Gran Turismo 7 Update 1.23 Now Available: Adds New Cars, Menu Books, Races, and Scapes

  • Thread starter Famine
Well, I agree a pretty much identical Porsche isn't ideal, but I for one like VGTs. And if it wasn't a VGT there still would be people complaining it's not the 15 exact cars they want. Not sure there is a 3-car combo that wouldn't get hated on at this point.
Brand new M3
Brand new Ferrari Daytona SP3
Minolta Toyota 88cv

Done. And no one would complain.
Yes of course Scott, we should all just simply accept what we're given. Criticism is negativity, and negativity is bad, and should be avoided at all times.
Constant negativity is pretty grating to be honest.
Constant negativity is pretty grating to be honest.
Constant substandard updates is also pretty grating, while completely ignoring the abundant issues, some of which could be easily fixed. Or should we be expected to put up with substandard quality when promised something new each month? Let me spell it out to you; more single player events, more stable servers, better credit rewards and the long promised ability to sell cars would go a long way to stop the negativity. Or do you not think these are important issues that they could have been rectified in the last 7 months and after numerous updates?
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As is constant complaining about criticism. Both never stop on this forum
You can be critical of a game without sounding like a serial whinger who can never be satisfied. I have criticised this game many times but I still post positive things about it from time to time. I don't want to get myself trapped in a cycle of frustration and anger because it's bad for my morale, and I don't think other people should go down that path either. How people like you post this sort of stuff without feeling some sense of regret totally confounds me; its like you crave it.
Constant substandard updates is also pretty grating, while completely ignoring the abundant issues, some of which could be easily to fixed. Or should we be expected to put up with substandard quality when promised something new each month? Let me spell it out to you; more single player events, more stable servers, better credit rewards and the long promised ability to sell cars would go a long way to stop the negativity. Or do you not think these are important issues they could have been rectified in the last 7 months and after numerous updates?
If you can't put up with it don't play it.
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Constant negativity is pretty grating to be honest.
I agree 100%. I feel this entry is well within reason to be copping criticism.

I mean, as a fellow Aussie, don’t you find it a little bit annoying that our only home track in the game has only 1 heavily restricted race? Imagine if all the tracks got as much love as Tokyo? I for one, would LOVE that.
What I'm struggling to understand is why PD thought adding a single 2 lap 450pp race limited to Japanese FR road cars is good content 6 months into GT7's shelf life...
We don’t know if they believe it’s good content six months into GT7’s shelf life. Remember, Kaz mentioned selling cars may be added close to end of term. What does he mean?
We can guess end of term means anything. We just don’t know what he, they think is acceptable. I mean, we know the update crash was unacceptable. We got an apology for that. However, everything players are complaining about content wise, drip feeding must be acceptable. It must be good content to he/them. It’s free updates after all.
I agree 100%. I feel this entry is well within reason to be copping criticism.

I mean, as a fellow Aussie, don’t you find it a little bit annoying that our only home track in the game has only 1 heavily restricted race? Imagine if all the tracks got as much love as Tokyo? I for one, would LOVE that.
Exactly, imagine if each track has a type of race with a reward around 800k. Not just 4 tracks.
Everybody knows that PD is absolute garbage when it comes to interacting with the community. You can't be that naive and say this site has 0 influence. Just because Kaz doesn't go on record saying "Thank you GT planet for bringing the Tomahawk exploit to our attention", doesn't mean it wasn't an influence on patching it. The only thing we get from him is a crappy picture of 3 unknown cars, 2 days before they release.
If it does have any influence then they're just deliberately trolling. The one thing that keeps returning for months is the wish for more single player events. Yet they give us one menu book to buy cars, a few VGTs and road cars.

I still like the game, but I feel this is mainly because I can't play as much as others. When I do login I do often wonder what to do though. My hope for now is that they allow crossplay and add extra dailies, but that would be naive.
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Oh 100%. Plus some clubman and Sunday cups without the ridiculous region restrictions.
Clubman Club Plus on every track without region restrictions would be amazing. I say this all the time, Tsukuba Clubman Club Plus is one of the most fun race I've had in GT7 single player.

Plus, imagine classic Goodwood races like in real life, you can take every 1960s - 1970s cars and race them with PP restrictions.

Legit 24 hour races with dynamic weather and progress saving everytime you pit so you can pick up where and when you left off, similar to GT4. Reward could be at 5-10 million.

One make races with 100k-400k credit rewards and maybe brand invitation roulette tickets.
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You can be critical of a game without sounding like a serial whinger who can never be satisfied. I have criticised this game many times but I still post positive things about it from time to time. I don't want to get myself trapped in a cycle of frustration and anger because it's bad for my morale, and I don't think other people should go down that path either. How people like you post this sort of stuff without feeling some sense of regret totally confounds me; its like you crave it.

If you can't put up with it don't play it.
Deep Irony.
People wanted to experience a full career again after long dry years since GT6 - they didn't deliver it,
lots of diverse events for every type of car and track - they didn't deliver it, but delivered something that is even worse than GT Sport,
people wanted a fun and original driving game with potentially endless gameplay - they delivered a weird live service with mtx and f2p economy.
How not to be satisfied?
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As is constant complaining about criticism. Both never stop on this forum.
It starts with the constant repetitive nagging about what's wrong with this game, though.
I think GT7 is a reasonably good game which could easily be a lot better. It is hard to understand why PD has not fixed a few issues that would instantly make the game a lot more entertaining to play. We all know which these issues are and these suggestions have been posted on this forum a thousand times.
I can even understand that posters complain about this every once in a while. Which is perfectly OK with me.


Constantly repeating the same gripes with each update all over again does not help one iota. It just sours the atmosphere on the forum and makes it a bore to read. And no, the ignore function does not help, the negativity pervades the entire forum.
Can we just accept that GT7 is less than we have hoped, expected and that it could easily be much improved but PD fails to do so for some hard to understand reason?

And move on?

Negativity is bad for your mental health and infectious. Let's keep this forum sane and entertaining.
It starts with the constant repetitive nagging about what's wrong with this game, though.
I think GT7 is a reasonably good game which could easily be a lot better. It is hard to understand why PD has not fixed a few issues that would instantly make the game a lot more entertaining to play. We all know which these issues are and these suggestions have been posted on this forum a thousand times.
I can even understand that posters complain about this every once in a while. Which is perfectly OK with me.


Constantly repeating the same gripes with each update all over again does not help one iota. It just sours the atmosphere on the forum and makes it a bore to read. And no, the ignore function does not help, the negativity pervades the entire forum.
Can we just accept that GT7 is less than we have hoped, expected and that it could easily be much improved but PD fails to do so for some hard to understand reason?

And move on?

Negativity is bad for your mental health and infectious. Let's keep this forum sane and entertaining.
That’s not going to happen in these discussion threads. There’s more sharing of game play on the positive side, in sharing threads(tuning & Photos). There aren’t as many threads about simply enjoying the cars. That brings things back to certain issues with certain cars characteristics or the physics model, or details PD left out or some players find them in drivable, unless it’s tuned.
Then, some don’t like the tracks available. Their wheels or the controllers, etc. Many players do want to get on with the business of just driving, but some can’t put certain lingering issues aside.

Everything gets put on repeat for pros and cons. Concerns, hopes, wishes, answers. The cycle will continue with this game.
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How did you manage to quote me saying this:
Perhaps it suggests the community has a largely negative view of the current state of the game?
And somehow go to this?
15 likes, 21 likes, 29 likes and 17 likes. I only get 1 like and a poo. Keep basking in the negativity guys, it will do you a lot of good...
You had asked why negative posts get likes.

My comment (which was purely innocent, analytical, truth-seeking, and written without deceitful insinuations) comprehensively verbally, and then demonstrably in it’s response answered your question.

Do you not at least see how someone could be gratuitously unsatisfied with the way the game is currently laid out? Do you not think there are ways the game could be easily substantially improved with the pieces and tools that are already there?
I am a complete newcomer to the forum and just wanted to check I'm not going mad re: the update.

So I am in the.....'add more races and championships to single player preferably without obvious or heavy scripting camp'. I can't afford a PlayStation plus subscription and online multiple player used to make me anxious! So some more races and championships would be great. Presumably the developer has built a game where they are nervous that a basic formula of just applying ai cars of a certain class or pp to tracks won't work? That would be a pretty major flaw in the architecture.

I ask more experienced posters here as custom races seems fundamentally broken. I'll add the generic issues below but I am just thinking about the races I've had yesterday using the I.DR. Now it's a fun car especially once you've tried to dial the power off understeer out as much as possible but drs has zero effect (weird?). So let's take it into a custom races on professional / tire wear / fuel use to 1 etc and no boost / real slipstream. Firstly you can never do anything apart from a one make race. I get it's not realistic to implement refuelling but they do for one make races so surely just add a nominal slower refuelling value and let the idr race other cars as it can in career mode. But then you do a one make race with boost etc all off. The ai cars even with boost etc all off will do a few slow laps for no reason and when they aren't in traffic. If you have a longer race everyone needs to pit but the ai cars lose about 19 seconds in the pit which is weird. Then as you pop out of the pit you find the ai cars suddenly gain 16mph top speed and 6 secs per lap on trial mountain and less on high speed ring (roughly 189mph compared to 174mph with the non functioning drs). Then they get up to the back of you and go back to normal top speed. All of this shows clearly on replays.

And whilst the top speed issue isn't as prominent in custom races with other cars on professional the slow lap thing happens randomly which is frustrating when you romp away to an easy win. I've checked and double checked settings but no luck. Coupled with the lack of rain implementation for custom races on certain tracks there really isn't much to do in custom races unless you get lucky. Am I going mad or this this others' experience on the idr and indeed custom races in general? With lower range meaning the idr is useless on most career races (and is neutered at 800pp) there really is nothing to do in the game with this flawed but wonderful car.

I can only conclude perhaps incorrectly the game has a fundemental flaw that 'ai' cars only work in races if there is some substantial race specific scripting code in the background about relative positions and speed....and when they are unleased without it (e.g. in custom races) essentially weird stuff like not racing flat out happens as if they are obeying generic code that shouldn't be there? Which for better or worst even the last Forza mainstream game (or for the most part project cars 2) before it was delisted managed to at least appear to avoid so you could race different types of car together properly. For example you could have wonderful races on the infield versions of the ovals where with a slower in a straight line but more pinned car you could just about keep up with faster in a straight line le mans Porsche monsters that appeared to going flat out and also over time appeared to start to lose rear traction in slow corners....yes not totally 'realistic' but neither at present is much about single player gt7 and even a lovely feel to the cars doesn't make up for no real racing excitement. Sorry for the long post but I couldn't see any discussion of the idr glitches in this thread or the major bug in the pinned threads.
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For me, all these updates are basically 'holding replies' -PD released an unfinished game, probably due to Sony enforcing the release date and PD being behind schedule due to things like Covid. So, whilst they try and build the game we wished me got originally, they give us little snippets of content to try and keep the user base happy. However, a couple of generic races per month just isn't enough. I just hope that we'll get a 'spec 2' update sooner rather than later with a tonne of new events and cars.
For me, all these updates are basically 'holding replies' -PD released an unfinished game, probably due to Sony enforcing the release date and PD being behind schedule due to things like Covid. So, whilst they try and build the game we wished me got originally, they give us little snippets of content to try and keep the user base happy. However, a couple of generic races per month just isn't enough. I just hope that we'll get a 'spec 2' update sooner rather than later with a tonne of new events and cars.
To me, this would be a best case scenario, and I do hope this will happen. I am not holding my breath though.
It's my opinion, but I also think that the lack of reaction, still today, of a part of the players about the problems of the game, certainly reinforces the frustration and the annoyance of the others. I believe that the franchise on its content aspect, on the quality of the content, has only been declining for a good ten years.

Gameplay and technique aren't everything, and I think some people forget that.
In addition, reading comments that say to do with or outright stop playing it and do something else, is not a mark of empathy and willingness to debate.

Some don't want to see that if this continues like this the franchise will go straight into the wall.
There are problems that can be solved literally in a few hours max 1 day.
7 months later, on these aspects, nothing has really moved, I think it's voluntary on their part. The major problem is the absence of a roadmap, we have no visibility over the coming months. If people had known in March, all the content until today, maybe the number of players would not be the same. Finally, the content quality of the updates does not reflect a studio that feels in danger but rather a studio that acts as if nothing had happened.
For all these reasons, in my opinion, it is impossible to shut up and deal with it.
You can be critical of a game without sounding like a serial whinger who can never be satisfied. I have criticised this game many times but I still post positive things about it from time to time. I don't want to get myself trapped in a cycle of frustration and anger because it's bad for my morale, and I don't think other people should go down that path either. How people like you post this sort of stuff without feeling some sense of regret totally confounds me; its like you crave it.

If you can't put up with it don't play it.
That's a narrow minded response. How about if I said this to you: If you don't like the negativity on this forum, leave. See the similarities?

I have just stated to you in my previous posts the issues with GT7, but instead of discussing or using reasonable common sense you decide to rudely dismiss me. How can you be expected to be taken seriously with such a bad attitude? Answer me these questions before dismissing me, would the game be better if the multiplayer servers didn't throw you out as often as they did, if there was more variation in single player events would it not add to the longevity, if payouts were more generous would it not relieve the arduous structure of the game and would not the ability to sell cars you didn't use and their sale go towards cars you did be a beneficial and reasonable expectation? All these are things PD have demonstrated in previous games, so is it that unreasonable to expect them now? If you dont like the posts on this thread, why don't you leave?
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When a racing game is so bad, that it makes people fight each other.. that says a lot about the game itself. This would be natural in CoD communities, where the most talked about topic is your mother. But on GT? Wow.

And why they arent releasing REAL content, just some endorsement crap: As I've said before, PD has moved on from this game. The reviews, the old PS4 platform.. this thing is dead and buried. That Yamauchi dude is focussing on movies now.