EA Sports WRC: Moments discussion

  • Thread starter sirjim73
I thought this probably deserves it's own thread as there seems to be a lot of discussion for the Moments specifically.

Anyway, my OCD was not happy about the Asphalt King event on the left of the list replacing the Home Hero event and having no medal on it, so I tried to tackle it.

First stage I finished 28th. Second stage I rage quit after going off at the stupid right turn with tiny fence 3 inches off the ground for the FOURTH time. Will try again to get to the end when in a better frame of mind... I hope all the Moments aren't like this one.
Nice to see some steering damage in today's Elfyn Evans: Knocked Out Of Alignment run. Only @PJTierney knows for sure but so far they've only been adding the occasional toughie into the mix. A real challenge would be to try beating some of the times posted on the leaderboard by the likes of @MagpieRacer but that's a mission I'm happy to refuse.
The layout is mighty confusing. I finally managed to get to the end of the Escort event, finished 20th. Hated it tbh as had absolutely no clue as to what the car would be doing at any moment.
Then I couldn't find it in the list - it's now way over to the right half way across...

Ran the next on the left No Grip with the Fabia. Actually could drive the car and finished 3rd but failed damage requirement so no medal. So basically I now know to quit as soon as damage message comes up.

I struggle with one objective let alone having to complete two...

EDIT: Having switched the brightness up to 30 and also realising that the motion blur option had decided to reset to "on" at some point, and then switching it to off, I retried the No Grip event. Slower this time around so I only finished 7th, but I managed to avoid the tree I hit last time ! :lol: so damage was kept below 25%, which meant a Bronze medal woohoo...

I now have 3 medals in Moments...
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Theres a nice A110 Alpine one set on Monte in game right now. A110 Doesn't have an adjustable diff so its a bit dodgy on the first icy bit for us Controller users but the other 3/4 of the stage it handles great.
I had to restart that stage a couple or three times as there was a fence after a long straight that I repeatedly forgot to slow down for and kept banging into.
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The list of moments is already getting irritatingly long to scroll through to get to the new ones. Another month or so and it'll be unbearable.

They need a better default UI layout for Moments. Yes, I could filter, but if I'm having to do it every time then that should be the default.
The list of moments is already getting irritatingly long to scroll through to get to the new ones. Another month or so and it'll be unbearable.

They need a better default UI layout for Moments. Yes, I could filter, but if I'm having to do it every time then that should be the default.
An easy tweak would be for them to add new moments to the left of the list instead of the right. A momentary lapse of reason?

Hopefully when a season concludes they'll move a bunch of them into the archive or the scroll will get even harder.
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An easy tweak would be to add new moments to the left of the list instead of the right. A momentary lapse of reason?

Hopefully when a season concludes they'll move a bunch of them into the archive or the scroll will get even harder.

Yeah I think PJ said they’ll go into an archive folder. I agree though, new ones being first on the list would make life that little bit easier.
The seasons should be displayed in a grid format rather than one long row. Also, when they get archived I hope they go with separate season folders, otherwise the list will be huge once we're a few seasons in.
The seasons should be displayed in a grid format rather than one long row. Also, when they get archived I hope they go with separate season folders, otherwise the list will be huge once we're a few seasons in.
This is why I've done my best to gold each moment as soon as it comes out.

Apart from that Abarth one at Sardinia. That one can go **** itself. :mad::lol:
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Just noticed that due to a dearth of rallying skillz I was unable to channel Kalle Rovanperä sufficiently to be able to get a gold winning score in his Moment either but at least this one seems within reach with enough luck and practice.
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Just noticed that due to a dearth of rallying skillz I was unable to channel Kalle Rovanperä sufficiently to be able to get a gold winning score in his Moment either but at least this one seems within reach with enough luck and practice.
Is that the 19km japanese one?
The 19km stage in Japan with the Toyota is truly something. You feel like searching 'tofu' 🤟

Yeah both been great yesterday and today, Lappi in Japan today. Wonder if they’ll chuck a bit of snow in to a Japan moment tomorrow 😁.
This must be the fourth Japan rain stage in a row. Haven't we suffered enough? :(
Makes sense as it’s the most recent WRC event. I imagine we’ll get quite a few like this as 2024 gets underway. The 208 was a blast though.
Makes sense as it’s the most recent WRC event. I imagine we’ll get quite a few like this as 2024 gets underway. The 208 was a blast though.
The small cars really are fun in this game, the jwrc fiesta is one of my favourite cars to drive which surprises me as with dr2 I only enjoyed the older mainly rwd cars.

I’ve a feeling that Jon Armstrong put a lot of time and influence into how his car and the rally 2 cars feel in game and also the fwd cars.
Today's RS200 event was a bit of a struggle for me. The weight of the mandatory spare tyre in the back kept swinging me into rocks and trees making every turn an adventure on default tuning settings.
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Today's RS200 event was a bit of a struggle for me. The weight of the mandatory spare tyre in the back kept swinging me into rocks and trees making every turn an adventure on default tuning settings.
Drop the rear spring and roll bar back one click, turns it into the best handling of the group b cars.
Drop the rear spring and roll bar back one click, turns it into the best handling of the group b cars.
Thanks, that helped a lot although I'd already golded the event by then.

One of the moments which was paywalled for EA Play yesterday was unlocked for us plebs this morning. 😃

It's Katsuta-san's recovery stage in ****ing Kenya though. 😩

Luckily Wololo Wileli is a nice short stage where the only hazard is the multitude of sharp turns. Stay far enough ahead of the pack and you should have this in the bag. :)

The Loubet Finland stage in a battered car though... oi oi oi. I had to cut more corners than Microsoft's QA department just to scrape a third place and gold. :scared:
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Today's RS200 event was a bit of a struggle for me. The weight of the mandatory spare tyre in the back kept swinging me into rocks and trees making every turn an adventure on default tuning settings.
That's some top level Racing Driver excuses :lol: I'll have to remember that one for the next time I bury myself into a tree... 😉
That's some top level Racing Driver excuses :lol: I'll have to remember that one for the next time I bury myself into a tree... 😉
Horrible handling really shouldn't be a thing with this car though. It was nowhere near as fiddly to drive in DiRT Rally 2.0. The default tune seemed off.
Horrible handling really shouldn't be a thing with this car though. It was nowhere near as fiddly to drive in DiRT Rally 2.0. The default tune seemed off.
I know what you mean, I was just teasing😉 I found all the other 4WD Gr.B cars fairly easy to drive. A lot more forgiving than DiRT Rally 2 anyway as an overall class. I would agree the RS200 is the worst of the bunch in WRC though.
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I agree but when you apply @FrankieStail's suggestion and drop the rear spring and roll bar back one click each, it's ace.
Ill give it a go👍 I have all my setups and adjustments pretty much sorted for each class. FWDs lower braking power and less front bias. Lower Diff settings (especially accel and lock) for most RWD. Lower rear Diff braking on the Rally 1's and so on an so forth.

I will try the RS200 again I still havent tried that moment with it so will be a good chance to test it out.