F1CE: Steering Wheel Experiences

  • Thread starter Lofasz


I bought the DFGT for GT5:P, and am very happy with that combo (it was designed primarily for it after all). However, the wheel is sloppy and difficult to use for F1CE. Its quite difficult to drive in a straight line, due to all the slop on center. I realize that the DFGT isn't one of the wheels you can choose from in the options menu. I know the DFGT is a great wheel, when paired with suitable software. It would be great if I could get the steering feel I get when driving the Ferrari F2007 in GT5P, in F1CE, but I know that isn't going to happen.

My question is, would it be worth it for me to buy one of the wheels that F1CE already has in its control options menu? i.e. Driving Force Pro or Driving Force EX? Would either of these wheels provide better on center sensitivity for this game? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Like you I too use the DFGT wheel with F1CE, & have found it to be a bit sloppy at times. I have a friend thatuses a G25 for F1CE & he says it works BETTER on F1CE than GT5P I myself have not tried another wheel but hope someone has a solution for us.
I have the DFGT and use it with F1CE. This wheel is fantastic with the game, I am not sure what you mean by sloppy but I can drive in a straight line with no problems.

Only qualm I have with the wheel is that it is slightly too big and doesn't lock at 90/180 Degrees.

I used to have a Driving Force EX, and this wheel was very poor with F1CE. I also used to have a Driving Force Pro and imo is a very good wheel to use with F1CE. The FF is strong and it would lock at 90/180 Degrees and is a 10" wheel. However it is more sensitive than the DFGT. If you are having problems driving in a straight line with the DFGT you are going to have even more problems with the DFP.
I just ordered a New (never opened), Driving Force Pro off of Ebay, for $75.00, free shipping. I hope this will make F1CE more enjoyable. When I first got F1CE, I was still using the gamepad controller for all my racing games. I had a lot of fun playing F1CE with the sixaxis. Once I finally got my Driving Force GT for GT5P, it seemed there was no going back. The wheel took some getting used to, but now I can't seem to enjoy any racing game with the gamepad anymore. I tried playing F1CE with it the other night, and just got frustrated. Then I tried playing it with my DFGT, and got even more frustrated. For my setup anyway, the on center precision of the DFGT in F1CE is unacceptable. Maybe I've been spoiled by the on center precision of the DFGT driving the F2007 in Prologue. Hopefully, the DFP will work better in F1CE, as it is one of the controller options programmed into the game.

Fingers Crossed!
I'm not sure what your problem is with the DFGT wheel. I use the G25 for F1CE, & I think it's great. The F2007 in GT5P feels weird in comparison, but of course, I have no idea what it feels like to drive a F1 car IRL.
Well, time will tell wheter it makes a difference. The DFGT isn't one of the control options included in F1CE. The DFP and your G25 are however.
I've noticed the amount of toe you have in front wheels can make car very jumpy on straights,do you have that same problem in online play?
Well, I feel kinda silly, but I know why I made the mistake. The problem with the DFGT is that I turned off the force feedback. I did this when I first got the wheel, because of how violently it would kick around, and I was worried about damaging the wheel. I'm still concerned, but one more week before my DFP arrives in the mail, won't hurt it. I'm still concerned about the almost grinding sound, when going down straights. Doesn't sound good for it. At least with GT5P, you can adjust the level of feedback (I've set mine to level 3).

So, in conclusion, the DFGT works fine for F1CE, though I'm still looking forward to trying it with the DFP. I think the wheel diameter may be a bit smaller (not sure though), but I'm interested to see if the 200 degree limit mode will improve my driving. The added bonus is that I'll be able to plug it into my ol' PS2, and take some laps around the 'ring. I've never done it with a wheel before, and expect it to be quite fun. Now if only I could do the same in GT5P:cool:
Did anyone here go from well into sixaxis to wheel? How did you do? To me it seems hard to be able to match the times I do with standard controller with a wheel. I tried that for F1 2006. One of the issues I had was response time with braking and accelerating - big movements with my feet and very small movements with my thumb...
Well, I feel kinda silly, but I know why I made the mistake. The problem with the DFGT is that I turned off the force feedback. I did this when I first got the wheel, because of how violently it would kick around, and I was worried about damaging the wheel. I'm still concerned, but one more week before my DFP arrives in the mail, won't hurt it. I'm still concerned about the almost grinding sound, when going down straights. Doesn't sound good for it. At least with GT5P, you can adjust the level of feedback (I've set mine to level 3).

So, in conclusion, the DFGT works fine for F1CE, though I'm still looking forward to trying it with the DFP. I think the wheel diameter may be a bit smaller (not sure though), but I'm interested to see if the 200 degree limit mode will improve my driving. The added bonus is that I'll be able to plug it into my ol' PS2, and take some laps around the 'ring. I've never done it with a wheel before, and expect it to be quite fun. Now if only I could do the same in GT5P:cool:

Did anyone here go from well into sixaxis to wheel? How did you do? To me it seems hard to be able to match the times I do with standard controller with a wheel. I tried that for F1 2006. One of the issues I had was response time with braking and accelerating - big movements with my feet and very small movements with my thumb...

I used to use a controller and for me the controller was faster. However driving with the wheel is ten fold more enjoyable 👍

I actually have a G25 now and find it very similar to the DFGT in terms of how the wheel feels with F1CE. I also used to have a DFP and imo that is the best wheel for F1CE, purely for the fact that it locks at 180 Degrees. If it was not for that reason then the G25 or DFGT all the way. Another big bonus with the DFP is that it is 10" and feels like a proper F1 wheel, not that I have driven an F1 car before :crazy:

Oh and the FF on the DFP is much more stronger than the G25 & DFGT :grumpy:

If I could pick up a cheap DFP I would do so.
I used to use a controller and for me the controller was faster. However driving with the wheel is ten fold more enjoyable 👍

I actually have a G25 now and find it very similar to the DFGT in terms of how the wheel feels with F1CE. I also used to have a DFP and imo that is the best wheel for F1CE, purely for the fact that it locks at 180 Degrees. If it was not for that reason then the G25 or DFGT all the way. Another big bonus with the DFP is that it is 10" and feels like a proper F1 wheel, not that I have driven an F1 car before :crazy:

Oh and the FF on the DFP is much more stronger than the G25 & DFGT :grumpy:

If I could pick up a cheap DFP I would do so.

Ditto here was much faster with sixaxis but games are much more fun with wheel & with lots of practice you can be just as quick, think some games smooth a lot of input for you with controller.
My impression is that GT5P has more detailed & complex physics modelling than F1:CE - the physics in F1:CE are simpler - there are less subtleties in throttle, braking & steering inputs. The wheel is better able to communicate subtle inputs than a controller, so for GT5P, particularly with FR or MR cars, the wheel is, potentially faster. On the other hand, with the simpler "on-off" physics of F1:CE it may be easier to be faster with a controller.

Incidentally, I'm not saying that F1:CE is easier than GT5P because the physics are "simpler", but I think the difficulty of F1:CE (as IRL F1 racing) comes more from the extreme speed & precise reactions required (& the ever-present possibility of "terminal damage"), than from the complexity of the physics.

Personally, I only use a wheel (G25). I also only drive in cockpit view for the "realism" it offers, even though I'm pretty sure it's easier to drive faster using the T cam view.

Did anyone here go from well into sixaxis to wheel? How did you do? To me it seems hard to be able to match the times I do with standard controller with a wheel. I tried that for F1 2006. One of the issues I had was response time with braking and accelerating - big movements with my feet and very small movements with my thumb...

I used the sixaxis for F1CE for many months. However, my throttle/brake thumb got real sore. That was what initially motivated me to buy the DFGT. Its kinda weird, because I never used to have the sore thumb problem, when I would play GT4, for hours on end. Even when lapping the 'ring with the F1 car (best lap = 5.12 :sly:). Maybe it has something to do with the differences between the PS2/PS3 controllers, as the PS2 joysticks have more resistance as I recall. Probably a combination of that and the difference in the games themselves.

As far as lap times are concerned, I'm consistently getting faster lap times with the wheel. Even though GT5P uses a more advanced physics engine, F1CE still rewards smooth driving. I just can't be as smooth with the sixaxis joystick. As far as throttle and braking is concerned, I'm quicker using the pedals w/ both feet, than I am with the right joystick on the sixaxis.
Well, I just hooked up my new DFP wheel, and drove a quick lap around Interlagos. Problem solved. :)

The force feedback isn't violent like with my DFGT. No rattles. My DFGT makes sooo much more noice when playing F1CE. The DFP is the better of the two for F1CE, no doubt about it.

Though I do find it curious that no one else complained of the violent force feedback, like I experienced with my DFGT.
Well, I just hooked up my new DFP wheel, and drove a quick lap around Interlagos. Problem solved.

The force feedback isn't violent like with my DFGT. No rattles. My DFGT makes sooo much more noice when playing F1CE. The DFP is the better of the two for F1CE, no doubt about it.

Though I do find it curious that no one else complained of the violent force feedback, like I experienced with my DFGT.

By "violent force feedback" I'm guessing you mean the rattling of the wheel that simulates driving (very fast) over a bumpy surface in a car with stiff suspension. That's precisely what makes the FFB in F1:CE so good! :confused: (Yes, it is noisy.)
By "violent force feedback" I'm guessing you mean the rattling of the wheel that simulates driving (very fast) over a bumpy surface in a car with stiff suspension. That's precisely what makes the FFB in F1:CE so good! :confused: (Yes, it is noisy.)

Except that the force feedback was created for the DFP, not the DFGT. While similar in many ways, the two wheels are definately different. I don't get any of the noice and rattling out of the DFP.

Don't get me wrong, I like force feedback. I love force feedback. But only so long as it is working properly. IMO, it does not work properly on the DFGT, in F1CE. The violent rattling is not realistic, its just crap. Also, I suspect that using the DFGT in F1CE will lead to premature wear.

If you own a DFGT, my advice is to save it for when GT5 finally comes out, or if they add a new track to prologue before then. Its made for that game, and works beautifully with it. It would be a shame to have a worn out DFGT, before the full game it was designed for has even come out.
Except that the force feedback was created for the DFP, not the DFGT. While similar in many ways, the two wheels are definately different. I don't get any of the noice and rattling out of the DFP.

Don't get me wrong, I like force feedback. I love force feedback. But only so long as it is working properly. IMO, it does not work properly on the DFGT, in F1CE. The violent rattling is not realistic, its just crap. Also, I suspect that using the DFGT in F1CE will lead to premature wear.

If you own a DFGT, my advice is to save it for when GT5 finally comes out, or if they add a new track to prologue before then. Its made for that game, and works beautifully with it. It would be a shame to have a worn out DFGT, before the full game it was designed for has even come out.

I don't know about the DFGT but my G25 rattles like hell with F1:CE, but it's still going strong after a year. 👍
I might add that the wheel I was using for F1 2006 was the williams joytech f1 racing wheel. But that is only for PS2. I have a cable that is supposed to go between the PS2 and PS3 to be able to use that wheel for F1CE but I haven't tried it out in practice. Anyway, I though maybe that wheel was not so great (the only one I ever tried) because I sucked bigtime using it compared to the sixaxis but the ign review gave it 9/10! It should be ideal wheel for F1 but the funny thing is I've used the wheel with more success and comfort in the rally game I have for PS2.
Well the Driving Force GT was on sale at best buy for 99 bucks, so I just ordered it. I'll report back with feedback. I figure I'll def. want it when the real GT5 comes out. Hopefully it works alright in F1:CE and from what I've read here it should be cool.
The last 2 posts has me wondering if any of the F1 teams will offer a modded DFGT of their own sometime soon for the purpose of F1/Open wheeled simracing.
That would be cool. I tried the DFGT with GT5P last night and it was amazing. I did some seat time in the F2007, but I need a better table setup to use 2 feet and a better angle for the wheel for real F1 driving, my lap times at Fuji were about 1.5 seconds slower with the wheel. Going to go this weekend and try to find a proper table and if not, it looks like I'll be building one :scared: . It was great for street cars though.
I have DFP and I am very happy with it and the game it's self, both deliver minute nuances to setup, allowing for "feel".
I believe if you go online with the game in your PS3, it'll automatically download the updated data for the DFP for the game.
Just got the game.

I used DFP and there's no FFB? Nothing, zip. I haven't found any menu where I can turn it on. Any help?

One thing to check on the driving aides menu turn steering asst OFF I have FF on F1CE with my DFGT though it isnt as "real"as GT5P it is acceptable.:)
I think I've decided to buy a DFGT for this and for GT5P, because I seen one for €102. I've read this thread and most of you seem happy enough with it, I'm just a bit worried about the noise, should I be, and whats the reliability like, as has been mentioned is the violent force feed back something that might damage the wheel? Lastly, I plan to clamp it to a desk which my TV sits on with the pedals underneath sitting on the ground, will this be suitable or is it going to be awkward to use like that?
As long as you get it at the right height, angle and so forth that you are comfy with you will be good. Just make sure its VERY STABLE a lot of forceful whipping going on.:)
I used the sixaxis for F1CE for many months. However, my throttle/brake thumb got real sore. That was what initially motivated me to buy the DFGT. Its kinda weird, because I never used to have the sore thumb problem, when I would play GT4, for hours on end. Even when lapping the 'ring with the F1 car (best lap = 5.12 :sly:). Maybe it has something to do with the differences between the PS2/PS3 controllers, as the PS2 joysticks have more resistance as I recall. Probably a combination of that and the difference in the games themselves.

As far as lap times are concerned, I'm consistently getting faster lap times with the wheel. Even though GT5P uses a more advanced physics engine, F1CE still rewards smooth driving. I just can't be as smooth with the sixaxis joystick. As far as throttle and braking is concerned, I'm quicker using the pedals w/ both feet, than I am with the right joystick on the sixaxis.

Funny you mention that.. my thumbs never got sore playing GT3 or GT4, even with the F1 on the ring (4'50.718)
but they do with F1CE. I'm not yet to the point of getting a wheel, because I keep getting faster with the d-pad (the sticks just aren't for me).

I do think you're onto something with the controller differences, though.. my DS2 was so broken in that barely pressing the x button resulted in full throttle and barely steering with the d-pad seemed to give me a near perfect line. The DS3 buttons and pad don't seem to break in as easily, if at all.