"GT Sport will require an internet connection for the majority of functionality"

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I already have problems playing online in most modern games or having a stable Internet. I assume first world countries have it much better with smooth Internet speed, streaming videos and such.

Meanwhile over here with ISP lying and cheating on you with overpriced packages that seems to be good at first but doesn't even achieve anything near the promised service. Online games and developers who doesn't give a crap about anyone who isn't in a europe, North America or Japan a.k.a getting latency that would ruin the fun of the game.

Right now, I'm struggling to even sign in to my PS3 and PS4 despite the Internet working normally. I just hope that it meant for online features and that's all.
That moment when you realize the GT we all played for years is no more.:(
Was arrived at when the game was first revealed at Copperbox?

I can't think of why you would require PS+ for Arcade Mode??

No. Plus is only required for online PLAY with or against others. Nothing else. Arcade Mode solo play requiring internet connection just shows Kaz is not doing his job properly.
Glad I already decided to pass on GT:S and get P:Cars2 this year instead, Evidently PD didn't see the backlash EA got for making NFS 2015 online only, I have average internet at best not the fastest but quite stable, I don't see why I should need to pay even more to have internet capable of being less than fully utilized in a game environment.

And don't even get me started on the difficulty settings, Not every good driver knows every track and would like to be able to turn different things on without it lowering difficulty, Then again it seems GT:S doesn't have many tracks to learn :sly:

Thanks PD you've just saved me probably about £60 ;)
Yea, but it didn't really hit me till today!
Was arrived at when the game was first revealed at Copperbox?

No. Plus is only required for online PLAY with or against others. Nothing else. Arcade Mode solo play requiring internet connection just shows Kaz is not doing his job properly.
actually, I guess people wont be holding onto their butts for GT7. and need to get over the fact that sport isnt going to be like any other GT game. Maybe, maybe if sales are bad, PD, or rather Kaz, might reconsider, but for now... Straight from the horses mouth as it were...
“For me, Gran Turismo Sport is Gran Turismo 7. Gran Turismo Sport is something that marks the beginning of a new generation or era. When you consider Gran Turismo 1-6 as the first era, GT Sport marks a new generation moving forward.”
The Arcade Mode sounds like it is going to be restricted though.
That appears to be the case, although it doesn't have anything to do with PS+. I'm not sure how @Castrol96 came to believe that.

actually, I guess people wont be holding onto their butts for GT7. and need to get over the fact that sport isnt going to be like any other GT game. Maybe, maybe if sales are bad, PD, or rather Kaz, might reconsider, but for now... Straight from the horses mouth as it were...
“For me, Gran Turismo Sport is Gran Turismo 7. Gran Turismo Sport is something that marks the beginning of a new generation or era. When you consider Gran Turismo 1-6 as the first era, GT Sport marks a new generation moving forward.”
I'm looking forward to it. If they restrict Arcade Mode or offline as much as people think they will, it will be a slap in the face. GT, for me, has mostly been about playing offline. I hate grinding for cars though, which is what I liked about GT6. Seriously, grinding for cars. . . irritating. I can see doing something to unlock tracks as a part in the "Etiquette" Mode or anything else like it. I'd prefer that over grinding for cars. Never again. I hate it.
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@another_jakhole the statement isn't 100% clear to be honest and some clarification from Sony/PD would be helpful. The problem is that it talks about PS+ online racing and then moves onto Arcade Mode in the same sentence.

Or maybe Arcade Mode has completely changed from what it used to be (racing with AI, 2P mode, time/drift trial)? I don't know. My head hurts now! :lol:
@another_jakhole the statement isn't 100% clear to be honest and some clarification from Sony/PD would be helpful. The problem is that it talks about PS+ online racing and then moves onto Arcade Mode in the same sentence.

Or maybe Arcade Mode has completely changed from what it used to be (racing with AI, 2P mode, time/drift trial)? I don't know. My head hurts now! :lol:
Arcade mode will have restrictions or limitations to it, but we've seen enough races with 20 cars. I don't have any idea what restrictions Arcade mode will have. Select tracks? What in the hell?

"PlayStation Plus will only be needed for online multiplayer. Portions of the Arcade Mode, including limited two-player split screen, single-player races on select tracks, and time trials can still be played in an offline environment."

They seem separate to me and clear. PS+ for multiplayer only.
To be honest, I'm not that much surprised by this news. It isn't like NFS 2016 where it just sorta came out of nowhere. GT Sport is heavy on the esport element and that requires online functionality. I don't know how they could've done this without making online mandatory?

I was never really interested in the game in the first place so this isn't a lost for me at all, but yeah, this'll be interesting to see how this game will turn out.
To be honest, I'm not that much surprised by this news. It isn't like NFS 2016 where it just sorta came out of nowhere. GT Sport is heavy on the esport element and that requires online functionality. I don't know how they could've done this without making online mandatory?

I was never really interested in the game in the first place so this isn't a lost for me at all, but yeah, this'll be interesting to see how this game will turn out.
Your post is so refreshing to read. Thank you. I love you. Kiss kiss, hug hug, little kiss, big hug, big kiss, little hug.
It's like all three racers are competing to see who can make the sleaziest moves.

If this gets confirmed then GTS has a needless always online requirement. F7 has microtransactions and PCARS 2 has awful pre-order and season pass exclusive DLC crap.

Anti-consumerism at its finest.
If I was going off of this description of these games, PCARS2 without a doubt would be best choice of game to pick if I wanted to choose one.
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The first quote:" In order to ensure fair racing for all, GT Sport will require an internet connection for the majority of functionality. This connectivity requirement is to ensure that progress, car availability, and driver ratings are properly maintained at all times. "

The second quote: " PlayStation Plus will only be needed for online multiplayer. Portions of the Arcade Mode, including limited two-player split screen, single-player races on select tracks, and time trials can still be played in an offline environment. "

What I get from the Blog, any part of GT Sport that affects DR/SR requires internet connection as per what's stated in the first quote. So on to the second quote, there is probably some part of arcade mode which affects DR/SR so the portions part of the quote is covered. What I don't get is the part where single player races on select tracks is mentioned. I mean that just confuses anyone who reads it. So I'm going with them conflating two things, not all the courses are used in campaign and all courses are available in online and arcade mode.

I mean I could be horribly wrong in my assumptions about what the Blog was attempting to say, but I'll be odd man out and think my bundle of words is a just a tad more reasonable(although that in no way says that PD aren't unreasonable as this blog insists). Can't wait for GT Sport though, I hope GTP does an in depth review of PC2 need to figure out if it's worth adding to the group as Forza 7 and GT Sport are instant buys for me anyway.

Don't shoot me, just a theory I came up with while trying to figure out the Blog post itself.
I'm thinking that, apart from the obvious online racing, GTS will use a system similar the the seasonals in GT6. You'll need a connection at the start to get the details of the race, ghost laps etc, and a connection at the end to upload your result, ghost etc, but nothing in-between when you are driving.
Not really a surprise that some would react in this way when a month ago we were all told the games online content was only 15% of the experience is it?

For me, I saw this coming from a long time ago. The beta confirmed it. PD wanted to test the servers in the beta and made it a priority by closing arcade mode, and stress testing the "Sport" mode. The biggest takeaways I received from the limited information provided to the public is the graphics with wide color HDR, which is beautifully programmed, online of course with the definition of "sport" being the FiA online competitions and in addition to this an online mode with sport mode, lobbies, and all of the other features in the game incorporating some online feature. This is probably why customization is more noticeable in this game. It fits within the online philosophy of making online more enjoyable to the player and others, as certain designs in the livery editor can be shown off and shared in the community. It also seems that a player can start wherever he/she wants it the campaign. Last is sound. It has definitely improved, not the best, but it is significantly better than previous titles.

From the information we received in this pre-release period, it seems like other features which used to be emphasized in past GT games are not as much brought to the forefront, such as physics, cars, tracks, campaign. Physics are not going to be as noticeable as past GT games since most of the tracks on launch are fictional, most of the physics that will be truly felt will probably be from real tracks. The car list has been downsized greatly, as the cars are created more for their real behaviors instead of being made in great numbers with smaller amounts of data to create cars from, as quality is over quantity. In addition, many of the cars are PDI made race cars, tuned from street models to meet a specific regulation or VGT's. There is a smaller number of tracks, with a variety of circuits will specific characteristics being chosen over laser-scanning real tracks when making tracks. The campaign mode is like an extended license test, which was not emphasized much in previous games. Now it is now a main feature here instead of sets of a few tests to promote to the next racing series in a campaign mode.

All in all, as we are around a month from release, it's no question this game is mostly online, which was based on the way they presented it. This game deals with learning and experiencing instead of experiencing then learning. It is not a bad thing at all, just a different step for GT, bringing to the forefront limited or lacking features from earlier titles while still incorporating the mission of the product based on the FiA partnership and elements of its functions, which deals with real motorsport and bring more interest to the auto industry (specifically racing), which will hopefully make the sport more accessible to fans and of racing by connecting and interacting with each other via the virtual world, which is essentially a simulation and bringing it as close (to a more affordable level) to the experience in a real racing car to expand the population (young and old) interested in the auto industry and its many outlets.

It will be interesting to see how this game progresses through its life cycle.
Quite impressive how many posts on this one issue. NFS got it wrong and GTS won't do the same. This will work like DriveClub did. I promise you*

That moment when you realize the GT we all played for years is no more.:(

I'm happy about this, really.

No. Plus is only required for online PLAY with or against others. Nothing else. Arcade Mode solo play requiring internet connection just shows Kaz is not doing his job properly.

You're taking this in the worst possible way, it simply won't happen the way you describe it. I promise you*

They won't grey out a mode or say 'sorry this is not available' on arcade without internet. That would be insane. This is just you taking a VERY badly worded statement to an illogical extreme.

*Not legally binding :)
Quite impressive how many posts on this one issue. NFS got it wrong and GTS won't do the same. This will work like DriveClub did. I promise you*

I'm happy about this, really.

You're taking this in the worst possible way, it simply won't happen the way you describe it. I promise you*

They won't grey out a mode or say 'sorry this is not available' on arcade without internet. That would be insane. This is just you taking a VERY badly worded statement to an illogical extreme.

*Not legally binding :)
No. I. Am. Not. If you need an internet connection for credit/mile rewards in order to buy cars in solo play modes then I am 100% right.

Kaz is the head of PD. Part of his job is to understand the game market. If YOU see a game that requires an alway on connection (NFS) and it attracts nothing but complaints from the players to the point where EA state the next game won't require this and you still make your game like that then you are NOT doing your job properly.

If you then see a game, SFV, that launches as an esport title and is only bought by esport players and not by the people who normally buy SF games. Then another company, Namco, make absolutely sure not to make the same mistake by showing solo game modes in Tekken 7 early and often before launch and that game beats SFV lifetime sales in the first month and you STILL make an esport title then you are not doing your job properly.
Okay I haven't been keeping up with GTS news for awhile but I just read the article and I'm still a little confused. From the article it sounds like GTS requires online for certain single player features. But here we've got people saying it's an always online game, like NFS 2015, as in the game will not function at all without being connected.

So which is it? This is important for me to know as I don't support always online games on consoles.
I think majority is quite a subjective term. Career, livery, scapes, arcade and local MP(?) are all offline.

Okay I haven't been keeping up with GTS news for awhile but I just read the article and I'm still a little confused. From the article it sounds like GTS requires online for certain single player features. But here we've got people saying it's an always online game, like NFS 2015, as in the game will not function at all without being connected.

So which is it? This is important for me to know as I don't support always online games on consoles.

Its not always online. Certain parts of the game require an online connection (like most games) such as the driver rating, infographics, photo sharing and online mode.
I think majority is quite a subjective term. Career, livery, scapes, arcade and local MP(?) are all offline.

Its not always online. Certain parts of the game require an online connection (like most games) such as the driver rating, infographics, photo sharing and online mode.
That's what I gathered from what I've read. It's just that all this talk about being comparable to games that actually do need to be connected to function at all got me paranoid.

If this is the case, Sony needs to clarify this before launch because people are saying GTS is an always online game.
With all these info,I wished Kaz would communicate and clarify these a bit more.
A big post release content push for free is now a must,but if it is turn out to be online only then...no buy for me.
Where's that 85% is single player at? I want to see that so much since what the PSblog showed are nothing but training "Campaign" boot camp prepping player for online racing.
I went from must buy just after the closed beta to wait and see like I never been to my anticipated games before in my life.
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