Error after patch 2.04

  • Thread starter Hammrshell
United States
Right after I installed the new patch I get the error "Insufficient free space on Hard Disk Drive (HDD). At least 32MB required. Please exit the game and free up some space. 0x00000000 [272]"."

Has anyone else encountered this or know what is going on? I have 50+ gigs free on the hard drive.
I think a old game has a similar issue. Might have been Ratchet & Clank. I think they suggested going and downloading or deleting a demo of anything around a half a gig and seeing if it helps.
I have read that a few other people have had this issue.

I deleted the game data NOT the game save.

14 patches and 45 minutes later the game finally loaded and immediately prompted me to install the game data.

Loaded fine.
Took me 3-4 hours to download patch data after my ps3 lost everything on it.. Including my precious game save:( but that was like 3 months ago now..:)
I totally get why people are negative about the ps3. Not having the updates bundled is BS. Individual downloading and individual installs is terrible...