CyberPunk 2077

There's still supressors though, for pistols at least, probably others too.

The little 2 seat electric style cars are fun to drive.
The big heavy caddies type cars too.
Reminds me of gta4 a little in physics, control, although it was more drift in that.
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This gun has the old "Dying Light" skin when viewing in the inventory, but it actually has a different skin and a sight that you can't remove. You get this gun by winning at the shooting range.

I get a lot of broken shootouts.
The enemies just stand there...

The removal of revolver suppressors also removed the compensators. CDPR actually made a comprensator that matches the revolver design, and now you can't use it.
Cyberpunk 2077_20230922201320.jpg

The removal of the ability to attach sights on the light machineguns is just dumb. Two weapon types got nerfed in customization.
The fire rate of automatic weapons is slower that the shot sound. The guns sound faster than they actually fire, but that may be a bug or some effect caused by perks maybe? Right now the guns shoot fine, but yesterday when I was testing them on the old save, they were slow.
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There's still supressors though, for pistols at least, probably others too.
No one said suppressors were removed entirely. The point is that they're basically useless now, since now the only gun I've found that does enough damage to actually justify the extreme damage dropoff from equipping them is the Nue. I've not found anything else that actually does enough DPS to reliably kill someone before everyone is alerted to your presence; especially since the new level scaling means you can seemingly never overpower anyone in the game anyway. How do you even do non-lethal plays now without weapon mods and with melee (seemingly, unless I missed something) being lethal? Just spam Overheat on every enemy and hide behind corners? Hooray, that's already the main way to defeat enemies lethally too since everyone is a bullet sponge now no matter how good your weapons are and how well you aim.

CDPR should have left the weapon customization alone instead of basically gutting it. It still would have worked with the other system changes to upgrades that they implemented. I'm interested to see what game mods come out in the next month or so to revert some of these changes and I'll give it another day or so of playing time as is, but the police not being "possibly the worst implementation of a wanted level in gaming history" and the much better implementation of cyberware aren't enough by themselves to keep me from downgrading my game back (and skipping Phantom Liberty as a result) from the Bethesda-y thing they turned it into. The only thing about the game before that really annoyed me was the level cap (which there were mods to remove) and I hate level scaling far far more than I hate level caps; especially level scaling done as badly as it is here.
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No one said suppressors were removed entirely. The point is that they're basically useless now, since now the only gun I've found that does enough damage to actually justify the extreme damage dropoff from equipping them is the Nue. I've not found anything else that actually does enough DPS to reliably kill someone before everyone is alerted to your presence; especially since the new level scaling means you can seemingly never overpower anyone in the game anyway. How do you even do non-lethal plays now without weapon mods and with melee (seemingly, unless I missed something) being lethal? Just spam Overheat on every enemy and hide behind corners? Hooray, that's already the main way to defeat enemies lethally too since everyone is a bullet sponge now no matter how good your weapons are and how well you aim.

CDPR should have left the weapon customization alone instead of basically gutting it. It still would have worked with the other system changes to upgrades that they implemented. I'm interested to see what game mods come out in the next month or so to revert some of these changes and I'll give it another day or so of playing time as is, but the police not being "possibly the worst implementation of a wanted level in gaming history" and the much better implementation of cyberware aren't enough by themselves to keep me from downgrading my game back (and skipping Phantom Liberty as a result) from the Bethesda-y thing they turned it into. The only thing about the game before that really annoyed me was the level cap (which there were mods to remove) and I hate level scaling far far more than I hate level caps; especially level scaling done as badly as it is here.
Fair enough , im not far back into it for now, restarted my early playthru.
There is 2x or more for headshots, and added lethality when still in stealth etc., at least, when equipped with a suppressor.
Im to early to see how all turns out i guess.

I find for now fights way easier at same hard difficulty, maybe cause still early in.

I agree overheat is an easy cheat it seems for now.
That's the problem when they change so much a game after long released, hoping/wishing it doesn't break any style of play or challenge.

Maybe they will patch some things, adjust some..
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Definitely very early in the game it's harder because you can't get a random drop amazing supergun that takes everyone apart with headssots, but I've found that it basically just makes every combat encounter feel identical as soon as you've gotten a couple levels built up.

"Use Overheat on two/three guys until they die (probably only needs to be done once), run straight at the remaining one with a shotgun aimed at their face." I was cleaning out the NCPD side missions in the starting area and it almost immediately became that until I got bored and just started throwing grenades at them. The only ones that were interesting anymore were the ones that had at least half a dozen enemies in them.
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It does seem harder to do a lot of damage if you just concentrate on one playstyle like in the past, eg quickhacks, silenced headshots, run-and gun. The way I'm currently doing it is to combo - queue up my hacks, shoot whilst jumping/air-dashing to get close, then use a melee finisher. I'm only playing on normal difficulty though, not sure how viable this is at hard/very hard.

Feels like they have nerfed the base game to push you towards the DLC and its weapons/perks.
Hehe, a police officer joined the firefight.)
I didn't notice her before she started throwing grenades)

What about non-lethal weapons?
The stun-baton is deadly and I don't see any mods for weapons to make them non-lethal :\
EDIT: Found the PAX mod in the gun shop in Watson, Kabuki. "Makes the weapon non-lethal"
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I’m going for a gun-fu/ninja build with sandevistan this time. I still need to meet the voodoo boys to unlock PL.

I’m really liking the changes to the perks and combat. Overall the game runs even better than before on my PC too.
I wonder if the expansion adds anything to the base game and campaign, in terms of gameplay, content, features etc..

The added perk branch of the expansion for example, can you use that from the get go in the base game campaign?

I don't think we have that in the update 2.0.

Edit: been having fun though, a mix of a little of all, stealth, quick hacks, run and gun, etc.

Lots of little improvements, more and better sounds, cars and bikes sounds pretty grunty and cool, guns too.
Fun controls too for bikes.

I wish ai was a little better in combat, and a lot better outside combat..
For all about a.i. being so advanced in research today, it doesn't show much in games lol.
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2.0 and Phantom Liberty have pulled me all the way in. Did not think that was possible.

Played Cyberpunk when it came out and liked it alright, but right now I´m sitting at work and can´t wait to jump back in.

Nicely done CDPR.
Doing another play through reminded me how much I dislike the brain dances.

It reminds me of that mission in Fallout 4 Far Harbour where your doing the puzzles for Dima. Doing it for the first time was ok, but it felt like a chore every other time.
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Difficulty to me seems way down, i had to up from hard to very hard and still is much easier for now than hard before 2.0.
Not a good challenge anymore up to now, even skirmishes on the street and ncpd ones are too easy now.
Game’s definitely much better now with patch 2.0. Perks are actually exciting and I’m looking forward to unlocking more of them, cyberware is also better and it’s nice that you can upgrade it, although it doesn’t do as much as maybe it could have. Car combat is a welcome addition, although I don’t feel like car handling improved much like some others have suggested. Maybe very slightly. Police is now much better as well. Overall, they did a great job with it I think. As far as the expansion, still only a few missions in, so not going to judge it just yet. It starts off all right and I do like the voice acting quite a bit, so definitely has potential to be great. I’m curious how the new ending is, although my suspicion is that since this is cyberpunk it’s not going to end well anyway for V.
the Ken Block tribute Hoon is great fun, plus it has weapons


still haven’t got the 911 in the current playthrough, so this is my daily driver
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Daaaamn the new expansion is some of the best Cyberpunk missions. Even the new gigs are a lot more involved, at least in terms of writing, than the base game ones. New district is excellent as well and I’m even enjoying the airdrops content, which I wasn’t originally sold on.

The only thing I wish they would rework (and I know they won’t) is the driving physics. Cars feel a tad bit better now, but still far from what I wish they felt like.
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I got the expansion yesterday and had it downloaded. Today I was trying to figure out how to start it and I never got the PS5 upgrade.

So I'm currently downloading the PS5 upgrade and I won't be getting as much play time as I was expecting. :/
With the reworked perk trees it takes a lot of investment into Intelligence to make netrunning viable. I was only ever using it alongside the guns or katanas, so I decided to ditch it completely. No hacks, no cyberdeck, I'm using a sandy now and just shooting everyone in the head. I feel it makes the combat flow much better, rather than the constant pauses for scanning and loading up new hacks. Also means that, with the raised level cap from the DLC, I can pretty much max out the 4 other attributes. V is going to end up a max health / max armour / max chrome monster.

Just about reached the point in the main story where I can start the DLC. Excited to meet Idris. Did a side gig and got the Quadra car from all the pre-release vids. I think I've actually driven it before in Forza Horizon.

Have got 2 weeks to finish this before Spidey is released - going to be a close call I think.
Finished it this morning and got a super depressing ending. Will be going back to take a different path because I can't let V's story end like that. ;)

Overall it's a 5/5 for me. Great game and my GOTY so far.
Just finished the DLC twice now. Depressing, as it meant to be, but probably the best story in the game so far. Great voice acting all around as well. Cyberpunk is going out on a high note.

Let’s hope transition to Unreal Engine will not be as big of a burden as I’m afraid it might be. Feels like they finally got Red Engine firing on all cylinders and now are going to abandon it, but who knows, maybe there are a lot of hidden issues hey had to work around that they want to avoid.

Wonder how long it will take for the next one. I guess at least 8-10 years.
I really wish this game had new game plus. I really don't want to do another playthrough after this one, pretty sure that will be my 5th or 6th time.
I really wish this game had new game plus. I really don't want to do another playthrough after this one, pretty sure that will be my 5th or 6th time.
Same. But I´ll do a fresh female V run over the holiday break. Will be my second one. Can´t leave this world behind. Might go for the plat.
This sums up why I couldn't get into Starfield

Well Bethesda games never were famous for their character lol, more door knob personalities.

That said, cyberpunk could've been a lot more in the rpg aspect, in how things could've been more reactive, dynamic, choices, rep, etc.

A bit of a mindless, repetitive shooter with hacks.
Still a fun game of course. Just hope for more, in choices, tactical play, ai, etc