F1 Caption Game - Archive ThreadFormula 1 

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Christian Horner shows off his finely tuned ability to deal with "seconds".

As Prince Harry distracts Christian Horner with inane questions, Jackie Stewart has a quick look around for the hidden drinks locker.

Sadly, he finds nothing but Red Bull and tonic.

Christian Horner: "And if this part fails you'll have a nazi crash, sorry nasty crash, you'll have a nasty crash"​

Final Entry
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Horner: Vettel has actually named this car "Prince Harry".
Harry: Oh wow, he's named his car after me?
Horner: Erm, not quite... This is Webber's car. He says its named after you because it is second in the pecking order!

With reports of Mark Webber's contract ending in 2011, speculation swirls around a 'mystery' pay driver ....in tartan trousers.

Honer: Well, as you can see, ahh.. Hey, could you please pay attention and stop starring down the grid girls for just one moment. Goodness!!

Harry: Errrr, how am I not paying attention!?

Horner: Not you, Jackie.​
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Horner: Just keep looking this way. When Flo gets here it's going to kick off, big time.

Minutes later:

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Horner: I'm sure that when you join the F1 Military Academy it will be of some use to you.

Horner: This is the RB7 Missile - A high speed weapon that the German Vettel Army will use to take over the world. We have conducted prototype tests on an Australian guinea pig - codename M.A.R.K.
Horner: This car is so good even those idiots from the royal family could drive it. Who are you again, boy?

Red Bull hair gives you wings!​
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Horner "I'm sure your highness doesn't have time for a full technical run down"
HRH: "No no do carry on. I'm all ears"​

CH: Well then, lets see if you have more luck inside Kinky Kylie than you did in Chelsy Davy...

Jackie Stewart: [sulking] ...I thought they said Harry Potter was visiting...hummph.

"So Harry, how was Pippa? I bet you got her just like this".
Final Entry

Prince Harry: "Who is that crazy, raving Scotsman? I thought you said he had left your team to become a commentator."
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Apologies for not voting last round, I was on holiday. For what its worth, LewyOs would have got a couple of my votes anyway :D

I seem to have captions coming out of my ears this time around...


1) Using the Royal visit to his advantage, Sir Jackie remains as casual as possible whilst he nicks as many cable ties and rolls of gaffer tape as he can cram into his tartan pockets.

2) Final Entry Bored by Christian's chat, the hungry Prince eyes up a tasty-looking swan burger.

3) Sir Jackie: "What?! The Red Bull buffet doesn't have any Irn Bru? Screw this, I'm away!"

4) EDIT: Deleted for being basically the same as Famine's (by complete coincidence!)​
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I hear, a witch...

Final Entry *sputters*

Harry: Christian, I'd hate to inform you of this, but there has been a major disaster involving your team.
Christian: Wha..wha..WHAT!!! You mean to say that Mark's gone and disobeyed his very strict team orders and taken Sebastian out of the race! That's it, he's fired...
Harry: Erm, no; someone's stolen all of the scotch whisky from the bar.
*Sir Jackie sneaks away*
Prince Harry: "Ok it's a very nice car Christian, but I could have sworn you just said Kate's dirty sister was going to be here.."
Christian Horner: "Well that's what I've been showing you"
Prince Harry: "Seriously? You named a car after Pippa? Thanks a lot Horner, Jackie was just about to introduce me to Jessica Michibata"​

Final Entry
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CH: With just a bit more research red bull will take over the world oh 🤬 it's an army man.
Prince Harry: "Ok it's a very nice car Christian, but I could have sworn you just said Kate's dirty sister was going to be here.."
Christian Horner: "Well that's what I've been showing you"
Prince Harry: "Seriously? You named a car after Pippa? Thanks a lot Horner, Jackie was just about to introduce me to Jessica Michibata"​

Harry: I've heard that Seb likes to name his cars, what's this one called?
Christian: I dunno, do you Jackie?
Jackie: *Awkward disguising cough* Perfect Pippa

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