Gran Turismo 7 Confirmed to also launch on PlayStation 4, is a cross-gen title

  • Thread starter Vspectra

Are you disappointed GT7 is also on PS4 with gameplay & graphic assets held back by PS4 limitations?

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LMAO how much of a fail do you have to be to make a cross gen game that was marketed as “NEXT GEN”.

Looks like T10 will win yet another decade once again !
It really makes sense, financially, at least. At the end of the day, they're a business, and they're going to focus on whatever makes the most money. Just like T10 did by releasing game after game with small-incremental changes instead of taking time to really flesh it out - Like they're apparently doing now.
LMAO how much of a fail do you have to be to make a cross gen game that was marketed as “NEXT GEN”.

Looks like T10 will win yet another decade once again !
Another? Rushed FM5, simply just for the graphical aspect, FM6 maybe was fine, but horrible multiplayer and FM7 has so many issues, like inability to change time of day for some reason, it's changes randomly, absolutely terrible ai, worser sounds, worst dlcs for a car game ever, really weird lighting, because they decided to appeal hdr monitor users, worser physics compare to FM6, and still no public online lobbies for no particular reason since FM4, which makes it worser in multiplayer department as well.
LMAO how much of a fail do you have to be to make a cross gen game that was marketed as “NEXT GEN”.

Looks like T10 will win yet another decade once again !
Define "T10 will win yet another decade once again !" did they win the last decade? What's the criteria for this win which you refer to?

While I definitely agree with the opening sentiment that it's a bad idea to reveal the game as next gen and then change it to cros-gen (which still isn't confirmed), I don't see Turn 10 as having won the last decade or not. I enjoy Forza Motorpsort, but do I prefer it to Gran Turismo? probably not.

The sales are weighted in Gran Turismo's favour as far as I'm aware, but I suspect the answer comes mostly down to which platform/s individuals own and what their personal preference is.
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LMAO how much of a fail do you have to be to make a cross gen game that was marketed as “NEXT GEN”.

Looks like T10 will win yet another decade once again !
Erm? What? Even the grossly disappointing GT6 managed to crush Forza in the only metric that matters to business. Sales. Quality wise? I've got Forza Motorsport 7 on PC and any game that requires Google to find out how to set a race up the way you want it has some UI issues.
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Erm? What? Even the grossly disappointing GT6 managed to crush Forza in the only metric that matters to business. Sales. Quality wise? I've got Forza Motorsport 7 on PC and any game that requires Google to find out how to set a race up the way you want it has some UI issues.
It definitely has UI issues, but I don’t remember it being to difficult to make custom races. The options themselves within the race set up seemed pretty straightforward.
It definitely has UI issues, but I don’t remember it being to difficult to make custom races. The options themselves within the race set up seemed pretty straightforward.
It's not difficult to figure out ho to set up a custom race, but the UI is very unituitive at times and could do with a lot of improving. I can see that there might be options some people never use/aren't aware of because you only find them when you scroll endlessly through them one at a time in some of the settings.
LMAO how much of a fail do you have to be to make a cross gen game that was marketed as “NEXT GEN”.

Looks like T10 will win yet another decade once again !
I don't think this decision was made by Kaz/PD. It's kinda crazy to me that Sony can get away with false advertising, I know it's not officially confirmed yet, but you can't just advertise it as a next gen game then change your mind later. That's BS.
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It's not difficult to figure out ho to set up a custom race, but the UI is very unituitive at times and could do with a lot of improving. I can see that there might be options some people never use/aren't aware of because you only find them when you scroll endlessly through them one at a time in some of the settings.
Sure, I get that, but the race settings never seemed like one of them. That one was fairly straightforward in my opinion.
I think it's sold around 12 million copies now, which is really good, especially in comparison to Assetto Corsa Competitzione. But the regular Assetto Corsa does spread it's net far wider than Competitzione does, so there is a clear difference in appeal between the two.

However, despite the great sales since it's relaease in December 2014, the figures for the number of people playing are are interesting. There are only 2,620 people playing Assetto Corsa right now on Steam (which accounts for over 50% of it's players and sales).

Compare that to the appeal of say GT Sport which has sold around 9.5 million since December 2017 and currently has 185,000 players online (186,000 yesterday), there's still a huge gulf in current popularity despite how well Assetto Corsa has sold over it's lifetime.
Assetto Corsa has less to do and the online aspects are pretty weak compared to GT Sport.
Less to do, but greater, I'd say infinite replayability. From naming AI to making any type of championship(with points tally) using the all available cars.
It's because 1) the game isn't as controller friendly as ACC and a casual player would need help with setting up button assignments, 2) it isn't Gran Turismo, 3) it doesn't look like Gran Turismo.

Now, is AC's 10-12 million, across all platforms to Gran Turismo's PlayStation 4 numbers? I really don't care. I dig AC and GTS.
LMAO how much of a fail do you have to be to make a cross gen game that was marketed as “NEXT GEN”.

Looks like T10 will win yet another decade once again !
Don't count your chickens yet. Plenty of time for T10 to reconsider their next gen only approach.
Don't count your chickens yet. Plenty of time for T10 to reconsider their next gen only approach.
Eh, that's probably a chicken we can count at this point. They'd have to backtrack on years of supposed "fresh development" and likely wouldn't be able to accomplish what they said they're trying to by gimping it. Wonder if that's why we have a crossgen Horizon instead.
Eh, that's probably a chicken we can count at this point. They'd have to backtrack on years of supposed "fresh development" and likely wouldn't be able to accomplish what they said they're trying to by gimping it. Wonder if that's why we have a crossgen Horizon instead.
Fair point about Horizon, arguably the most important one to have crossgen as well given its wide range and reach audience wise!
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Just revealed recently, Sony pulled "Only on PlayStation" off of Ghost of Tsushima like they did for Days Gone and Horizon Zero Dawn. Seems they're getting quite comfortable doing these last minute reversal decisions. Stay tuned for GT's turn to get shaken up again.
Stop the drama. They’ve just gone over to using the PlayStation Studios logo instead.
Just revealed recently, Sony pulled "Only on PlayStation" off of Ghost of Tsushima like they did for Days Gone and Horizon Zero Dawn. Seems they're getting quite comfortable doing these last minute reversal decisions. Stay tuned for GT's turn to get shaken up again.
Has nothing to do with GT7 and its speculated as a coming PC title, not a backwards compatible title. People really need to cut it out with the drama.
I am very worried about Gran Turismo 7... i'll be honest, even though i was thrilled to see a trailer for GT7 one year ago, i wasn't blown away at all, because it just looked like GT Sport. If you didn't tell me it was GT7, i'd have assumed it would be a "track pack" for GT Sport. Definitely (from the looks of it) seems like it could run on PS4 (Pro).

Can you even decide something like this mid-development? Like you're halfway done and they decide to release it on PS4 aswell? Also looks like it's 1-1 the same engine. Would be the first time ever across generations. Imagine GT4 running on GT1 engine. Or GT6 running on GT3 engine. Or GT Sport on GT5 engine.

Going a console generation ahead but not in terms of GT feels sad. IMO all time and money spent on a PS4 version is wasted and i'll say this as someone who doesn't even have a PS5 yet. Now there might not be a reason to buy one anymore, in first place.
Define "T10 will win yet another decade once again !" did they win the last decade? What's the criteria for this win which you refer to?

While I definitely agree with the opening sentiment that it's a bad idea to reveal the game as next gen and then change it to cros-gen (which still isn't confirmed), I don't see Turn 10 as having won the last decade or not. I enjoy Forza Motorpsort, but do I prefer it to Gran Turismo? probably not.

The sales are weighted in Gran Turismo's favour as far as I'm aware, but I suspect the answer comes mostly down to which platform/s individuals own and what their personal preference is.
Motorsport has more 60$ sales with cut in half instalbase. It has better Metascore. On the other hand, GT7 will be PS4 title, so its too soon to discuss whose won generation
Motorsport has more 60$ sales with cut in half instalbase. It has better Metascore. On the other hand, GT7 will be PS4 title, so its too soon to discuss whose won generation
Neither of these games are winning a generation. GT7 isn't even the top exclusive seller, and Motorsport even more farther off than that. Not only that, but no single game "wins" a console generation, really. Either way, no one is talking about it winning a generation.
GT7 is still a PS5 only game on the official Playstation website. So weeks after, no clarification?
Based on the trailer and the official website, I'm supposed to buy a PS5 thinking GT7 will be an exclusive PS5 game and find out months later about its cross gen status?

Just release something official and move on? FH5 is a cross gen game but people keep talking about its amazing graphics on next gen. This silence from Sony on that point is almost disrecptful IMO.
GT7 is still a PS5 only game on the official Playstation website. So weeks after, no clarification?
Based on the trailer and the official website, I'm supposed to buy a PS5 thinking GT7 will be an exclusive PS5 game and find out months later about its cross gen status?

Just release something official and move on? FH5 is a cross gen game but people keep talking about its amazing graphics on next gen. This silence from Sony on that point is almost disrecptful IMO.
Idk bro.. Why not switch to Forza already? I actually sold my PS4 and copy of GTSport and built a cheap PC so I can play classic games that I've been wanting to play and saving up for PS5 while waiting for GT7. I think it's obvious at this point that PD will not provide any information until close to the release. We might get some news about the game around Q3 or Q4 of this year if we're lucky.
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I would say knowing gran turismo's history on releases, it'll be most likely come out in fall 2022 and based on fact that usually PlayStation exclusives get a precise release date approximately 5 months before the release and of course you can pre order a game. They don't want to have similar situation as GT5, atleast not as bad.
I would say knowing gran turismo's history on releases, it'll be most likely come out in fall 2022 and based on fact that usually PlayStation exclusives get a precise release date approximately 5 months before the release and of course you can pre order a game. They don't want to have similar situation as GT5, atleast not as bad.
Easy there

Calm Down Family Guy GIF
It makes enough sense. No information regarding the game, not one update from Sony. Playstation shortage into 2022 and the perfect reason to hold out until 2 years post console release for the right audience.
Also popularity based on the trailer GT7 views , 10 milion views for a racing game it is huge
5 million views on the FH5 trailer in two weeks.

People are hype af for FH5, not least because we've seen actual gameplay and it looks rad.

I think at this point GT and FH are at least roughly equivalent in terms of popularity.