Getting 100%

  • Thread starter danhayes1
you can buy it by used cars check it severale times
it is not always availible
and it is not possible to get the 100%
because they let the dragracing option out
you can play it to 99,9%
Keep checking, the used car lineup gets changed every 10 days. If you're lucky, you can get the AZ-1 A-Spec version, available in red only.
Sorry sharmad, if it's blue it's not the A-Spec. There's probably not much difference though. And it's just as funny-lookin'!
100% has never really been a goal of mine, just wicked replays of fast cars running full wheel-lock-2-wheel-lock drifts with lots of tire smoke.

I think I'm at about 70% complete, on the Greatest Hits version, how do you ***complete*** the manufactures cup races? Should there be a trophy showing I've won all the races?
just do the races.. you have to remember which ones you did and didnt.. lol.. oh and i have 100% btw.. its called Greatest Hits Version.. but i dont have the GH Cover.. becuz Sony sent me just the disc.. cuz i had a bugged version and i was pissed.. bah.. it is possible to get 100%..
The early or first version of GT2 you are unable to get 100% . I have read that time and time again on many different websites pertaining to GT2.
I happen to have the last version in PAL and I to have achieved 100%.
I've got the PAL version (in Britain) and I have 98.17%. I can't find a race anywhere that I haven't won on either disc, so that might be as far as it goes. Somebody prove me wrong, please. Do the license tests affect the percentage?
no I don't belive they do.

Also in the GT series after you win the world championship it opens up another part where it creates races for you based on the car you have chosen. You have to race all those but no trophy is available for it.

I will take a screen shot of two of my cards both have 100% complete and post them here tomorrow
Ok here are two of my 6 cards. The top one is the very first card I ever started a 16 months ago. It also is the card I use for all my Series races and top lap times.
The second card is one I started about 4 months ago and only fiddle with it once in a while. That is more of a bragging card. 100% done, zero loses, and 60 gold lic.

these are straight captured. I have not shrunk, cleand up, focused or edited in any way.

First card

Second card
One of my very close mates has an earlier version yet he has 100% but I am not sure on the version he has just he has had it his version of GT2 for 2 1/2 years. Another has had his for just on 2 years and he to has completed the game.

Yet on some of the websites I have been to some say it is not possible depending on the version you have.

If you go to Pupik's website he states you can't achieve 100%
Yet I have been able to, and two of my friends have been able to. None of us know how to use game sharks, if that matters, or have any inclination to. We are all purests about the game or finatical if you will. It is like a reglion and when we have our compititions you get penilized for leaving the road with even a tyre in the pro class.
I stated it wasn't possible to get 100% in NTSC (North American) version 1.0 or 1.1; the Greatest Hits (v1.2) copy has corrected this. Also, if you own the PAL or Japanese versions of the game, it is possible to reach 100% (or more in PAL!).

However, those stuck with 1.0/1.1; we max out at 98.2% or something like that...Is it the left-out drag racing? Who knows?

Actually, with a GameShark, you can get 111% completed!
Hey just brows'd through all these posts. I bought GT2 like 2 weeks after is first came out. After 4 monhts and every race complete only showed like 98 percent beat. I purchased the Greatest Hit's version 4 months ago. After 2 1/2 months of leisurly racing achieved 100% only thing I have left is 3 of the Gold Triphies in Super License Test's. I can't say this enough but why did they make GT2 so danm easy?? Admit I only have a 98.99 winning percent. I even played A-Spec for a couple months on and off at a friends and I don't see much more of a challenge their either. Maybe the new Concept Version will meet the expectations of the experienced players. LOL and IM not trying to brag or anyhting I just lost the intrest to race GT2 anymore, only fun thing is racing 2 player or Time Trial, racing yourself is one of the best way's to improve lap times and techniques. [SIZE=4]GTi All The Way[/SIZE]
Originally posted by esi20vgt
anymore, only fun thing is racing 2 player or Time Trial, racing yourself is one of the best way's to improve lap times and techniques. [SIZE=4]GTi All The Way[/SIZE] [/B]

Extremely good point, i feel like I'm racing someone else when I use the ghost, makes me mad when I don't beat him :mad:
I was having problems getting 100%, can't remember exactly what I was on.

All I had to do was play in a different language to English! When you do this, the Vauxhall dealership becomes Opel, and neither of the manufacturer's championships are completed. Buy an Opel Tigra from the dealer, complete the two races and you should have 100%. You cannot tune Opel cars with Vauxhall parts and vice-versa.

I am using the PAL version of the game, but am unsure of the version.

Sam W.
(btw i have the red AZ-1 :-)
It's been known that you can actually complete the game to around 110% (or some simmilar number) if you do all the manufacturer name change things (All I can remember is Opel = Vauxhall there might be more) although I can't do this because I have the Japanese and American version of GT2, the Japanese one only goes up to around 98% I havent completed the american version one yet, I think im only like 17% done.
Originally posted by Roo
I've got the PAL version (in Britain) and I have 98.17%. I can't find a race anywhere that I haven't won on either disc, so that might be as far as it goes. Somebody prove me wrong, please. Do the license tests affect the percentage?
I have the NTSC version so this may not apply.
Have you gotten your "S" lisence? If so, go to the screen beyond Gran Turismo 5-race series and you should find the event generator. Win all of those and you should be at 100%, if you have completed all the races, manufacturer's cups and all the races on the Arcade disc.

As for the Mazda AZ-1, if it is the only car you lack run some races, as each race adds a day, and check back with the dealer EACH day. That's how I found the Subaru 22b, The Cap'cino, and the AZ-1.