Delecour is an idiot.

  • Thread starter sn00pie
Well, his co-pilot was too late with the notes ten times on a single day. His rampage against his co-pilot were just some left-over frustrations from his megacrash two weeks before.
Ahh...What exactly did he say??

All i heard was very angry screams and then i saw the classic helmet the play of the day here in Aus... :lol: But i think he should not have gone off at the co-driver, it isn't always the co-drivers fault...
If the co-driver was off with the notes ten times in one day, I might ream him out myself. Not that it's the right thing to do... :bomb:
This is typical Delecour behaviour, rightly or wrongly. The fact is that he's too fragile a driver, needing everything to be just so before he can go quickly. Of course, when he goes quickly he goes very very quickly, but the conditions are rarely right for him.

It was quite amusing to watch, even if it was in French...
I missed it, but I'm here to tell you that's not something you do in public. Bust his chops somehwere else, like the team prep room, or in the back of the transporter, or somewhere besides where the TV cameras and other teams and fans can see it.