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  • Thread starter CDailey
Originally posted by rjensen11
I would change your opening line from "I am Omega-Star", it just is too cheesey. Um, yeah, also try to learn HTML coding, that helps a lot.

I was beginning to think that myself too. I am currently learning HTML right now for my own benifit. Plus my brother said he would pay me to design his webpage if i ever learned HTML. :D
Originally posted by Omega Star
I was beginning to think that myself too. I am currently learning HTML right now for my own benifit. Plus my brother said he would pay me to design his webpage if i ever learned HTML. :D
This is a pretty good site for learning the basics of HTML. It's a bit babyish but still.
I love 3ds Max. I just recently upgraded from 3.1 to 5.0. I just wish I could get some working Shag Hair/Shag Fur plugins for 3dsm4/5....
Originally posted by Eddy
This is a pretty good site for learning the basics of HTML. It's a bit babyish but still.

Thanx Eddy! This site is great. The book that I have is a little old and a little complicated but this site is easy :D

Thanx again!
Well the first thing I would get rid of is the mouse tail thingy. I've never liked those. But you don't have to listen to me. The second thing I'd do is get away from geocities. You can get your site up and running on geocities but get to a better host. has no ads but doesnt support anything or do anything spectacular. They're by far the best free hosts I've come across in a while.
  • Get rid of the mouse trailer like Cobraboy said.
  • Purple is not good.
  • Never use Times New Roman.
  • Use casual fonts like Tahoma and Verdana, set to a size of 2.
  • Don't display info about yourself on the first page. Make an About Me page. It makes your site bigger. :D
  • Ditch Geocitites!
Kill the trailing stuff that follows my cursor! Otherwise, it's fine for a first effort.