Don't Ya Just Hate It When...

  • Thread starter WrxScooby
I can understand the hate for jaywalkers, but why pedestrians? In tight city streets of Portland and Seattle, being a pedestrian would be much more enjoyable than driving. And when there are many people on the streets, people aren't exactly speedwalking.

Like if I'm turning right and I need to wait for a pedestrian, and said pedestrian sees me waiting and doesn't really hurry up, thats why I don't like pedestrians. I always speed up when I'm on a cross walk. In general I dont like to keep people waiting.
Like if I'm turning right and I need to wait for a pedestrian, and said pedestrian sees me waiting and doesn't really hurry up, thats why I don't like pedestrians. I always speed up when I'm on a cross walk. In general I dont like to keep people waiting.
Here's a tip: In an area full of pedestrians, just walk instead of drive. It might save you a headache :)
Here's a tip: In an area full of pedestrians, just walk instead of drive. It might save you a headache :)

Yeah, most of the time for the big metropolitan areas like Chicago, NYC, etc this is true. You might as well walk with all the stopping and going you have to do.
Yeah, most of the time for the big metropolitan areas like Chicago, NYC, etc this is true. You might as well walk with all the stopping and going you have to do.
Driving in downtown Seattle is literally the worst, since it's just too crowded, so many traffic lights, and narrow streets. I only really drive in the suburbs and not downtown.
Texting while driving. Pointless and dangerous. Personal experience has me even more against it.

This morning, I was driving to work on a super narrow two-lane road. No space to move over on either side. So there's a light right corner that sits on a hill, and it's completely blind both ways. I'm approaching this turn when a older green Ford Expedition comes barreling over the hill at 60+ MPH, 75% in my lane. The driver was a teen on his phone texting something. I managed to dodge it at the last moment, but he was so close to hitting me that I almost scraped a mirror on his door panel. Also, earlier this week, an older gentleman was on his phone and trying to back out of a parking spot at my job. Three times he tried, three times he ran his car over the curb. He didn't put the phone down at all during this.

God, it makes me so mad. Like Jesus :censored:ing Christ, you're gonna kill someone. Put the freaking phone down and drive.
Texting while driving. Pointless and dangerous. Personal experience has me even more against it.

God, it makes me so mad. Like Jesus :censored:ing Christ, you're gonna kill someone. Put the freaking phone down and drive.[/spoiler]

Yes, teenagers who have their noses in their phones while driving annoys me deeply. And what's even more annoying is when I hear people saying that all those highway billboards saying how "texting while driving is dangerous" are stupid and pointless.
Yes, teenagers who have their noses in their phones while driving annoys me deeply. And what's even more annoying is when I hear people saying that all those highway billboards saying how "texting while driving is dangerous" are stupid and pointless.
It isn't just teens. I see a lot of 40-something people on their phones.
Yeah it ranges across all ages that I see it happening to.

A few years ago I started watching Snowcat on YouTube, and he's not afraid to call out bad drivers and just downright stupid ****. I can definitely say though, from watching him and in the "somewhat-of-a-process-of" getting a motorcycle has made me a better driver looking out for things the average joe-blow doesn't see or do.
Has the lack of patience gotten to the point where people cannot wait behind one single car? Feels like every day I drive, there's always someone with the need to overtake me when I'm the only car in front of them, just to get to a turn that's JUST AHEAD! I've even seen a semi truck driver do it.... If your turn is coming up, just wait! It's always the smallest possible gap they go for too.
Has the lack of patience gotten to the point where people cannot wait behind one single car? Feels like every day I drive, there's always someone with the need to overtake me when I'm the only car in front of them, just to get to a turn that's JUST AHEAD! I've even seen a semi truck driver do it.... If your turn is coming up, just wait! It's always the smallest possible gap they go for too.

I see this allllll the time. Its always really funny to see where they end up rushing to. Yesterday saw someone weaving through traffic to get to the gym........Almost followed them but figured they wouldn't understand anyway.
It isn't just teens. I see a lot of 40-something people on their phones.

Everyone's on their phones. It'd be nice we can defer spottings to police. The sheer amount of community surveillance could hopefully deter people from even thinking of trying it again. It would open a larger market for dash cams, and the police would be kept busy (possibly increasing a few more jobs for a department that deals with people submitting evidence).
Everyone's on their phones. It'd be nice we can defer spottings to police. The sheer amount of community surveillance could hopefully deter people from even thinking of trying it again. It would open a larger market for dash cams, and the police would be kept busy (possibly increasing a few more jobs for a department that deals with people submitting evidence).
I wish it wouldn't take having to submit evidence but many times if you see an officer near by, and tell them what you saw it'll warrant them to go look for them.
I wish it wouldn't take having to submit evidence but many times if you see an officer near by, and tell them what you saw it'll warrant them to go look for them.

See I considered that, but how valid would it be if I hated somebody's guts and simply told a lie to the officer to have that person investigated?

At least with photo evidence (with photo manipulation taken into account), I imagine you may filter out most false accusations. And to replay the situation, should I really hate somebody's guts and photoshop a bunch of photos that I caught this guy on his phone numerous times, that may still not be enough merit to look into someone. Perhaps if this individual has been seen by numerous people, only then would they be investigated.
^ Using your phone while driving to take a picture of someone using their phone while driving?

I once let a friend install a p.a. system on my car (easy install/removal, since we already had cb radios in our cars). While we were driving, he got on it to tell a woman to get off her phone while she was driving. She reported my license plate number to the police, who then called me to lecture me on impersonating a police officer.
It gets really annoying when you're trying to back out of a parking space and the coast is clear, only to have people come speeding through the parking lot and go around you while you're halfway out of the parking space. Had times where people kept driving around me while I was ALMOST out my parking space, stuck in the middle of the parking lot. No one would let me out.
Recently, someone pulled out onto the road I was driving on in such a stupid way. He/she was turn wide and seemed unstable. I then was driving up to speed as I noticed that my car wasn't quite at the speed limit and about to pass this guy. That was something I shouldn't have done, because the guy then decided to swerve into my lane without looking or using his signal. So, I had to slow down and barely avoided getting hit by this guy. I saw him/her continue ahead of me and the same bad driving patterns shown. It had to be the worst driver I witnessed on the road so far.
Boy do I have a story for in here which just shows that some people just really shouldn't have their license. I'm sure we've all had an experience with people like this.

I was running around with my mom and we were coming up a hill. Right at the top of it someone pulled out from another road and we almost T boned them. We couldn't slow down in time so we had to swerve around them, with no idea if anything was coming up the hill. When we did the other driver started screaming every possible obscenity at us but it gets worse. The main brake line, which was already in need of being replaced, on our van got blown out and we lost the brakes. Luckily we were able to stop and pull over at the top of the hill. Otherwise we most likely would've ended up going down the steep downgrade on the other side of the crest with no brakes whatsoever and ended up either inside a bar or through someone's yard and right into the side of their boat.

There's yet more to this: We called three 24 hour towing services but never got any answer so we had to have my uncle and cousin come pick us up and leave the van overnight, which was in a bad area. The next day we had a tow truck from one of the local shops follow us to where the van was and they towed it back to their shop to fix it. This was about two or three weeks ago, and the vans been fixed but today it was taken back down to get inspected.
Well, the other driver was clearly overreacting to what sounds like a blind spot for the both of you, but the brake failure was your own fault for knowing a critical part was bad and not getting it replaced sooner.

I've had a same infuriating thing happen to me a few times recently: people that are waiting on a side street to pull out onto the road you're on and go in the same direction as you. They could have easily timed the gap in front of you sooner, got up to speed at a normal rate, and all would have been gravy for both parties. But instead they wait until the last second, jump out in front of you, and take their sweet ass time getting up to the speed limit - if they even get up there at all.
Another story for this thread. Yesterday in the drive thru lane, some 🤬 in a diesel Ram was stopped right in the middle of the lane, but not in line, talking to a friend who was outside the truck. When we pulled up, he saw us and I know he did because I saw his head move toward the drivers side mirror and I saw him look right back at us. He does nothing. A moment or two later, he hasn't moved so we beep the horn. He flips us off and backs up until he's probably an inch away from hitting us, then pulls into one of the four parallel parking spots that were empty the entire time, but he pulls in at an angle to leave us just enough room to go past. We did make it past him and to the menu to order our food. And because of the way the entrance and exit of the place is set up, we had to drive back around the building and when we did, there's the truck guy talking to his friend and throws his drink from the cup at our car but completely misses and almost gets the guy behind us who was on a motorcycle. If he was in the exit lane rather than the drive thru lane he probably would've gotten the drink right in his face as he wasn't wearing a helmet.

And Cyborg, that's definitely true about the brake failure. And the real crazy thing? The last time we had the van in the shop before that, the guys there made note of it and told us, but not only did they not replace it but we also never bothered to get the van somewhere to have it done. Apparently it was in desperate need of repairs too. And what happens 8 months later? The brake line blows out. All because even though we had the money to get it fixed, we never did for whatever reason.
...throws his drink from the cup at our car but completely misses and almost gets the guy behind us who was on a motorcycle.

Funny how some people get mad at other people for pointing out their wrong doings, even when they know they're in the wrong.
Here's one, sometimes there will be some jerk that's tailgating me when I'm unable to move over. I.E. On a single lane road or there's someone right next to me on a multi-lane road.
Here's one, sometimes there will be some jerk that's tailgating me when I'm unable to move over. I.E. On a single lane road or there's someone right next to me on a multi-lane road.
Had one of those the other day. Made a status about it.
Here's one, sometimes there will be some jerk that's tailgating me when I'm unable to move over. I.E. On a single lane road or there's someone right next to me on a multi-lane road.

I've had something along those lines happen to me. Stuck behind someone going slow with someone next to me in the other lane. Had a pickup truck tailgating me and getting really pissed off, somehow thinking I was doing it on purpose.... To the point where he actually followed me to my home's street and then purposely try to run me off the road and into a ditch. (By crossing the double yellow and trying to swerve into me) Probably the main reason why I bought a dash cam.

Rather than double posting, I'll just make an edit.

I absolutely hate it when I'm in a traffic jam and let one person pull out of a side street, only to have the person behind them run the stop sign and cut in line.

Same goes for people who GIVE themselves the right of way, when they don't have it. Had a lady cut me off in a parking lot after running a stop sign. Waving as if I had purposely let her out....
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I hate when people cross the center line while I'm oncoming!!!!!!
There is absolutely NO excuse for crossing the center line with someone else oncoming...... EVER.

I live in a rural area where every road is a 2 lane road (or dirt road), and this happens to me almost daily. On Monday, on my way into work (10 mile drive), it happened to me THREE times! WTF people?!?!?!!? Once for a road biker, once for a pedestrian, and the last person just wasn't paying attention, probably texting.

Basic rules of the road:
If there is an obstruction on YOUR side of the road (road biker, pedestrian, tractor, whatever), it is YOUR responsibility to get around the obstruction safely. You do NOT have the right of way to cross the center line when traffic is oncoming!!!! (Duh)

Actually most of the times I see this, the person oncoming who is crossing the center line is negotiating a left-hand curve (left-hand drive cars here) and cutting the corner so they don't have to slow down for said curve.

Every time this happens to me I react, I slam on the brakes and swerve to the side of the road and out of there way. I drive smaller sized cars and I usually have my kids in the car, and the last thing I want is a head-on collision. Yeah, usually they are cutting the corner, but I don't know that, maybe they are drunk, maybe they are on drugs, maybe they are having a seizure, maybe they are texting, who knows? All I know is every time it happens it gives me a heart attack and it seems to be happening more and more. This BS makes me want to get a dash cam.
///Rant Over
Note: In NZ we drive on the left hand side of the road, not the right.

When people indicate to turn left off a main road, but instead of moving to the left side of the lane to get out of traffic's way before turning.. They sit far to the right side of the lane and slow down to a crawl before turning as if they can hardly make the turn. I mean, if they were driving a full truck and trailer unit, that's okay, you need that room to swing in. But I'm sure your Daihatsu Sirion isn't going to have trouble making the turn (and it's almost always small hatches that do it). It's not like there isn't an entire space dedicated for you to pull out of traffic's way before slowing down.

This other thing is more of an attitude/pet peeve sort of thing, not something that really angers me, but I don't like it. The "I must be faster than everyone else/be in front of you" attitude, because you can be right at the speed limit, but they still feel the need to go past you. It's not the being slowed down that bothers me, as I don't care for the rush of getting places as quickly as possible, it's just the ego attitude for the most miniscule of reasons.

Like what are you going to do with the 'achievement' of passing everyone on the road? Tell your wife/husband. "Hey, baby! I passed 42 vehicle on the way to and from work today! Am I awesome, or what!?" I mean yes, some people genuinely need to be somewhere, or are late. But most of the time, it just seems to be for self praise.
Long merge onto freeway traffic and the driver in front, is nowhere close to the speed limit.

The sign even reads "110kmh". Yet, here we are. Stuck behind the driver merging at 70kmh, gently accelerating and being the cause of at speed drivers having to use their brakes. Boggles my mind.
When people see that you're about to merge lanes, and accelerate to prevent you from merging. There's a road near my home where the left lane branches off to a junction and you have to merge lanes in order to go straight on if you're in the left lane. Since I drive the same way to work at (roughly) the same time every day, I have noticed one car that does it - he accelerates as soon as he sees someone merging, and sits alongside them to force them to slow down.

At least, I am assuming the driver is male. It's a big, black Mercedes that's so wide that it barely fits inside the lane. It's got dark tinted windows and lots of chome trim. It's a car for someone with no sense of taste, as if Mercedes are playing a joke on their customers. It's the kind of car that is held up as a status symbol by people who think that their status is worth more than the lives of the people they endanger with this reckless disregard for anyone else.
Has the lack of patience gotten to the point where people cannot wait behind one single car? Feels like every day I drive, there's always someone with the need to overtake me when I'm the only car in front of them, just to get to a turn that's JUST AHEAD! I've even seen a semi truck driver do it.... If your turn is coming up, just wait! It's always the smallest possible gap they go for too.

I had two of these in the past week. Short first, then long:

1. A Honda CR-V cut me off today in a two-lane make a right turn.

2. Around 10:45 the other night, I was coming down a side road, trying to get home in a reasonable time and maximize my MPG at the same time. The speed limit's 35, and I'm hovering around there. As I'm headed through a small light turn (which leads to a T-intersection as the main road), a dudebro in a Ram SRT-10 comes barreling around the turn at 70+. I tapped my brakes to get his attention and hopefully stop his wild run. Not only did he ignore me, he almost smashed my car (and possibly fatally injure me) then flew by me (double yellow) to take the turn up ahead. At this point, I've accelerated to 40 to try to get his plate, when I spot him getting ready to cut off a train of three cars in the oncoming lane to make his left. I immediately threw on my high beams to make the guy stop (to protect the train of cars) which worked...Too well. He slams his brakes and stops abruptly from 30 MPH (was already at the intersection), almost tipped the truck from the way he stopped (still in lane). I was able to stop in time. Dudebro peeled off as soon as the intersection cleared up. Rest of the drive was uneventful. But by God, some people.

And I know, I shouldn't have put on my high beams.