For What Reason?

  • Thread starter Beej-71
Society has not advanced at all, and Those that Preach Tolerance Show None.

l don't have the most people following me, and it wasn't my intention to have that, but it was pretty cool to have people appreciate and like the stuff l upload. l've even taken requests and also gave others a step by step way to make decals.

But now all of my games are on hold because l have a 7 day ban from the PSN... and can't play most games

GT Sport
Fallout 4
Gems of War
The Crew 2 etc...

So l'd like to thank the Whiney Loser that jumped to a conclusion and took offence to this one cause they thought it was something else than what it is... Way to go hero... You hide behind anonymity and ratted someone out.. What you couldn't put your name on it or at the very least say something? Like seriously be a man about it if its something that hurts you so bad and you feel so strongly against it... But you didn't and won't cause you're trigged so you just cried like a baby!!

How many iron crosses are on GT Sport? Dozens..

which was this one

uploaded on 7/29/2022, and 18 people seem to like it and didn't care... but because one person didn't, a week later 8/7/2022... l lose my stuff

and just so everyone knows this decal is Based on the US Rifle Badge and Knights Templar Cross... so NO it wasn't from WWII German medals, contrary to what they thought... School Classes especially History needs to be taught better

US Army Iron Cross Pin - United States USA Military Lapel Badge.jpeg

And this decal was first to get a warning. l guess its offensive... I found it funny seeing the driving etiquette is a joke.

End of Rant.... and whoever reported me l hope your parents kick you out of their basement, and you hit your shins and stub your toes on every step on the way out
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and just so everyone knows this decal is Based on the US Rifle Badge and Knights Templar Cross... so NO it wasn't from WWII German medals, contrary to what they thought... School Classes especially History needs to be taught better
And the swastika is a religious symbol that has been around since ancient times, it will still get you banned in a milisecond no matter the context.

I'm also not sure why anyone at Sony, a Japanese company, would have learned about random British and U.S. badges in school.
This is why I avoid uploading anything that is from wars, depicts wars, religions, drugs, etc. I learned this after having a couple decals censored.

Personally I don't see anything wrong with this decal but you know how it is, all it really takes is one bad apple and now nobody can use your decal. So to avoid that in the future, I suggest using this experience to take a double thought when you go to upload.
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And the swastika is a religious symbol that has been around since ancient times, it will still get you banned in a milisecond no matter the context.

I'm also not sure why anyone at Sony, a Japanese company, would have learned about random British and U.S. badges in school.
l was thinking the same thing, seeing that Japan was part of the Axis Powers, but the safety department for Sony, or that's where l got the email from is based in California. that's why l mentioned the history classes
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and just so everyone knows this decal is Based on the US Rifle Badge and Knights Templar Cross... so NO it wasn't from WWII German medals, contrary to what they thought... School Classes especially History needs to be taught better
If I was trying to pretend that the iron cross I'd uploaded wasn't an iron cross, I wouldn't have given it the filename iron cross.
This is why I avoid uploading anything that is from wars, depicts wars, religions, drugs, etc. I learned this after having a couple decals censored.

Personally I don't see anything wrong with this decal but you know how it is, all it really takes is one bad apple and now nobody can use your decal. So to avoid that in the future, I suggest using this experience to take a double thought when you go to upload.
way ahead of you, l already took down anything l had in those categories. thanks tho

If I was trying to pretend that the iron cross I'd uploaded wasn't an iron cross, I wouldn't have given it the filename iron cross.
man if l knew mine was going to get singled out, after seeing basically the same image lots, l didn't think it was a big deal, so l would've called it something else, and its called an iron cross by everyone even where l found the image... and isn't it easier to find "iron cross" than US badge.. hell Knight Templar cross would've been a better name.. but seeing as l had 2 other version that l meant as an iron cross already and nothing happened. so if l meant it to be a iron cross l wouldn't be mad that be my own damn fault.. so no l'm not pretending
Basically the Nazis of the Middle Ages.
Well geez l did "Nazi" that one coming.. all kidding aside

Historically they came together to be protectors of travelers going to the holy land "Jerusalem", and did whatever else the church needed them to do until the church (well a French king) deemed them "outlaws" because they were too big...

Anyway so conclusion is "iron cross" evil... "knights templar"... evil

And so if the Knights Templar were the Nazis of that time period and were part of the church... what's that make the church?
Well l guess l'm "damned 👿 if l do and damned 👿 if l don't" say iron cross... or whatever before cross. l wonder if "shapes in a shape" works better. 🤔
Well l guess l'm "damned 👿 if l do and damned 👿 if l don't" say iron cross... or whatever before cross. l wonder if "shapes in a shape" works better. 🤔
Hmm, maybe try something generic like "Basic Cross" or "Simple Cross". I find that if you go generic with it, it helps to not stir up strife.
what's that make the church?
Well... given that the Nazis claimed to be the Third Reich, following the German Empire and the Holy Roman Empire... still Nazis.
Well... given that the Nazis claimed to be the Third Reich, following the German Empire and the Holy Roman Empire... still Nazis.
History, its such a Rabbit hole of... l thought it was one way but its also fourteen others.
Very cool somebody else knows some history on here... l'm usually deemed a Bigot and Racist if l say things like that. So Thank You

Hmm, maybe try something generic like "Basic Cross" or "Simple Cross". I find that if you go generic with it, it helps to not stir up strife.
me thinks l'll just stick to uploading other images. and like you mentioned already l'm going to stay away from uploading anything that depicts war or religious stuff, that's just easier... if its not there, l can't get into trouble.. as the saying goes you'll only touch a hot stove once cause you know you're going to get burned.
here's a noodle scratcher l thought of this morning... if you're going to call the knights templar the "nazis" of their era, and since they were around first. shouldn't we then call the "nazis" "knights templar" instead.. but everybody likes the label "nazi", hell Genghis Khan annihilated two countries bad enough they didn't exist anymore.. never mind what he and his children did to the rest of Asia.

l like history, but when things like this come up l close the book and grab a beer 🍺.. well maybe more than 1