Frequent B-spec Grinders Club 2

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I agree. I was trying to be a trooper but now it's just pissing me off.

You already went above & beyond by just attempting the monotony of manual remote races. I'll have everything up and running in the morning on monday.
I'll join up seeing I already have 3 of the list as friends. WakeStriker, damienfoto, and gandhiseviltwin. I'm pretty much always grinding unless i'm cashing prizes in or network issues

PSN: n0t_1n_the_face_
Hey Everyone,

n0t_1n_the_face_ just told me to join in. Any club that would have him as a member...well...I'd be honored to join too :).

I'm grinding all of the time (when my kids aren't playing something else), so add me up and I'll race your guys.

Going to bed now...but I'll look for new folks in the morning.


PS. glad to see damienfoto is hooked in again...welcome back bud! :)
Invited by n0t_1n_the_face - we've both been on each other's Always Race list since long before the PSN outage and I'm grinding most of the time

PSN: gonzolagonda
PS. glad to see damienfoto is hooked in again...welcome back bud! :)

Lol mate, was never un-hooked, just disconnected. And psn sure took its time getting back on here.

I'm gonna invite my two current highest remote hosts, Randy_faker & Hoodfield. I'm sure they were grinding even when psn was down.. ;)
So, just added everybody on the current list. From now on, new members, please add me, so i do not have to check the thread so often to see who is joining the club :)

AND, no server maintenance! I go menace again yes?

Oh, and all the members i have added from here, is ofc on the "Always Use" list in the widget
Once the family is gone (holiday weekend), I'll be active again. I haven't been able to b-spec race the last few days since the nephews have been playing the PS3.
my friend list is almost full, but i'm going to be cleaning it up at the end of the week, so if you can't add me because of that try again next weekend.
Lol mate, was never un-hooked, just disconnected. And psn sure took its time getting back on here.

I'm gonna invite my two current highest remote hosts, Randy_faker & Hoodfield. I'm sure they were grinding even when psn was down.. ;)

What up. I know some people on the list already. And Skyle, I delete Martix2k10, I'm sorry dude I had to clear out 25 spots and I was just choosing random. I immediately remembered who you were, and I regret it everyday.

I've been trying to host 3-4 8+ hours sessions a week. I don't know if that is considered frequent enough as some of you guys seem to never stop hosting as to the point where I feel uncomfortable (N0T_1N_THe_FaCE). I'd prefer to be buddies with people that host similar sessions. Put frequent grinders in FR message. PSN: HOODFIELD
I'm still hanging on the site maintenance popup. :(
Did a few manual sessions, but it takes an awful lot of time.
Will start grinding, as soon as the widget connect. Sorry guys. :(
My widget is working and will run races.... but still won't update my friends list!!! I've logged in and out of everything related to Gran Turismo or PSN, but to no avail. Very frustrating!!! :mad: :banghead:
What up. I know some people on the list already. And Skyle, I delete Martix2k10, I'm sorry dude I had to clear out 25 spots and I was just choosing random. I immediately remembered who you were, and I regret it everyday.

No problem ;-) 👍

List update: I hope i didn't forget anyone.
My widget is having issues! I get server maintenance on widget and so sorry to all my friends I'll work to get your guys bobs ruining soon as I can.
My widget is working and will run races.... but still won't update my friends list!!! I've logged in and out of everything related to Gran Turismo or PSN, but to no avail. Very frustrating!!! :mad: :banghead:

Mine is usually quick.. Try loading the friends on the site and then reauthenticate the widget..
i sort of added everyone from the frequent grinders club OP please add me to this list

I run 70-80 hours during the week...maybe another 10-20 hours on the weekend. I've got 5 BOBs all around Level 35

Will resume when server is back up.
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