Gaza round 189

  • Thread starter KSaiyu
The only reason I have such a big deal with it, is that they captured American citizens. It doesn't really matter one was a former US Representative. If the US would have been the ones to do this to a humanitarian boat we would have had the whole world on our ass because of it.
It would be one thing to escort them out of Israeli waters though. They got rammed and taken hostage. :lol: Oh, and Cynthia McKinney isn't a celebrity... she was a congresswoman who became the green party presidential candidate.
I'm not justifying the IDF's response - I'm merely saying the two accounts don't clash. And by celebrity I meant someone who's known in public, for whatever reason other than doing humanitarian work - more, say, than those that actually do it for a living, never mind those that volunteer on a regular basis.
I'm not justifying the IDF's response - I'm merely saying the two accounts don't clash. And by celebrity I meant someone who's known in public, for whatever reason other than doing humanitarian work - more, say, than those that actually do it for a living, never mind those that volunteer on a regular basis.

I know, I'm not challenging you or anything.

No!!! Keep them! What you want mane? You want some Patriot missiles? How about some of those new fancy Predator drones? Anything you want, just don't send her back!

I want her back because she's an American citizen being held against her will by a foreign power. I don't care about their statements or political leanings, she is still a citizen of this country. But I guess you can't see that, although I'm not surprised.

I really hope they are able to prove the boat was in international waters when it was seized because maybe then it would expose the Israeli government for being the overly brash war-mongers they really are.
I swear I read about this a while ago though. Like a few months. Why is it being covered now?
Ah, I see. So this time they outright kidnapped her or something?

That's how it sounds, based on what we knew her boat was in international waters heading towards Gaza waters (aka Israeli waters) and they were forced to surrender by the IDF. Either way they shouldn't have detained her, especially since they probably searched the ship and found nothing more then a small bit of supplies.

And honestly I can see why they didn't bother stopping, last time they were rammed and had hostile action taken against them.
I want her back because she's an American citizen being held against her will by a foreign power. I don't care about their statements or political leanings, she is still a citizen of this country. But I guess you can't see that, although I'm not surprised.

I really hope they are able to prove the boat was in international waters when it was seized because maybe then it would expose the Israeli government for being the overly brash war-mongers they really are.

I think it would be safe to assume that it was a joke?
I know why they've still got her captive. As a matter of fact, I have plans laying right here telling me exactly how to fashion hypodermic needles, concrete, olives, and a G.I. Joe into a weapon of mass destruction. You bet your ass I'm putting this on YouTube.

I say they can have that Greenie Weenie.

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