Dear Kaz, build it [the racing] and they will come

A good, competitive, scalable, flexible racing structure is must-have for GT7, online and off.

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Well known double poster
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
The GTP forums have exploded in recent months with negativity and for good reason - many diehard fans are disappointed in the latest version of the game and worried about it's future and at the same time, frustrated that some people are still satisfied with the game the way it is. I believe the majority of our issues spring from or are related to one primary factor.

The lack of real competitive racing in the GT series.

I really believe that if you fixed that, almost regardless of anything else in the game, Kaz and PD could continue on their merry way doing whatever they like (almost) and we'd be happy for hours every day playing our favourite game. When you don't have a race or series to look forward to, when you can't simply fire up the game and be competitive racing in minutes, every other issue, no matter how small, looks huge.

I won't go into full details about how to improve the racing in GT7, the principles are well known. Good quality AI that are scalable, driver ratings online to find drivers of equal skill and cleanliness, Community/Clubs for online racing, Career/Race Creator for offline are just a few of the things that could be done to bring the racing back to the GT series.
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Was about to say that your poll was a bit biased, I see now you did'nt completed it:crazy:
Was about to say that your poll was a bit biased, I see now you did'nt completed it:crazy:
Luckily the mods added the third response. I didn't want to make it just about buying or not buying the game this time, but more about the importance of racing in GT. Not sure I got the right questions but what the heck, it's all for fun anyway:cool:
PD needs to make all options available in all game modes (qualifying, standing starts, choose AI's cars, mechanical damage, fuel/tire wear, penalties, etc).

I've tried setting up custom races in arcade mode in GT6 but the lack of the options listed above really ruined the racing experience, so far I see GT6 as a good time trial game, but the racing portion of the game needs massive improvement.
Racing is what it's all about to me, I am having way too much fun with the F1 series, Grid Autosport is supposed to be delivered today and pcars will be out before GT7. If they don't do something substantial about the racing then I am out.
So far I'm loving GAS, the AI are fast and consistent although not perfect. Keep in mind, they don't like being treated like GT AI, they remember things, so if you race them clean, they'll race you clean...except for Ravenwest of course..:mad::mad: All the AI included don't like being treated like a moving guardrail so if you do, and they get a chance, they will make you pay!
I had to force myself to put them in for fear of being accused of bias:cheers:

Good, because I chose B. I'm not much of an online racer, but it would be cool for everyone else to be happy. Also better racing means more people means more free runs.

As for offline, race customization would be nice but I don't mind if there's not because that's how GT rolls.
I've been saying this since GT5, and it is what stopped me buying GT6

I could forgive many of the terrible things in GT if I could get some decent competitive offline racing.
I really would like some kind of an online rating system like in other Games. Some kind of a "Matchmaking"-Race-System.
Maybe everyone has 1000 Points when starting. 1st place gets 10 points last gets -10. Maybe some bonis for clean racing etc.
That would be great!
I think Kaz saw in one of his visions that chasing the rabbit is the way to go. Seeing how the man sticks to his beliefs and doesn't alter other aspects of the game despite public opinion neither, i guess there will be high-def 1080P next gen rabbit chasing in GT7 (and coffee breaks).
@Johnnypenso This poll doesn't need answer B and answer C. :)
Sure, Mr Hard Case. :P

Anyway, I got the impression that this was a JohnnyP thread I'd visited already. Rather than copy and paste my vision, I thought I'd link it to Lawndart's thread in the Q & A board where he discusses what we would like to see as a serious option in GT6 or future GTs. Nothing more than better bots? A full blown racing sim off in its own little section? I thought this would spur a little more discussion.

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