D1 Liberty Walk Murcielago

  • Thread starter GTboyz
Well, we thought Daigo was crazy and called his idea "silly", but there's no arguing that his drive to complete the car was unmatched. God only knows where this car will go next, not that is has become a Monster-sponsored, D1-spec drift car...
I believe that was because the Tyrell [P34 six-wheeled F1 car] sucked<...>

Actually, the P34 was a very capable car. However, it used bespoke 10" tires at the front... Tires that Goodyear wasn't willing to properly develop. As a result the Tyrrell worn the four front tires at a much quicker pace than the rear, with obvious consequences on the handling of the car. Avon Tires developed proper rubber for the car in 1999, and it's been a dominating force in vintage F1 racing ever since.

Also... What the shizoodle are my eyes seeing.
Holy 🤬! They actually built it! :eek:

Don't underestimate Daigo Saito, he can go to extreme lengths to accomplish his goals, even if they may involve making the world's very first D1GP Lamborghini.

Here's a trailer for a Video Option DVD, which does feature an interview with Daigo about his Murcielago build. Not only that, but it also gives insight to Nobushige Kumakubo (owner of Ebisu Circuit and leader of Team Orange) and his plan to use a ex-V8 Series Mercedes C63 AMG. Yes, you read that right;

Murcielago in action, includes tandeming with the LFA:

That sound :drool:

The world's most expensive tsuiso, at long last a reality... Also, I can see the first video just fine, guess the copyright thing is a US-specific issue, if I had to imagine.

Also, that cheering music during the early parts of the second video is quite funny. It's as if you were watching a football/soccer game...

...until you hear a furious V12/V8 duo coming past and blowing your ears off. :drool:
I watched the video on another site, that car is wicked! Both are, and seeing the AMG! Very neat cars heading to D1.
For the "purists" I submit two responses. Drifting at the grassroots level has never been about an AE86, or a Silvia. Just goto a grassroots drift competition. Sure those will be there in force, but you will also see Volvo's, Fords, Chevy's, BMWs, Mercs and the whole mess. A certain car is not grassroots drifting, getting out there, having fun and doing the damn thing in whatever you got is grassroots drifting.
My second comment, why on earth would you look to D1, arguably the largest and most corporate backed sanctioning body for drifting as a grassroots organization at this point? D1 and FD are public faced corporate enterprises. Nothing about them is grassroots at this point. It's a bit like being mad NASCAR doesn't use showroom stock cars anymore.
Nothing beats good old natural aspiration, and the more cylinders the better 👍
Did a rough calculation of the costs of the LFA and a standard LB Murcielago themselves, and this tandem came to around $800,000.

Factor in the costs of build the cars to drift spec and this LFA/Murcielago combination makes roughly around a million dollars.

Who would've thought of a million dollar tandem drift?
Please tell me that's on the Gunsai Touge... :drool:

Can't wait to see that big-ass Lambo tandeming through tight roads with the 'Stang.