Demo shocks during TT

  • Thread starter Calcifer12
Demo shocks during TT for me. This happens approximately 3 times a lap, on crucial moments. Usually when braking and turning into the corners.
It drives my absolutely insane!! Since it messes up all my laps.

I have a first gen PS3. Anyone else experiencing the same problems?
Demo shocks during TT for me. This happens approximately 3 times a lap, on crucial moments. Usually when braking and turning into the corners.
It drives my absolutely insane!! Since it messes up all my laps.

I have a first gen PS3. Anyone else experiencing the same problems?

Same :grumpy:

Correction to my earlier post. It happens just as well on non-crucial moments (I hadnt noticed, since those didn't bother me). And happens more than 3 times a lap.

I've noticed some people don't know what I meant by *shocks*. It means hicks. Like on a PC, when your PC is too slow.
The same here, did not have it tonight, but when I first tried.

To me it seems that there is a connection needed for this version, when your connection is a bit slow, it shocks.
Breaks the realism and concentration. Not a lot, but when it is on your golden lap, you do not get happy missing a corner since the shocks made you lose concentration.

(Since at this moment I only have bad laps, not real issue for me)
I notice this when it loads your ghost/replay. Right before the first turn.

Apparently Vsync is enabled with the tt... could account for something. But I haven't had any shocks longer than a nano second during turns.
The same here, did not have it tonight, but when I first tried.

To me it seems that there is a connection needed for this version, when your connection is a bit slow, it shocks.
Breaks the realism and concentration. Not a lot, but when it is on your golden lap, you do not get happy missing a corner since the shocks made you lose concentration.

(Since at this moment I only have bad laps, not real issue for me)

I've got 20mbit and no dl/ul so that cant be it. But I'll reinstall and restart. See what happens.
Try going in to options and messing with the flicker and the other option. I noticed the screen would flicker during high speed weight shifting on the straight, but I haven't messed with the flicker thing yet
same for me (very short freezes - 1/100th of a second)..

And always at the start finish line...
I have noticed the same lag when crossing the finish line. It only happens now and then so it doesn’t bother me. But I realy want to know why is does that!? Haven’t seen it in any other racing game.

Playing on a 60gb.
likewise, I'm experiencing this 'hiccup' syndrome. Most of the time during the back straight straight towards the start/finish line with ghost on.

using the first-gen PS3.
Hmm never happened to me. Neither have I experienced screen tearing or any other issues everyone claims to have...could it be because I'm using a 1080p projector?
I'm getting 5 or 6 hiccups a lap - really annoying, I hope they solve the problem for GT5. I also have a launch PS3 although I doubt that has anything to do with it.
i know what your talking about but i dunno what its called. i get this really fast stutter that makes it look like some frames were missing. it occurs randomly to me, not very often (once every few laps maybe, sometimes barely noticeable) and also has not got in the way of my lap time. also a 60gb owner
No hiccups here, running a new Slim on a 1080p LCD. No noticeable screen tear either.

Didn't expect this from you. Maybe you're just trying to lend credibility to your GT bashing? :P

Hopefully the full game doesn't have these hiccups.
I'm getting 5 or 6 hiccups a lap - really annoying, I hope they solve the problem for GT5. I also have a launch PS3 although I doubt that has anything to do with it.

Also having some small hiccups.
60GB Euro launch PS3 here.

It never destroyed a lap for me though.

i know what your talking about but i dunno what its called. i get this really fast stutter that makes it look like some frames were missing. it occurs randomly to me, not very often (once every few laps maybe, sometimes barely noticeable) and also has not got in the way of my lap time. also a 60gb owner

likewise, I'm experiencing this 'hiccup' syndrome. Most of the time during the back straight straight towards the start/finish line with ghost on.

using the first-gen PS3.

I have noticed the same lag when crossing the finish line. It only happens now and then so it doesn’t bother me. But I realy want to know why is does that!? Haven’t seen it in any other racing game.

Playing on a 60gb.

Demo shocks during TT for me. This happens approximately 3 times a lap, on crucial moments. Usually when braking and turning into the corners.
It drives my absolutely insane!! Since it messes up all my laps.

I have a first gen PS3. Anyone else experiencing the same problems?

You guys reading this?

I have a third gen (last before slim) 80GB, works great. Not a single hiccup, stutter, anything. Clearly something's different with the original PS3's.
I would start asking Sony.
I have an 80GB PS3, and it hicks very slightly when crossing the finish line (probably because it's saving the lap or something). Nowhere else though, runs as smooth as silk. :)
Hiccups multiple times per lap here. (40GB PS3, EU demo)

Strange that some don't experience it. Maybe I should try the US demo.
So ... I think it's reasonable safe to say that the demo hicks for all 1st gen PS3 consoles.

Nice! So sony makes a Slim version, which is known to be slightly faster, and then leaves me (and others) in the dust with my 600 euro 1st gen PS3. Or should I blame PD?

Either way. Not too happy. Every millisecond is important for me, after all, in racing that millisec results in a full sec at the end of the lap.
I have an 80GB PS3, and it hicks very slightly when crossing the finish line (probably because it's saving the lap or something). Nowhere else though, runs as smooth as silk. :)

It hicks for everyone at the finish line, its normal. You dont have the same problem :)
I get these glitches too, 40GB PS3 myself on 720P. It's annoying as all hell, my best lap on the board could have been a tenth or 2 better were it not for these freaking glitches. The game also made my PS3 freeze upon quitting the game.:grumpy:
Mine glitches a little bit, but I don't think it really affects laptimes... I am running 40GB PS3 on a 66cm SD TV. :dopey:

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