Dougboy's Pikchurs

  • Thread starter Dougboy
Your rig work looks to have improved vastly. I think you might need to play around with the white balance though, the image looks just a tad too cold.
Ok whatever, heres the rest. This shoot was not something i consider to be "good" mostly due to the weather and time constraints due to another situation that took place.



This one was just for ****z and giggles

I do appreciate your suggestion Syntax error. The "ok whatever" was not supposed to be directed at your comment with a negative connotation. If i were to rephrase it, i can say "ok here are the rest of the pics" :lol:

As for the WB, it looks ok to me. I did all the editing on a mac so i dont know if thats a factor. Also, my monitor isnt exactly professionally calibrated. :nervous:
haha okay. I probably got a little too defensive myself lol. Having a bad day at the office at the moment and I'm ready to tell a few of my work colleagues to go jump. I guess that's the funny thing about written word, it can make a huge difference on how you read it dependant on the mood you are in.
Uhhh winter doenst provide too much photo opportunities.

But i was bored and decided to snap a pic of a new pair of shoes i got yesterday


Mainly just messing around with the lighting. Subject wasnt too interesting
Wow, its been a long time since Ive visited the photo section of GTP. Might as well use the opportunity to revive my own thread.

Its been "relatively" warm over the weekend so i took the opportunity to venture outside of the house and did a few snaps for a friends car.

C&C welcomed and appreciated




Good to see you’re still taking photos Bubble. Nice set. The third one down is my pick of the bunch. 👍
Pretty decent stuff there guy. Look into picking out the easy distractions on the background with the ol' cloner. Mechanical Room and Do Not Block Doors are both easy targets to pick off. Other things like the little slit under the car in the profile shot and the gap you see through the front wheel well. I know it's the conditions out there, but the salty pavement, snow piles and seasonal fencing should be avoided, especially since you've got the keys for the thing. Overall though, good stuff. You're getting good at the lighting.
Thanks for the comments folks. Yea, the first two are a little "messy". I also like the 3rd one the best because that was the only location where i could find an outlet for my elinchrom strobes (note to self, bring LONG extension cord next time). Others, i had to use speedlightes for fill or make do with "natural" lighting.

Heres one more while we're at it


Another car that was there for the "meet". Surprisingly fast and agile for a..... civic


I thought the sign was a nice little touch due to the irony
I love the shots from your rig, they all look very professional and well produced! 👍 I really should get me one of those at some point!
Oh boy its been a while since ive posted in here. Been messing around quite a bit with photography lately because its a lot warmer.

Heres a sample.

Oh boy its been a while since ive posted in here. Been messing around quite a bit with photography lately because its a lot warmer.

Keep them coming in that case. Like the above shot. Very well executed and scenic to boot. 👍
They didn't have a problem with you taking in a big DSLR into a concert? Great shot though. Well framed and good colours 👍
White cars are hard to shoot. I think you managed quite well as it doesn't look like you lost too much detail on body. The location is pretty cool to. Stadium entrance I assume? I'd be tempted to try and hide a few speedlights around the place to lighten up the scenery a little more in areas for maximum dramatic effect.
Been a while since i updated this thread. Some recent shots





And just testing out the new lens with a snap of the girlfriend. Im liking the f/2.8 :)

Are you popping an off camera flash on the night shots? They need fill light badly. If you had a friend hold up a giant reflector opposite the light, they would be awesome.
Mate these are some awesome shots! I should really come round and visit more 👍

The pet turtle is win - I've always wanted one.

And the car shots are fabulous.

Quick quick question: How do you get access to all the cars? A localised Honda forum? Or do you put an ad in the paper, or what?
Fill light? In a strobist setup? Or are you refering to the last one of the black civic? I do admit I messed up as black is a pain in the butt to light up properly as I lack the expertise to do so.

Oh as for the cars, they are just friends as I do not shoot professionally. I know a few as I drive a "honda" myself
Fill light? In a strobist setup? Or are you refering to the last one of the black civic? I do admit I messed up as black is a pain in the butt to light up properly as I lack the expertise to do so.

Oh as for the cars, they are just friends as I do not shoot professionally. I know a few as I drive a "honda" myself

Yeah. How many flashes/strobes do you have? Cars are hard to light.
I have a pair of elinchrom strobes along with two speedlites. I use a combination of the two depending on location, time, etc.

Unfortunately, i did a shoot last night but both of the speedlites i brought ran out of batteries. Was forced to use ambient lighting. And the fact that it was -13 deg celsius did not help

Shame the equipment wasn't working cause this shot has a lot of potential but has a few things that let it down.

Goes to show how much difference a few strobes can make, This could have been a fantastic moody shot with a really dark but defined garage with the car popping out of the background brilliantly, however the lack of strobes makes it a bland image.

The other thing that really bothers me is that you had the aperture set to 2.8. I love made DOF but in a shot like this, the car should be sharp (or at least the entire front of the car should be. Maybe F3.5 or f.4 would have solved that.

Anyway, I know you can do some great work so I hope you get a chance to re-shoot the car in this location as it has almost all the right ingredients, the main ingredient is missing however which is some great controlled light.
Constructive criticism is much appreciated. I shot at f/2.8 as i also forgot my camera tripod and it was dark, and i didint want to boost up the ISO as my camera doesnt handle high ISO well.
Nice shot. Clean, sharp and well lit. Out of personal preference, I would probably crop the sides of the shot off a little, a few distracting elements on either side of the shot.