FC club house?

  • Thread starter Hereward
With the GTP clubs choc full within seconds it's been mentioned that GTP sub clubhouses would be welcome to allow more members to get access. I'll happily buy a club and run it for the forum if theres anoth members interestead. Can I hear from the guys taking part in the FC comp at the moment. No point in setting one up if your not into FC or Home.
yess yes i am in!! Are you, the boss of FC Club? to. I log on for a 2-3 hours, hope you're on:) have headsets now:)
Cool tom......looks like it's just the 2 of us though LOL Hmm I may make a generic driving room, for everyone FC guys and then change it if it dosn't have any takers.
I'm sorry, I'm not sure I understand what this "club house" represents. Is it just a sub group of people racing, or does it represent an online component of the game?

In any case, I just got the game a few weeks ago, and have been steadily unlocking tracks and cars. I've unlocked Spa, and am now trying to get the 512M, so I can race it there. An online event with those cars would be wicked. 👍

If you guys are setting up some online races, count me in. I know Biggles enjoys the game, though I haven't had a chance to race him online yet (been too busy). I'll look around for you guys online. :)
Right OK to clear up, I'm NOT running the GT ferrari challenge compertition, I am on the list of guys racing in it though. Right the clubhouse will be setup in Playstation Home and will give everyone a live meeting place to chat and to arange quick races. there will also bee a notice board up with future race events and also race results plus any short notice races.
This will predominantly have GTp members in it, but not exclusively, it will however be a club for racers and be for arangeing races in a number of games, at present Ferrari Challenge will be the main game being played but not the only game. Expect the odd GTAIV race event to crop up for a laugh LOL.

Right there are a few things to point out, membership places are limeted due to the software, because of this please only apply firstly if your a regular user of Home and also a regular online racer, this is a social system so if you aint social you'll be taking a place of others who are. Sounds a bit stern, sorry guys just trying to get people in who will use it.

At present there are only about 5 people interestead so I'll leave it a few days before I sort anything out. All are welcome and the aim is to have some good race nights setup on the fly in the club as well as a good place to meet up before and after organized race events.
Sounds cool. I have the bluetooth keypad and earpiece/mic, so I can be Grand Master Social if I need to be:sly::dopey:.

I've only dabbled in Home, when it first came out. Seemed simple enough to navigate. I assume it wouldn't be to difficult to find whatever clubhouse you guys have setup.

Let me know if you guys are gonna be on anytime soon, and I'll try to meet up with you.
OK the clubhouse is now open, all welcome, there will be a mixture of games played shout up for an invite those who already have check your home mail To save time just search Race Club and ask for an invite
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Sure have had our first meeting of the FC club house:) And as always Herward nice to talk to:)! Sign up there boys, so we get filled up, and have some fun!:dunce: And perhaps Herward put up with some beer to heheh ....:)
OK it's going to be a low turnout but there will be a Ferrari Challenge club night 430's at spa to start with, just to get people used to racing with team mates, GTp rules apply, ie clean racing.
Ahhh indeed you are jambo darling....bhaaa


Quick note on the arcade machines in the club if I may be so bold, with there wizzing and blinking lights, you must download the Hongkong version of the Namco Beta from the HK store for them to work in the club baaaaa
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Playing pool was, so far, the only interesting thing I did with Home. And I don't have a clue how these clubhouses work. Count me in anyway, when this festive season is over I hope to return again to my "normal PS3 gaming routine" 👍
You have an nvite Hun, you just need to accept it then you have access to the club, just goto clubs then invites in the home menu
"Whatever it was, I'm sure it was better than my plan to get out of here by pretending to be mad. I mean, who would have noticed another madman round here?"
Hereward, I've been to the club house last night, looks nice, pity I don't have a HK account to download the namco arcade software. Tried to leave a message on the board (something like "GTP_Hun WAS HERE" :dopey: ) but didn't find that option.

Happy New Year all :cheers:
Hey hun:) We must have ordered any racer races. With qualification and stuff. I hope we can get the team and made some. Neidher
Cheers Hun...that just sounds so wrong darling....anyway the HK account is easy and it's in English (the heathen toung) just google how to do takes 2 mins. I'll make you one of the mods if you like then you can post on the message board, only moderators can post on it. Members need to PM one of the moderators if they want somthing posting on it.
I have sent alot of invites out which have gone unawnsered so in the interests of getting some races going theres about 10 places free. If your a social gamer, and you use Home plus Ferrari challenge then goto home and search clubs, Race Club and send an invite request. theres usualy somthing going on most nights. for those who don't find the club useful to them or they simply don't use it I'll periodicaly weed the members list and open spaces up for those who will find it useful. Were going to be setting stuff up for a few games in future so it's not all Ferrari challenge. If your a member and you want to start your own compertition up then let me know and I'll make you a moderator so you can organise it with the club admin tools
Im definantly interested, next time i log into home i'll look ya up!

FC needs the Home game launching patch out now! :D
Hey, someone will show me now, clan night, or FC RACE. Can you write in the guest book again min.Legge know. There are days I keep checking
Toms English slides on Whiskey......also his driving, beat him twice, theres a lesson there somewhere LOL
id like to be incolved but i dont have ps3 home installed i think its stupid. everyone please just add me for FC racing, i have had some good ones with holy sword already and im slowly unlocking more cars, just wish there was a bigger online population.
I accepted my club invite. What time est. are you guys usually racing. I haven't had time to unlock much yet, but I can hold a straight line on the track. I might have to resort to downloading a game save to get all the cars. I don't think I'm going to be able to devote the time to offline racing that I would like. Online is where the actions at, and that's where I always end up.