Do you believe in the Zodiacs? And, what's your Zodiac?

United States
Orange County, NY
Title says most. Do you? I do, because most of the traits are like me, and my sisters are Capricorn and Taurus, who get along with Virgo, my sign. My best friend is also a Capricorn. FYI I don't look at the daily ones.

Here are the zodiacs, if you don't know yours.


Aries - March 21 - April 19

Taurus - April 20 - May 20

Gemini - May 21 - June 20

Cancer - June 21 - July 22

Leo - July 23 - August 22

Virgo (FTW!!!) - August 23 - September 22

Libra - September 23 - October 22

Scorpio - October 23 - November 21

Sagittarius - November 22 - December 21

Capricorn - December 22 - January 19

Aquarius - January 20 - February 18

Pisces - February 19 - March 20
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I'm Libra (But according to that page....It seems I'm Virgo now... :confused: ???)

Either way, it hasn't been that much of a deal for me...
I'm Aquarius but according to the link I'm a Capricorn? I understand that apparently the dates have shifted but according to and the traits listed for each Zodiac sign I have way more similar traits of a Aquarius than a Capricorn...

I don't pay attention to these things... But they are still fun to read just for the fun of it! :lol:
I'm Aquarius but according to the link I'm a Capricorn? I understand that apparently the dates have shifted but according to and the traits listed for each Zodiac sign I have way more similar traits of a Aquarius than a Capricorn...

I don't pay attention to these things... But they are still fun to read just for the fun of it! :lol:

+1 same here on everything said....
Uh-oh, I'm...


Not that astrology has any foundation in truth whatsoever.
No, I don't believe in the zodiacs. But just in case: I am a Libra. I like long walks on the beach. I love hiking. I have an extensive po.....................oh wait, this isn't
No I don't. Simply because I don't like the idea that the month I've been born affects my personality or way to act/thing in any form.
See I'm cancer, and I think I'd act the same way if was born in July or October.
Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!

Month, year, name. My life in a children's rhyme.
Uh, is it just me or does the graphic for Cancer in the OP look like a sperm disguising itself as a lamppost/streetlight?
Astrology is a big pile of nonsense and mumbo-jumbo.

So no I don't believe in it at all, claim anything in vague enough terms and people will see a link to themselves in it (and ignore the bits they don't see the link to).
Nope don't believe in astrology. However, I do believe in astonomy. :P

According to Dennish link, I changed sign. The OP's date seems to be correct.
Now I'm confused. :confused: <<<<< you see.

Oh, oh, I have to start changing my personality. I'm not what I always thought I was (according Dennish's link).
Uh, is it just me or does the graphic for Cancer in the OP look like a sperm disguising itself as a lamppost/streetlight?
It's just you, unless you mean the Leo one.

Let's break down what astrology is really saying to its core elements. Astrology is the belief that one star's position (that star being the Sun) relative to some imaginary patterns made up of other stars that may be physically separated by quadrillions of miles on the day of your birth assigns you a set of characteristics that form your personality in that instant over and above any genetic factors or upbringing you have and that the changing position of that star and other, occasionally arbitrary, astronomical bodies assign you a fate and future independent of your own choices.

Astrology says your character and destiny are nothing to do with anything but the lines you can make from this planet through some flying rocks to exploding balls of light elements that aren't even where you see them when you look at them because they're so far away.

I was born under the sign of Bollocks, with my Do Me A Lemon rising in the Wheelbarrow of Horsecrap.
And all dates are wrong

First thing I thought.

Those are from 5,000 years or so ago.

The Earth has moved in space in relation to Astrological signs.

Also the concept of precession to an astrologist is blasphemy.
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I did have a freakishly weird and accurate coincidence with a horoscope last year that actually left me a little rattled. That said, here's the thing about astrology, if you removed all the zodiac signs from their descriptions, jumbled them up, then handed them out to people, everybody would still find personal meaning in the mismatched descriptions.