God Of War 20th April 2018PS4 

  • Thread starter torque99
Completed the game last night. Very good game, but would've been better without the RPG elements. Interestingly, the attempt at challenging fights, such as the Valkyries, are among the worst parts of the game, primarily because reading enemy movements is handled poorly. The camera being close to Kratos makes for some very intense combat and looks really good and detailed, but it also makes it really hard to see what the harder enemies are actually doing, especially if they're in the air. Additionally, the harder optional encounters rely more on being a sufficiently high level than being good at the game mechanics. The lock on camera is particularly bad when dealing with flying enemies or enemies that move around a lot.

The boss designs (mechanically, not visually) are among some of the most boring moments in the game... All you're doing is hacking away at a damage sponge, occasionally avoiding one of the two or three different attacks the bosses have. They're tedious...
I am fairly confident that the sequel will be even more epic compared to this one. There are enough questions unanswered and battles to be fought!
I am fairly confident that the sequel will be even more epic compared to this one. There are enough questions unanswered and battles to be fought!

I really enjoyed how they build up characters like Thor and Odin in this one, but based on the fights in this game, I have little faith in their execution of the actual boss fights yet to come.
I really enjoyed how they build up characters like Thor and Odin in this one, but based on the fights in this game, I have little faith in their execution of the actual boss fights yet to come.
Try not to spoil any plot details man!:lol:

I think you never played the original trilogy... those boss fights were Epic!!!
Try not to spoil any plot details man!:lol:

I think you never played the original trilogy... those boss fights were Epic!!!

Late reply but im just playing now gow3 remastered on ps4, this game is crazy haha, guys were smoking good stuff when making it, just kidding.

It's really pretty cool, not my usual game style, im just at the beginning, beating poseidon..

I played gow the latest quite a bit before that, i really like that game too but i almost wish they would go back to cinematic cam gameplay for the next one again.
Maybe mix the 2, i don't know.
Anyhow, fun game gow3 for now, wish 1 and 2 were also remastered on ps4.
I guess i could subscribe to psnow and play the originals.