Drag Racing at SSRX (Read Carefully)

  • Thread starter Chopurtree
Trust isn't an issue here. Are you afraid that he could expose you? lol
Trust isn't an issue here. Are you afraid that he could expose you? lol

Trust is the issue here mate, only thing i'm afraid of is people like you thinking you're fast like you did, after the retro launch was revealed, getting your hands on my secrets. End of. Using fear is not going to do anything mate i'm not 12 so stop acting like you are.
So, back on topic, good video 👍 Let's not reply to the spark plug of this engine (engine=argument) (spark plug= yeah you know)
I' not avoiding giving it to you mate, i'm simply not giving it to you? What reason do I have to trust you? I don't know you. Even if I did know you, you still wouldn't get it because you're not part of my tuning group.

and heres where the hard part comes in. trust. now true there is no way for me to make you trust me, all i can do is be me genuinly and truthfully and try and help you. i want to try and pull you out of this hole, but but by not taking my help your making it seem more like your avoiding the fact i can prove you dont use this brake trick. but the only way to do that is to be completely honest. what do you have to lose, your tune, to who, me? and i will? do what? go play forza after showing that you are or are not a cheater and delete your tune. so really im just trying to help you, because im a kind giving person. this is the final time ill offer you help before i decide in my book, that you are hiding something.
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Trust is the issue here mate, only thing i'm afraid of is people like you thinking you're fast like you did, after the retro launch was revealed, getting your hands on my secrets. End of. Using fear is not going to do anything mate i'm not 12 so stop acting like you are.

You're the one acting 12 bro. Look at yourself.
I did get this to work on the R32 with a black screen launch. This does take a lot of time to do.. which could explain why he has so few cars posted?
Well Said KT. Very glad to have you back.

thank you, im glad to be back. i dont even need such a tune to be honest. the only reason i still play gt5 is my team. you guys keep me playing. i can give 2 about being fast anymore, my 5 minute tunes are plenty fast, i just like rolling with my team and helping others. i help people by my youtube channel.


really? can we see some pics? i want to see how big of a difference there was. also, was it hard to do?
thank you, im glad to be back. i dont even need such a tune to be honest. the only reason i still play gt5 is my team. you guys keep me playing. i can give 2 about being fast anymore, my 5 minute tunes are plenty fast, i just like rolling with my team and helping others. i help people by my youtube channel.


really? can we see some pics? i want to see how big of a difference there was. also, was it hard to do?

That's cool, well then I guess you have no reason to post in this thread anymore.

I did get this to work on the R32 with a black screen launch. This does take a lot of time to do.. which could explain why he has so few cars posted?

Are you implying I cheat to get my times?
That's cool, well then I guess you have no reason to post in this thread anymore.

Are you implying I cheat to get my times?

ok, well i cant say i didnt try to help prove your legit.

and yes, i feel he is. trybal if you could please share with me how your doing it so i can attempt it on the gtr 09 vspec
ok, well i cant say i didnt try to help prove your legit.

and yes, i feel he is. trybal if you could please share with me how your doing it so i can attempt it on the gtr 09 vspec

No problemo. I don't need you to prove i'm legit. I'm not in any hole, just because a certain group of people don't want to believe what they have seen, is not my problem. Maybe you should have seen the videos, you might have actually been truthful enough in your words of sincerety to admit like a few others that there is nothing abnormal about it, simply that my speeds are not being shown. What makes a car go faster....speed.

Either way, do not be accusing me of cheating anymore without solid undeniable proof that I am, nobody seems to have done that yet so please either prove it or move on. Thank you.
No problemo. I don't need you to prove i'm legit. I'm not in any hole, just because a certain group of people don't want to believe what they have seen, is not my problem. Maybe you should have seen the videos, you might have actually been truthful enough in your words of sincerety to admit like a few others that there is nothing abnormal about it, simply that my speeds are not being shown. What makes a car go faster....speed.

Either way, do not be accusing me of cheating anymore without solid undeniable proof that I am, nobody seems to have done that yet so please either prove it or move on. Thank you.

Buddy its gonna happen. I have it happen every few days at Indy.
Just finished breaking in my GTR Spec V 09 and threw a quick tune on it (and not a very good one so far :( but that's beside the point I think so don't make fun of my slow ass GTR :lol:)
I'm getting a 9.063 / 9.066 full throttle launch time @ 1.84G's using manual gears
0-60 in 1:836
0-100 in 3.870
Using this brake trick I can get a 9.053 / 9.056 @ 1.84G's still full throttle launched
0-60 in 1.825
0-100 in 3.861

And I didn't have to detune anything either both runs ran with the same tune.
So I can confirm with the OP that this trick is possible, on this car at least, I couldn't get it to work on the R34 the G's would always sky rocket.
Even if I hit the brakes a little too heavy and the brake bar registered and filled up with a little red the G's still stayed 1.84. Oddly it's alot harder to do this trick on this car without the brake bar filling slightly compared to how easy it was on the R34.

(Just if anyone wanted to know my timed launch manual run no tricks im at 9.030 so far.)
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Just finished breaking in my GTR Spec V 09 and threw a quick tune on it (and not a very good one so far :( but that's beside the point I think so don't make fun of my slow ass GTR :lol:)
I'm getting a 9.063 / 9.066 full throttle launch time @ 1.84G's using manual gears
0-60 in 1:836
0-100 in 3.870
Using this brake trick I can get a 9.053 / 9.056 @ 1.84G's still full throttle launched
0-60 in 1.825
0-100 in 3.861

And I didn't have to detune anything either both runs ran with the same tune.
So I can confirm with the OP that this trick is possible, on this car at least, I couldn't get it to work on the R34 the G's would always sky rocket.
Even if I hit the brakes a little too heavy and the brake bar registered and filled up with a little red the G's still stayed 1.84.

(Just if anyone wanted to know my timed launch manual run no tricks im at 9.030 so far.)

So you're doing it in auto? Still, it's not producing any times like the top here or mine.

If anyone could make a 9.022 in auto that would actually be something very impressive. Even with this trick that you are doing.
So you're doing it in auto? Still, it's not producing any times like the top here or mine.

Nope doing it in manual, but I just don't have a very good tune for this car... yet, I will continue to tune it now. All i've discovered so far is that it is possible to use this trick on this car to get a faster time without increased G's.
Why are you so focused on it producing a top time? He said it as a bad tune and was only testing the brakes. Point proven in my opinion.
Why are you so focused on it producing a top time? He said it as a bad tune and was only testing the brakes. Point proven in my opinion.

Also, I took my normal 9.692 R32 and just tapped the brakes as it launched. Every time was a different result depending on when I tapped them or help throttle. But twice I was able to get the G's the same and a faster time, black screen launch auto.
So you're doing it in auto? Still, it's not producing any times like the top here or mine.

If anyone could make a 9.022 in auto that would actually be something very impressive. Even with this trick that you are doing.

So when are you going to finally admit your so called methods have been exposed? Quit trying to drag it along and give up now. You lost. Period. Don't try and pull a fast one over it. You're not any better than anyone else here. We will find out. And we have. Boo hoo.
So when are you going to finally admit your so called methods have been exposed? Quit trying to drag it along and give up now. You lost. Period. Don't try and pull a fast one over it. You're not any better than anyone else here. We will find out. And we have. Boo hoo.

Not dragging nothing along mate, I provided my proof, you don't want to believe it, that's your problem and it doesn't bother me in the slightest so just go ahead and keep calling me whatever you want you're just being childish because you can't get my times and like everyone else here in this thread(not mad just can't replicate but slash, you mad bro) cannot match them with or without your stupid tricks. Funniest part is I along with a few others know that there is no trick mate, just better tuning than you can think of.

Nothing has been exposed because nothing can be exposed, you'll never see my tunes unless I want you to or I give them to someone who passes them onto you. That's the only way you will ever figure it out is my bet.

Also, I took my normal 9.692 R32 and just tapped the brakes as it launched. Every time was a different result depending on when I tapped them or help throttle. But twice I was able to get the G's the same and a faster time, black screen launch auto.

Video or it didn't happen, I've shown mine, now you show me yours:lol:.
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So you're doing it in auto? Still, it's not producing any times like the top here or mine.

If anyone could make a 9.022 in auto that would actually be something very impressive. Even with this trick that you are doing.

Look at my leaderboard gtr.

Your proof was invalid because you did not do what was asked. Do you how to follow simple instructions? Ok, sure you posted those videos, but yet you still used hidden methods in which we've uncovered. Give up, you are finished. You lost, you have nothing else going for you at this point. Don't even try to deny it. You know you are in the wrong and now you are using every excuse you can possibly even think of to cover your ass. I love people like you because you always continue on after you are exposed. So just stop already. Good lord.

I'm being childish right? I'm really 🤬 being childish? Look you continue after we've been done with you for a while now yet you wish to continue because your failed attempt at trolling us gives you satisfaction like its making up for your lack of an attempt to fool a lot of people. Your lack of skill in the subject area just keeps on making you look more like a fool with every single post you make, and personally I find it absolutely 🤬 halarious.
Your proof was invalid because you did not do what was asked. Do you how to follow simple instructions? Ok, sure you posted those videos, but yet you still used hidden methods in which we've uncovered. Give up, you are finished. You lost, you have nothing else going for you at this point. Don't even try to deny it. You know you are in the wrong and now you are using every excuse you can possibly even think of to cover your ass. I love people like you because you always continue on after you are exposed. So just stop already. Good lord.

I'm being childish right? I'm really 🤬 being childish? Look you continue after we've been done with you for a while now yet you wish to continue because your failed attempt at trolling us gives you satisfaction like its making up for your lack of an attempt to fool a lot of people. Your lack of skill in the subject area just keeps on making you look more like a fool with every single post you make, and personally I find it absolutely 🤬 halarious.

excuese me while i go change after laughing so hard.
And frankly I don't respect a person that claims to be so fast who can't even try and race certain people who call them out online...
So you're doing it in auto? Still, it's not producing any times like the top here or mine.

If anyone could make a 9.022 in auto that would actually be something very impressive. Even with this trick that you are doing.

Are GT-R 09's capable of that time in Auto? Genuine question as I don't know GTR's aint my thing.

One other thing i've learned is that trying to do this trick with a timed launch (which I asume is absolutly necessary to get a 9.022 time or lower) is WAY harder and G's increase everytime so far for me. Where as doing it with a fully throttle launch is incredible easy.
But that doesn't mean it can't be done with a limed launch, just that I havn't been able to do it yet.

So is anyone else thats trying to understand this trick been able to do it with a timed launch without an increase in the G's?

Full throttle launch using this trick = easy to hide G's.
Timed launch using this trick = ??? I can't do it yet
My cars are fast, my tuning makes them fast, therefore makes my times fast, therefore makes me fast. Has nothing to do with online or blah blah blah cry about not racing online sook stories non stop that you keep bringing up. If you can't bring nothing to the table in this thread why bother? I am heavily involved in this thread since it's clear what it is aimed at doing, but it isn't going to happen. If it does happen, the legitimacy of all leaderboards would be thrown out the window because people could hide everything couldn't they? What's so hard to understand about that logic.
My cars are fast, my tuning makes them fast, therefore makes my times fast, therefore makes me fast. Has nothing to do with online or blah blah blah cry about not racing online sook stories non stop that you keep bringing up. If you can't bring nothing to the table in this thread why bother? I am heavily involved in this thread since it's clear what it is aimed at doing, but it isn't going to happen. If it does happen, the legitimacy of all leaderboards would be thrown out the window because people could hide everything couldn't they? What's so hard to understand about that logic.

My cars are fast, my tuning makes them fast, therefore makes my times fast, therefore makes me fast. Has nothing to do with online or blah blah blah cry about not racing online sook stories non stop that you keep bringing up. If you can't bring nothing to the table in this thread why bother? I am heavily involved in this thread since it's clear what it is aimed at doing, but it isn't going to happen. If it does happen, the legitimacy of all leaderboards would be thrown out the window because people could hide everything couldn't they? What's so hard to understand about that logic.

funny coming from a no sho :sly: you told DLR you would run him in 30mins and never showed up 🤬

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