Drifting in TT

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Those low-to-the-ground "drifts" arent drifts. You just skid over the track, you need to be upright to make it look more like a drift IMO.
An R1 on high speed ring gets some insane wheelspin coming out of a few corners. You can keep the wheelspin going the entire exit if you want.. just dont let the bike go sideways.
I've drifted in TT, but i don't have the pics to prove it.
I'll make a vid after my exams.
It isn't as spectacular as most of this pics in this thread, but i don't fall off
I can regain control after the "drifts", no they dont make you go round the track faster, no bikes arn't meant to do it, but hey it makes good photos

Didn't bin any of them, the Duke one was rather dodgy though, ended up in a tank slapper but i just left the bike to sort itself out and it did.
a easy way to drift is to break only with the rear brake while turning in a corner! then when you starting to slide, full trottle :)
I know you aint supposed to drift but it looks great in photomode ;)
Personally, I like pushing the limits of the physics engines in racing games. Sure, they're racing games, but just doing what you're supposed to do in a game is boring sometimes. You gotta hang it out there and see what else it can do.

Here's a clip I just finished...


Drifting is addictive, but frustrating. I highside probably 7 out of 10 times I try it.
Awesome pictures guys.
Heres my drifting pic
lol, this happened today when i accidently drifted :)

and i didn't even fall off:)
I haven't tried to drift in TT yet, but all yall are doing is what they've been doing on Harley sportsters on dirt tracks for years, and that's all they do. A half mile oval and every corner is drifting that would make these little drifts look like mere mistakes compared to flat track racing.
And whaddafuxup with motard riding style, it'd be great if the rider actually used that foot through my experiences all it is, is just for looks, if the bike starts to fall over, the rider is supposed to use that foot to support the bike, (I'm talking about at low speed not at high speed) and while I'm on the subject of retarded riders, have you guys noticed this: the rider only puts his foot down at 1mph, and if you try to turn around at between 1 and 25mph you'll fall because the rider leans the bike at 1mph. this is a great game, at speed, but at low speed they needed to design it to where there is a transition between steering the bike and leaning the bike. And if your gonna lean a bike at low speed what idiot just lets a bike fall and not even attempt to support it, PD, you really didn't think that one through. also how come on a XR250R dirt bike you can't do a wheelie without doing the wheelie-stoppie-wheelie trick then good luck getting out of second gear, I know from experience that that bike will do a wheelie easily, in 3rd gear or higher.
sorry I got off topic but that's just annoying
Big enough pics Hornet Burnout, lol.

Got a few pics myself (click for clearer image). I held both of these slides, although both came about by accident.

I found the street Aprilia Factory Version very slippy around SS Route 5. Some worn tyres would probably help too.
Thanks, and sorry all you non-broadband users. I meant to thumbnail-it but... :dunce: Guess I'm out of practice!

Still, great shots and I didn't fall (the last one ended rubing the tires, and that saved the stunt). I'll try to record a decent replay and share it as a video asap.

XJR1300 and CB1400 (although being heavy) are my favorites for this kind of stunt. Racing RR's are to "snappy" under power.
The only time I've done any decent drifts in tt was when I wasn't trying.

Why not try something else to push the physics engine to the limit, like wheelies or stoppies?

Here is a vid of some of my stuff.

I'm not a fan of wheelies or stoppies but man, I have to give your work some credit!

The 180 stoppie and the 360 wheelie rock!

Never been quite able to do a full 180 stoppie. Do you have a sugestion or is it just practice and a bit of luck? :)

(sorry if we are going off topic)