pre 1.49 I used 10 in game strength when drifting on comfort hard tires and the wheel was extremely snappy and would self steer perfectly, and 5-6 in game strength when racing with sport/race tires. The fanatec wheelbase set to 100% strength and the power supply is for 8nm.What is your In Game Torque setting at? When I had my DD Pro, I bounced between 5-6 with the base at 100%. If I were still using my DD Pro, I would likely be setting the In Game Torque to 8-9 based on the 1.49 update slightly weakening all bases. On my DD+ I had to up the base from 70% to 75% and the In Game from 4 to 5 to get the same FF strength pre-update levels.
After 1.49 I use 10 in game strength when drifting and it feels like previous 1 game strength. Both times I set the wheelbase to 100% torque/strength.
In the fanatec software I just updated the wheelbase, the wheel and the QR2. Firmware 455. I've read people have tried FW 457 but I have not seen where to download that updated FW
post 1.49 the racing feels okay, its less torque or ffb strength than 1.48 but for racing it seems okay-ish. For drifting the low torque kills it, the wheel will not self steer back inbetween drifts like it should and I need to physically steer the wheel between drifts, unnaturally.