Deliberate offending by Japanese drivers in the Daily races.

  • Thread starter Dalone
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Darwin NT Austr
Unfortunately it appears we in Australia, in the evening in particular, generally race against a field comprising one or two Aussies and nearly all the rest are Japanese.

That should not be a problem and isn't always in races where most drivers are rated B, A, or above.

I was B for a long time but have got so sick of being bumped off the track by Japanese idiots that I started quitting races after a few deliberate bumps. That has brought me down to C class today where it seems all Japanese drivers are carrying a huge chip on their shoulders where Aussie drivers are concerned.

I do not see them doing it to each other, just Aussies. Many times I have witnessed Japanese' drivers in 4th or 5th dropping back behind me (when the leaders are Japanese), and this happened when most were B class drivers (for no apparent reason) only to knock me off the track at the earliest opportunity.

I have to presume they have a huge inferiority complex against us or just hatred from the war, but all the same it is very REAL.

I do not expect it happens in the top classes of racers as all would be dedicated drivers and value their reputations, but it most certainly does happen in B and below.

I wish I my area zone excluded Japanese drivers but I can't see that happening. BUGGA!
Few options...

First option, and the one boring people will take is to just ignore them and try and race around them. Like a good boy.

Second option is to play a game called "Smash all the Japanese drivers off the track for lols, then build your SR back up when it hits E, repeat.". Catchy name right.

Or move to Europe / America.

Option 1 is probably best.
Seems more like you harboring the prejudice. Typical minority complex. When folks are out numbered the get defensive and think everyone not like them is out to get them. Happened to me during the great Megane Seige of Gr4. Normally I'm a cordial racer , most times I'll back down from 50/50 situation, but against a Megane I felt like such and under dog with their bullish ways I would get very aggressive with them , and wouldn't hesitate to retaliate if I felt slighted by them. Whew glad that's over now. The king is dead. Long live the King.
Japanese drivers have always been the most cleanest. I had a race ruined by an indonesian. With aussies overall its good but i did encounter a few dirty of them at sport mode.
Well I stated facts and was quite prepared for some of the replies above which, as expected, claim a xenophobic cause on my part.

Far easier to claim that than accept that the xenophobia could be on the Japanese side. These days people of European ancestry are attacked for everything under the sun and I expect a word will be coined at some time in the future to describe this phenomena which is usually perpetrated by non Whites.

I do not accept your claim, it is not accurate. Neither is a supposed minority complex.

Thank god there are some psychiatrists in the house who can evaluate someone in such a short interview.

And finding 'the Aussies more aggressive than the japanese' is not quite the same as finding the Japanese deliberately, and I mean over and over, bumping you off the track.

Again, I stated facts. If you feel I am not being accurate or just hate the Japanese because they won the war, oh wait, we won, then so be it, but it does not change the facts, as stated.
Well I stated facts and was quite prepared for some of the replies above which, as expected, claim a xenophobic cause on my part.

Far easier to claim that than accept that the xenophobia could be on the Japanese side. These days people of European ancestry are attacked for everything under the sun and I expect a word will be coined at some time in the future to describe this phenomena which is usually perpetrated by non Whites.

I do not accept your claim, it is not accurate. Neither is a supposed minority complex.

Thank god there are some psychiatrists in the house who can evaluate someone in such a short interview.

And finding 'the Aussies more aggressive than the japanese' is not quite the same as finding the Japanese deliberately, and I mean over and over, bumping you off the track.

Again, I stated facts. If you feel I am not being accurate or just hate the Japanese because they won the war, oh wait, we won, then so be it, but it does not change the facts, as stated.

If the majority of the drivers you race with, are from a particular place... Then their nationality has nothing to do with them crashing into you, it's just statistics... regardless of your bewildering references to a war that ended some 70 odd years ago...

Edit; I'd also love to see the research you did into the people who crashed into you, proving they are even Japanese:lol::lol::lol:
Could it be shown, with a replay video? Did you manage to save one? It would be interesting to see this happening.
Maybe because you're a Westerner (figuratively speaking) lol

I really wish they would just abandon the flag next to name thing for good.... Seems weird at first, but GTAV works perfectly without flags next to names.... and given the nature of that game, that's probably a good thing,. Perfect for stopping any animosity against your country, and being headhunted.
I notice I get hit by Brazilians more often than not. Granted lots of Brazilians are also super fast, and I have some good racing with them. Americans are clean for the most part to me, but there's always the bad apple. You can't just accuse everyone who shares a nationality to have the same mentality in racing.

And if you're just going to ignore the advice here and complain about Japanese dudes, then why set yourself up as a target like this? It seems apparent people don't share your views and you don't seem interested in either improving your avoiding aggressive drivers or your per-concieved notion of Japanese people.
Edit: I removed a tongue and cheek post because now this thread has turned into a bigoted mess and i don't want a part in it anymore
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Gt sport should defintelly remove flags from drivers names.

Like in this post we are seeing lots of xenophobic comments in the game.
Gt sport should defintelly remove flags from drivers names.

Like in this post we are seeing lots of xenophobic comments in the game.

But, if you get xenophobic comments in game, you should report those players.
I don't see why people should have to hide their nationality because of abuse. I'm not exactly proud of being English, especially after this last year, but I shouldn't be afraid of people being xenophobic.
How do you think I feel? You know how embarrassing it's been to be American for the last 20 years? There's a few good reasons I can think of as to why the rest of the world hates us lol. But not to get too political, this is just a game about racing.

Gt sport should defintelly remove flags from drivers names.

Like in this post we are seeing lots of xenophobic comments in the game.

Also dude, sorry if that comment I made pissed you off. It's like I said earlier I can't blame an entire country for a couple bad apples.
Well, I got on to GT Sport today to race the Peugeot RCZ Gr.3 Road Car, qualified 8th,
cleanly got to 4th by the second lap, then all hell broke loose.
I got rammed off track, more than once :mad:
There was a mix of nationalities in that race.

A holes will be A holes regardless of nationality, it's just a pity you have to pay for
other peoples bad behavior on track :odd:
I've actually noticed the exact opposite. I often play early in the morning - midnight to 7am - those dailies seem to be stacked with 80% Japanese players, and while every race is going to have at least one asshole, I see Australian drivers are typically far more aggressive and more partial to ramming and dive bombing than Asians.

New Zealanders are cool though. They seem to always finish in the front half of the pack cleanly. I bag on kiwis but they know how to race.
I have found that Japanese drivers are some of the best I've ever dealt with online. They are quick, clean, and courteous. Too courteous sometimes. This has been kind of a conundrum in my mind because Asians in general are some of the worst drivers on the roads in real life... Sorry, this isn't hate, or bigotry, but plain fact and everyone knows it.

-Reference: California Bay Area.
Guys, guys, guys, and gals of there are any reading this thread. There's a simple solution to this problem.

You can't get bumped off the track if they can't catch you! 💡 :lol:
I have the same issues with fellow Brazilian drivers and I'm Brazilian myself, kind of annoys me because I'm a clean and cordial driver.
I’m in New Zealand and like a few others here have found my online races to be clean and “professional” which unlike the OP I have regarded as being that way because most of my opponents are Japanese.
The 'dirtiest' driver I raced against in GT Sport happened to be Japanese (deliberate careful pushing off track into gravel at high speed on multiple occasions) but that is pure coincidence, the second worst was a Kiwi (got so mad being overtaken he started to drive like a child and repeatedly crashed us both out), on average it seems to me Aussies and Kiwis are more aggressive but it is not a pattern and is likely imaginary because as a Kiwi I notice them. Ascribing stuff to nationality is silly and pointless, people are just people.
I've faced both bad apples from Japanese and Aussie drivers from time to time, but then they form the majority of the drivers in the region so the chances are higher. (never encountered hostile Korean, Thai, Indo or Malaysian driver yet as of now since there's less of them)

Having said that, the best drivers I've seen carving a 6 second lead tends to be the Japanese or the Aussies as well (70% of the time in my experience) , so no, they don't all drive like dipsticks.

Bad Japanese drivers : deliberately pushes you out of a corner as they get into the apex while slowly shoving you out to the grass (slow and deadly)
Bad Aussie drivers : deliberately shoves you off long-sweeping corner and hogs the straights

Of course, they are not deliberately singling you out to punish you for something that happened sometime ago in the history books too. *sigh*
Or perhaps as the vast majority of the racers you are up against are Japanese then chances are, if you get hit, it'll be by a Japanese driver. That doesn't mean they're out to get you.
Yeah, I see this stupidity thrown around by US/CAN drivers against Brazilians, and by UK drivers against Spanish drivers.

I'd be willing to bet that the ratio of ****** drivers to clean drivers is shocking similar across the global population and that folks only notice more offences when they have the OTHER flag to their own. 👎:gtplanet:


At the end of the day we all humans and we make mistakes Sometime. Even everyday pro driver do that too. We all should take it as lesson.
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