GT Sport liveries by NBDESIGNZ - 05/03/19

  • Thread starter NBDESIGNZ
@NBDESIGNZ what a work! The decals are awesome (the dragon, the flowers, the koïs...)
May I ask to share about your design process? How many decals for each piece? How many hours of work? What were your references as the car didn’t exist but the style is spot on what they usually do?

Thanks Julien! Yes this livery took a while to make (3 long evenings and a few beers) and my reference was the Majestic Koi MB AMG C63S designed by Skepple. I made ca 150 decals for this car, 25 for each Koi, 20 for the Dragon and 12 for each flower. The Kois and the Dragon are actually transparent but on the photos you can't see it clearly. So the hardest part was to match and cut out the other elements around the animals. Lots of the decals are using gradients and as you know they sometimes don't work properly so I had to redo some of them several times :banghead:. There were still so many details to add but the 300 mark was reached quickly so I had to let them aside.

Thank you Jan! :cheers:

Sure I can can share them with you I made around 80 decals in total for this livery. :D
If you really wouldn‘t mind shoot me a PM with those zipped :lol: I‘d like to have a shot at making something like this for another car :cheers:
Would you be interested in ever doing a time lapse of your work? Or maybe a bit of a breakdown of how you approach your liveries? I'm sure many of us could learn a lot! :lol::D
Never thought about that, for each livery I do it differently. Most of the time looking for some inspiration on the web an then just go with it (trial and errors included). Searching and making all the decals is mostly the longest part of each project. Other than that, no real secrets about my works.