Gran Turismo 7: Latest news and discussion thread

  • Thread starter sems4arsenal
I’ve had GT7 from the drop and don’t agree with either of you. I think there’s a huge bias, especially here, against GT7 based on misremembered nostalgia, unfair comparison, and frankly, spoiled attitudes revolving around modern games.

GT7 has hundreds of cars rendered in near photorealistic perfection, well over a hundred hours of events, tons of care for the automotive hobby as a whole, very good driving dynamics, the ability to play many different ways including VR, online competition, beautiful photo opportunities… and on and on and on…

Is it perfect? No. Is ANY game perfect? No. Do we get an insane amount of content for our money? YES! Are you still here playing it and discussing it years after release? Looks like it…

I know that in our modern information dense, opinion driven society being a critic is cool, but the amount of complaining that revolves around this and other spectacular games (or anything at all really) is just kinda ridiculous at times. The menu not being intuitive does not mean the whole is any less spectacular.

As a car obsessed kid (and adult) I couldn’t even imagine something so thoroughly wonderful as GT7, and that’s a thought that isn’t lost on me even now after playing this game 300 or so hours.

I get that people are jaded, and you’re surely allowed to feel that way, but don’t go using those feelings to try and drag someone down who is enjoying themselves. Let them have their fun without your disgruntled bias getting in the way.
What you’re saying about GT7 isn’t wrong but your attitude is ****. You’re on a forum.
Writting down someone who just started the game in a good mood is something else.
Yeah a little bit this situation:
Just picked up GT7 the other day because, quite frankly, I didn’t have high hopes and I got it for a steal. Managed to get immediately sucked into the game. It’s more fun than I remember GT 5/6/Sport ever being and I feel PD thought very hard about making this GT an actual game while creating some “soul”.
With all due respect, when comparing GT7 to other games in the series, why pick the worse? Shouldn’t we compare it to the likes of GT4?

I mean, as fun as you may think it is (parts of it actually is) the in-game economy is a big middle finger to fans of the series and it, if not completely, at least largely ruins the game for me and many others.

I’ve put 574 hours into the game apparently and I’ve earned 198,523,922 in-game credits, and the total cost for all cars is what now? North of 500 million? Then there’s the ridiculously inconsistent AI, boring repetitive races and more.

Sorry for being such a party pooper. Ignore me and enjoy the game while it lasts.
Didn't find it was about shutting people up in general. Here on GTP are many good feedbacks about the game. Writting down someone who just started the game in a good mood is something else.
We all started the game in a good mood at one point. Then we reached the end credits 5-7 days later. It was a brutal realization considering what we were led to expect before launch.

Over time most people have learned to live with GT7 and play the game as if the campaign never existed to begin with. There’s nothing wrong in warning new players about the honeymoon phase, because what at first appears to be the core experience is actually just an extended tutorial to “now go and create your own fun”.
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So the economy is fine you think? Wow.
1. Options such as B-spec or management should be available.

2. race diversity (elimination races, compulsory competition with all types of tires, high-risk races in full weather conditions, online or offline team races,)

3. Spare parts markets, online sales of your existing parts at half price.

4. Online guilds, such as guild leader, flag or icon.

When you have this type of entertainment and do these activities, the vehicle or money will come. If there is this much diversity, I would like the economy to get a little stronger.
Jumped back into Forza Horizon 5 for the new season - I absolutely love it

But I vastly prefer GT7's economy.

In FH you are showered in cash and cars to a point where it all becomes meaningless.
The cars have no perceived value anymore.

GT7 is quite the opposite and I love it for it. Taking "my" Mclaren Bmw F1 GTR for a spin feels special because of the effort it took do get it.

BTW: I have every car in GT7 and I had them all for a while now without ever really grinding.

The most grindy thing I did was driving the Le Mans race once a day for a while.

There are a few avenues to cash people are not taking advantage of I assume. Circuit experiences and online time trials for example are huge money makers.

Anyway. GT7 is great and in VR it's even amazing.

There are certainly things to complain about, but these are complaints at the highest level.
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There are a few avenues to cash people are not taking advantage of I assume. Circuit experiences and online time trials for example a huge money makers.
Come on, even if you are able to gold all these, you will need much more credits.

I'd really like to "take advantage" of CEs or TTs, but I rarely reach gold, and for CEs it takes me days. Not a realistic way to find a lot of credits if you want to buy all cars, at least for most people.

If prizes levels where coherent (with the difficulty and length of the event), at least you won't have to repeat the same race ad nauseam to get credits. But now, there are only 3 events that bring at best 1,6M Cr. per hour.
Why wouldn't GT auto be used offline? This is something completely different than the online data base of livery's and stuff. It's very easy to code. While also it could easily be coded so that all livery's and stuff be downloaded to the PS disk one week or one month before server shutdown.
True, I hope someone can code it so the livery and styles could be downloaded so we don't lose them since we all worked so hard on them.
What do you do to keep this game interesting?
What can't you do? Literally all the game content is there 100% of the time. Every race you had fun in is replayable. Custom races mean you can make any race you want and drive any car against any others, or none at all. The AI sucks, so that's why you jump into sport mode to play daily races, participate in online TTs, join the manufacturers cup or any other special league of the moment. That said there are many races where the AI is a formidable opponent, and there is also Sophy there that provides a pretty awesome and aggressive challenge for those who want more.

The weekly challenges provide extra incentive for doing some of the campaigns races again, and most weeks there are special week only events too. If I had the time I could have spent hours upon hours in just last weeks TT with the Porsche at the Nurburgring, perfecting driving my style and scratching for tenths to stay with the fast guys over in the TT discussion.

If that doesn't float your boat get on here and look into racing leagues and servers that host specific events... there is always stuff to do if you love cars and a challenge, and tons of awesome GTP members putting real time and effort into making unique, cool, fun, competitive lobbies where everyone has a good time.

For me, most of my limited time is spent in the TTs competing against myself and all the people over in the Time Trial thread, creating custom cars and liveries, and doing the weeklies and the occasional daily race... and sometimes just chilling out driving around in VR checking out the details of whatever track I choose. I don't have a lot of time to allocate to GT7 in my life right now, so even getting some of those things done within a week can be a challenge.

Overall, GT7 is what you make of it, and in your case you specifically say you've got thousands of hours into the game. At what point is $60 not justifiable for that insane amount of entertainment? At what point does your play time allow you to try and manipulae the feelings of someone who simply said they were having a good time with GT7? We all agree that there are many flaws in GT, but it's still amazing, provides hundreds of hours of worthwhile play, and is worth every single penny you and I put into it.
What you’re saying about GT7 isn’t wrong but your attitude is ****. You’re on a forum.
Wow... yeah, we are on a forum, and I offered some facts and some opinions. They support me not wanting jaded players to try and taint the viewpoint of someone trying to enjoy the game based on their biases developed over hundreds or thousands of hours played. If you think what I said was in any way hostile, inappropriate, rude... or whatever other negative feeling you attribute to normal disagreement, then I worry about how you'll get along in life. There's some wild stuff out there, and this ain't it.
Important how? What’s important is to let people say what they want about GT7 without trying to shut them up. The game is something we all paid for.
Trying to shut them up? Please quote where I tried to stop anyone from voicing their opinion. It seems like I specifically validated Talons opinion, then asked them to not get in the way of someone else having fun with the game. I guess you're cool with that, yeah? Seeing someone enjoying themselves and going out of your way to interfere with that? Cool... something about kettle and black comes to mind... or something like that.

Let's see what other plainly worded facts your emotions get in the way of. See? That's a **** attitude. ;)
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Not aimed at anyone individually, but why does there seem to be an excessive need for self-validation online, and an inability to not have the final word in an arguement.
A debate can reach a point where it stops being productive, at which point it's best to stop involvement regardless of who appears to have "won" or "lost", and move to the next topic.

Whatever that next topic may be.
Seems that all the big news comes in a cluster, and then there's a couple weeks of nothing too significant regarding the game.

I suppose the Montreal live event isn't too far away. Formula 1 are there this week, along with IMSA's Porsche Carrera Cup North America as a supporting act.
Jumped back into Forza Horizon 5 for the new season - I absolutely love it

But I vastly prefer GT7's economy.

In FH you are showered in cash and cars to a point where it all becomes meaningless.
The cars have no perceived value anymore.

GT7 is quite the opposite and I love it for it. Taking "my" Mclaren Bmw F1 GTR for a spin feels special because of the effort it took do get it.

BTW: I have every car in GT7 and I had them all for a while now without ever really grinding.

The most grindy thing I did was driving the Le Mans race once a day for a while.

There are a few avenues to cash people are not taking advantage of I assume. Circuit experiences and online time trials for example are huge money makers.

Anyway. GT7 is great and in VR it's even amazing.

There are certainly things to complain about, but these are complaints at the highest level.
???, GT7 showers you with cars as well, what are you on about?
You have to understand, however, that far from everyone has as much spare time as you do, and even those that do probably has other interests, hobbies and/or games they want to play than solely GT7.
That's why it should be B-spec. Those who continue their work or family life at home can look at racing differently by being a manager.
All vehicles are valued as a percentage, like taxes. Then they will give percentage values to the tracks and races. The races or tracks with the most interest will rise as prizes. You enter track races, the reward is 30000, currently even soft race tires are expensive at this price. Or they will make the race prices x2.

You have to understand, however, that far from everyone has as much spare time as you do, and even those that do probably has other interests, hobbies and/or games they want to play than solely GT7.
Oh I do understand and it's obviously a fair point, but while getting every car does take a while I don't think it's completely unreasonable. Especially when you focus on the cars you really want and don't go full completionist.

I did the maths here for me. I played 501 hrs so far and the game came out 827 days ago. That's around 0,6 hrs a day to get everything.
Given that I currently have 40 mil in the bank actually a good bit less than that.

That works for me. I usually get like an hour in the morning after getting the kids out of the house and before going to work myself.

This is of course different for everybody.
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