastern European Nations in response to my request.
I would like to ask Rhys if his nation would like to assist me in invading the country of Estonia. Even if Rhys declines, I will still carry on. I am volunteering to send in the following troops:

20,000 Land
50,000 Sea
30,000 Air

I am awaiting approval from the United Eastern European Nations in response to my request.

Sounds good, I accept. Despite a deployment in Moldova I'd be willing to send:
90,000 Land
15,000 Sea
25,000 Air.

Is this enough?
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