Do look at your speed while driving?

  • Thread starter CallawaySS
You've went off on a tangent about how far ahead you should look and illustrated it by using a different game where the speed is pretty much invisible anyway.

Same principle, it doesn't matter whether it's a sim or real life. You as a mod, should be supporting what I've illustrated and saying that's very insightful since nowhere across the internet is this clearly explained. It's clear to me many here are struggling and I'm trying to be helpful because they are practicing the wrong thing either by looking at the speedo or not far ahead enough.
I do it during practise, but not during a race. It helps me getting closer to the top times step by step and sometimes it's helpful for getting to know some certain breaking points.
Almost never. Rarely do real race cars have speedo's in them and everything is done by RPM & gear selection. When I'm driving a N-class car I tend to glance at it but when I'm in Gr.3 or Gr.4 I never do.

Lately I've been driving with as much of the HUD off as possible and only using the cars dashboard gauges for reference. I tend to be much faster when only relying on sound and feedback from my wheel than trying to look at gauges.
Same principle, it doesn't matter whether it's a sim or real life. You as a mod, should be supporting what I've illustrated and saying that's very insightful since nowhere across the internet is this clearly explained. It's clear to me many here are struggling and I'm trying to be helpful because they are practicing the wrong thing either by looking at the speedo or not far ahead enough.
The OP asked if you check your speedometer. You explained something else entirely, gave no answer to the question and are criticizing the mods while expecting a thank you? It's borderline spam.
When I'm evaluating how I'm executing a corner, yes I look at exit speed. Then I can judge if what I'm doing works or if I need to try a different approach. During a race, probably not much.
Sometimes I do. Sometimes I don't. Although that also depends on the complexity that I'm going through while behind the wheel during a race, of course.
You as a mod, should be supporting what I've illustrated and saying that's very insightful since nowhere across the internet is this clearly explained.
Well, if this isn't clearly explained anywhere else across the entire internet, then of course I fully support you in your endeavor, but it's probably not for a thread about whither you look at your speed while driving. It's not a "How far ahead should you look while driving?" thread.

It's clear to me many here are struggling and I'm trying to be helpful because they are practicing the wrong thing either by looking at the speedo or not far ahead enough.
No one is suggesting that people drive along fixated on their speedometer, but some are clearly able to have a quick glance while most don't bother.
I find speed to be one of many reference points to use when practicing. However, I try to hit my marks consistently enough that it becomes natural during the actual race. That said, I may still glance at my speed if I'm suddenly struggling in a section.
I never look at the speed but do stare at the lap time delta far too much. It's useful information but it's too easy to lose focus on the actual driving.

I do the same, in fact I may be .500 up on a lap but I often become so fixated on my delta time I often blow the lap. I have already covered up my delta time so I simply can't see it.:lol::lol:
The OP asked if you check your speedometer. You explained something else entirely, gave no answer to the question and are criticizing the mods while expecting a thank you? It's borderline spam.

I'm just being arbitrary since for me and for quite a few others who have had more success, would be unthinkable to check anything during cornering and I'm offering advice whilst on the subject as to what they should be attempting to some degree with the hope it sparks some interest since this thread will get many views.

I don't check anything during cornering because it always leads to an interruption in flow at best, or worse, half-spins, full spins or crashes.
I look at it all the time, when I'm studying my replays. Throttle and brake usage as well.

Rarely look at in corners. Sometimes if I'm trying to replicate the amount of grip an older racecar would have had back in the day, I will check the apex speed at Mulsanne Corner, for example. If the car is from the 1960s, and it does that corner at more than about 30mph, then I know the tires probably have too much grip.

There are some people out there that don't drive by feel at all, and know exactly what the cornering speed is for that line they are using. Some legendary (and notorious) time trial guys like holl01 were like this I think.
Really often. A lot of the times my brake/turn-in markers are my speed :lol:
I check it almost every corner in practice to see if I did the corner right. I still check it often in the race itself, but only when I have idle time (ie. I'm alone and no one's fighting me)
Never. In fact, my wheel obscures that part of the HUD anyway.

Between the gear/RPM and visual indicators on the track, I don’t see how looking down at the speed is anything but a risky proposition.
I look at the speedo if the car has a sweet spot for gearing up and I want to try and get it as close as possible, other than that... not much really :D
I have a glance at a few corners, one being on the Sardegna B layout. On that 90 degree RH that requires heavy braking I do not get any sense of speed for some reason, if Im not paying attention I often release the brakes too soon because even though it looks like you are slow enough for the corner its very easy to carry too much speed and drive into the gravel.
Me too. Second part of Spoon, approaching Casio to know where to brake and on the crest in Dragontail -Seaside to see how much I have bottled the esses up hill.
Nope, like somebody else said, too busy trying to keep on the road!
But, like someone else said, on a long straight I like to see what the car tops out at.

I don't judge by revs or gears either, just by how fast stuff is whizzing by..... which is why I remain a D driver. :cheers:
Almost never....... lol like has been said already only for gear changes if i am running right to the top of the rpm's. Also as a canadian i actually use kph so that on the rare ocasions that i do check it, it makes sense to me in a real world way. I just have never been able to quick convert mph to kph in my head, and i like the comparison of my real world experiance of driven my car up to 160+ so when i see 130 i know how fast that is, if i saw 60 or 70 something i would think i was going slow.... lol