GT Academy Champion Wolfgang Reip Reveals Battle With Hearing Disorder

  • Thread starter Famine
Wear ear protection and wear it properly guys! Not like me at shooting range. But i have been lucky and with treatment starting the very next day, tinnitus has been mostly gone in my case. (like 95% gone)
Dont even bang a hammer on steel or something without ear protection.
Dont underestimate the (negative) power of tinnitus.

I wonder what exact sound traumas hes encountered in racing. I suppose he was not wearing an ear protection and somebody not expectedly started and revved a car?

I had a similar accident at the Gran Turismo Academy at Prague where there were some professional motorbikes showing off and he revved his bike to revlimit. I didnt know much about ear protection at that time, but my right ear has been in pain for like a week.
I can’t even imagine what it would be like to live with a condition like that. Best wishes to him.
It seems like hearing-related diseases are generally poorly researched. For example, Meniere's disease (which is a vestibular apparatus disease, but also strongly affects inner ear due to them being very closely related): the cause is unknown, and the potential cure is only just going through testing phase. And even if it goes into mass production anytime soon, I still doubt I'll be able to get it.
I'd also say that the awareness of ear diseases in general is low. For example, I had no idea Meniere's disease exists to begin with, and once I've got it, I found out that there's no option to output mono sound to headphones nowadays (at least the wireless ones; I bet you can force mono sound into wired headphones with an appropriate adapter), which is greatly annoying.
I've been wondering why this guy literally disappeared from the racing scene. I really feel for him, unable to do what he loves.
There is a surgery for hyperacusis. Is was developed by Dr. Silverstein at the silver Institute in Sarasota Fl. They do this surgery Quite often and the success rate is over 80% according to articles. I’m going for my consultation next month. You might want to give them a call.