Gran Turismo 7: Latest news and discussion thread

  • Thread starter sems4arsenal
Didn't the last FIAGTC Top 24 video (specifically Tom) tease a "very big announcement" coming "very soon"?

I wonder if something happened? Most likely Covid-19, I'd say. =/
Just a reminder, there is a post by Porsche's Instagram from June 11, the same day GT7 was revealed. At the time they said to stay tuned for more updates in the coming months.

Edit: The post is actually from June 15, but still, very close to the GT7 reveal.

Just a reminder, there is a post by Porsche's Instagram from June 11, the same day GT7 was revealed. At the time they said to stay tuned for more updates in the coming months.

Edit: The post is actually from June 15, but still, very close to the GT7 reveal.

This would have been great to give me hope in June, but 3 months later and literally NO information aside from the haptic feedback article, I'm not really hyped for anything else in the 'coming months' even from now...

Like someone else said, the initial reveal was showing off what is to come on the PS5, today's event was to show what to expect at the launch in November and a little extra. I said if they didn't show GT today why would they next week, but now I might be more inclined to think GT would have something to show at TGS to disassociate it from PS5 launch.
@happycorey I have that hope and impression that could show in TGS altough slim chance because they would show GT7 in the tonight event because of much more people involving watching and views, but we'll see
Then again, if they have "surprises" in store for the TGS event, they might simply have been trying to avoid spoiling 'em.
@happycorey I have that hope and impression that could show in TGS altough slim chance because they would show GT7 in the tonight event because of much more people involving watching and views, but we'll see

That was my thought. But I think the consensus is that it was a focused event for the launch window games.

Then again, if they have "surprises" in store for the TGS event, they might simply have been trying to avoid spoiling 'em.

From what I saw on the TGS schedule, there was no Sony related things going to be shown. So it would have to be a complete surprise.
Maybe it's actually a ps4 cross gen game like Spider Man and Horizon?
It couldn't be 'cause of the ray-tracing thing and perhaps other CPU/GPU-hogging features, which they've already shown, so they'd have to backtrack in order to support the older console.

@Monkey Man that's why it's very unlikely that we have any gt7 showcase in this month, maybe mid to late october have something dunno
I certainly hope so, man; I ain't givin' up that easily. :gtpflag:
Yeah let this one go unless there's some other title you like.

$750 in our chump money.

Let us all remind ourselves that GTS came out in 2017, 3yrs over console release.

GT5 came out in 2010 in a broken ass mess 4 yrs after console release.

AT BEST, I give them 2yrs say Xmas 2022 for GT7.

So GT Sport has to solder on for another 2 yrs.

You know I'm being wildy optimisitic when I say that MAYBE GT7 will come out Xmas 2021!
If that's optimistic, how would you characterise November or Christmas 2020? :lol:

I only ask 'cause that's what I'm still hoping for. Yeah I know. Hopeless fanboi sucka. :gtpflag:
I'm going with Christmas 2020. Why not? Not like I'm losing anything if it doesn't come out.

PD do surprises well. As the ads for PS5 start appearing on all media, we'll keep seeing a flash of Gran Turismo 7. Consumers will be thinking the game is coming. Kids will be tugging on parent's shirts. Parents will be losing their minds trying to click on the Gran Turismo 7 icons to buy the game as a stocking stuffer.

Thanksgiving for the states will roll around. Queries about Gran Turismo 7 will heighten as it's crunch time, to get the order done in time for midnight wrapping.

Queue PD announcing Gran Turismo 7 available Christmas 2020.
Ad will show road cars, race cars spinning and bottoming out with sparks. Rain, snow, arid conditions. Fireworks, airplanes overhead and a car launching off a jump from a legacy track. Cut to black. Price displayed.
Back to your regularly scheduled program.
I’ll buy the ps5 at launch just for the simple fact my PS4 launch console is showing its age. Controller is worn out and I don’t trust the hard drive with all that data. I’ll transfer it over and just play my current games. Absolutely nothing at launch that we know of does anything for me. I don’t get why launches are always so lame. If a Zelda type game (I know, Nintendo) came out at launch it would sell more than ever I would think. Very slim pickings at launch
As the ads for PS5 start appearing on all media, we'll keep seeing a flash of Gran Turismo 7. Consumers will be thinking the game is coming. Kids will be tugging on parent's shirts. Parents will be losing their minds trying to click on the Gran Turismo 7 icons to buy the game as a stocking stuffer.

Thanksgiving for the states will roll around. Queries about Gran Turismo 7 will heighten as it's crunch time, to get the order done in time for midnight wrapping.
Let's not forget Black Friday either, mate.

Folks are gonna be lookin' for an excuse to grab a PS5 'cause they're gonna be in shoppin' mode. :D
What are the chances of GT7 being released this year? My pre-order for PS5 won't be filled until January so hoping GT7 isn't released before then
What are the chances of GT7 being released this year? My pre-order for PS5 won't be filled until January so hoping GT7 isn't released before then

PS5 launch games were made available for pre-order today (Spiderman, Demon Souls, etc.) GT7 isn't coming this year.
What are the chances of GT7 being released this year? My pre-order for PS5 won't be filled until January so hoping GT7 isn't released before then
Consoles are on sale November 12. If those purchasers are not getting them until January, the game could still be released this year.

It's like the email for limited PS5s thing. I don't know how it works, but if those that got email confirmations to purchase a PS5, that's potentially how many games PD could sell.

I'd like to know that's going to work.
Didn't really matter what price for the console was gonna be as I never had the money for it whenever during "Holiday 2020" so I didn't have anything in the fight anyways. However, not shocked with GT7 not showing as it was far from looking like a complete product for 2020 (Same for Resident Evil Village, which only confirmed that today as it's now coming out in 2021). I am sticking with 2021 as I said elsewhere before, when I don't know but there was never a point where I felt 2020 was gonna be realistically THE year for GT7 to come out. Besides, we got TGS at some point and PD seems to usual be good about showing anything remotely GT related there (Home event and all). The June event was basically one big "This is what's gonna be on this console" kind of deal so of course GT7 was gonna be there, whereas this was more of a "This is what is gonna be coming soon either very soon or in the near future" and in the state it was shown, there was no way that July and August were realistically gonna be enough time for it to look ready for a very near future release.
The pre-orders for PS5 in Australia sold REAL fast, I was only just waking up when it all happened. I pre-ordered as soon as I could, but was allocated the "2021" shipments, as all November and December shipments had been sold out.

I'm really hoping GT7 is NOT a launch game haha
The fact that the current FIA exhibition series in Sport is continuing into 2021 was pretty much the first sign to me that GT7 won’t be coming out this year. It wouldn’t make sense to keep FIA going in Sport if GT7 was around the corner, as that would no doubt kill participation.

As disappointing as it was to see zero sign of GT7 at the event, I’m not surprised.
Gran Turismo 7 will be release in 2021, guys. Stop hoping for 2020 :(

It's still disappointing that they didn't show anything yesterday, I hope we will have some news "soon".