Gran Turismo 7: Latest news and discussion thread

  • Thread starter sems4arsenal
The patchnotes (at least in Spanish) mentioned cars whose engines where TC+SA (turbo+superhager)
I don't know if there's a chance to install both systems (I know that you can install a supercharger or a turbo in the AE86 engine, not bot at the same time) but, does it opens the door for the Delta S4 coming in a future update? I hope so!
The patchnotes (at least in Spanish) mentioned cars whose engines where TC+SA (turbo+superhager)
I don't know if there's a chance to install both systems (I know that you can install a supercharger or a turbo in the AE86 engine, not bot at the same time) but, does it opens the door for the Delta S4 coming in a future update? I hope so!
The Genesis VGT is currently the only car with it.
Just bought GT7 for the PS4.

Does anyone have an idea of how long it'll take to do all the updates?

I'm guessing somewhere between food & drinks, but not as far as pillow & sleeping bag 😜
Oh… first question is: how is your data plan and debit?
Second is if you plan on playing this weekend start now and have someone around to press buttons on the pad and don’t sit with nothing else to do.

They released a second GT sport version on disc specifically to provide an already updated base version in order to speed up the initial install.
As for the answer you need I can only say hourS at least.

But hey you may have music rally at some point ?
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Ok so now looking at the update I have a disclosure to make.
I am a frenchman born in the very late 80’s and I must say it feels so strange to see a pristine 4L « quatre ailes » as we call it 😉.
It is a strange wonder and kind of a marvel…
Those we now cross in our path are either modified for the « Rally des gazelles » ( if you don’t know that competition look it up) or remnant of a jurassic period that would set us in a « Mad Marcel » timeline ( think the french version of Mad Max fury road).

So well it is kind of fantasy!
That interior is such a typical of what we could call Giscard punk era of the french design… anyway please be free to be curious about it
And I pray it will be sold in the Legendary dealership even at a bargain just to be apart from the used car dealer populace… as a symbol 😂
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Come on, that's all! Durn. We don't need anymore Sunday Cup races. I'm not gonna get worked up about it.
Please give us a super update celebrating GT7's two year anniversary on March 7th, or by the end of March.
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I'd love to know how the "man hours" required to create new cars compare to those of creating new fantasy and real-world tracks.

I ask 'cause I'm a track guy. I love cars, but don't need 500. I get that peeps are into it but for me the real value of a game is in the number and quality of tracks I can drive.

Obviously I'm beginning to wonder how many tracks we could now have if some of those thousands of hours had been diverted to this end, IOW, how many cars' worth of man hours would've had to have been sacrificed for each new track?

Yes, I know they're working on GT8, but just putting this out there 'cause not everyone is salivating every month for new cars, but tracks instead or in addition to some cars (to please everyone).

I'd appreciate your thoughts guys; thank you!
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Had a crack with the Bvlgari and it feels like a car that can make fools out of faster opponents with its grippy handling and responsive braking. It's moderately fast for something with a modest 394hp.

With Racing Soft tires, as per the usual tradition (to maximize grip), I was able to do a 6:47.704 around the Nordschleife with it. Could be a little faster though.
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I'd love to know how the "man hours" required to create new cars compare to those of creating new fantasy and real-world tracks.

I ask 'cause I'm a track guy. I love cars, but don't need 500. I get that peeps are into it but for me the real value of a game is in the number and quality of tracks I can drive.

Obviously I'm beginning to wonder how many tracks we could now have if some of those thousands of hours had been diverted to this end, IOW, how many cars' worth of man hours would've had to have been sacrificed for each new track?

Yes, I know they're working on GT8, but just putting this out there 'cause not everyone is salivating every month for new cars, but tracks instead or in addition to some cars (to please everyone).

I'd appreciate your thoughts guys; thank you!
Honestly I think PD spends too much time thinking about how many cars they can give us, well what about more than that? Like real world tracks? I know there's over 70 in the game but there should be one every 2-3 months.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think PD acknowledged the game's anniversary at all last year? There was a somewhat bigger update in March, with 5 cars and new Nurb layouts, but it was March 30th and they didn't refer to it as "anniversary update".
I really hope they are cooking something big for the 2nd anniversary update in march. Maximum respect for who likes updates like this february one, but I can't deny I'm disappointed. The only car really interesting to me is the Evo IX, maybe also the TT if there are spicy car modifications available. Other content in this update is underwhelming.

Sincerely, if the average quality level of these free updates remains so low (IMHO), I'm starting to desire paid DLCs. I don't mind paying for better content TBH.
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