GT Won is done.PS4 

  • Thread starter IfAndOr
I hope that's not a problem.
It's a shame you can't make those dates but it's not a problem. You'll be on the main roster of racers.

If there are days when a few of you can't attend it can always be postponed for a week, it'd be a pity to miss out on fuller grids with these cars. We could always race something else on those days, there's plenty to choose from.
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I all ways race in cockpit view, feels so much more immersion and speed.
Even with motorbike games good, though in races usually case cam. Still have move riders body backwards and forwards when braking.

Cars look great, only driven the Penzo, one best sounding cars in the game.
Test overs tonight.
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As Mario I will be away on October 4 too.
Oh well it looks like there's the possibility of the race on October 4th being held over for 1 week. I'll fit something else in. But that does mean Mario will miss Imola instead. We'll see how it all goes and arrange things to suit if needed. It's not like we're on a tight schedule. As long as we finish before January when my PS Plus runs out we'll be fine. :P
Very random segway, but speaking of PS Plus, I don't usually bother with the free games but this month it's Hitman 2, which is worth a go if you fancy a change from driving round in circles for a bit.

The first mission is at a race track in Miami, you can assassinate the target by disguising yourself as pit crew and sabotaging their pit stop :lol:.
I've been playing the Plus game Days Gone for ages. I keep thinking that it's going to end soon but no, it just carries on. Certainly got my monies worth out of that (although I didn't pay for it as such).
Hitman 2 is in my download library, along with many others!.

you can assassinate the target by disguising yourself as pit crew and sabotaging their pit stop
Getting in some practice ready for the GT1s? 😀
I'll have to post up my FOV and other relevant settings again, might help some.
If anyone is interested in the interior view settings that I use, here they are.

And here's a video showing what they look like using helmet view (minus the helmet!)
I've moved the seat position back and up a little to suit.

I used the McLaren since it's got a central driving position.
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That's brilliant thanks @IfAndOr . I was literally just mucking about with these settings because you mentioned it. I previously had everything set to 0, pretty much a static camera; can't remember if that was default or if I set it like that when I got the game, (there were too many settings to consider) but I'm enjoying it with them turned 'on'. Haven't tried moving my seat yet, let's give that a go...

Where's my head?!
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Where's my head?!
Yeah I tend to loose my head sometimes too. 😀

I have everything mapped to a USB keyboard so I can change settings on the fly. I tend to move the seat position back then look down and if I can see my virtual crotch I know that's about the right position. :dopey:

Some have the FoV set to a quite narrow setting. I just can't get along with that myself, I much prefer it at what I feel is a more natural setting.

Oh and using just the cockpit camera the view is a bit more static since many of the movement settings just affect he helmet view. Which is sometimes better for close racing, less immersion though.
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the Plus game Days Gone
I tried Days gone, just didn't get on with it at all, not since I finished The last of use 1 and 2, which were amazing.

Also discovered 'Ant Anstead Master Mechanic' on TV (Quest Channel and Amazon Prime) building an Alfa Romeo 158 F1 car from scratch, will look out for his other series too now.

Had a first blast with four of the new cars on Brno, with cockpit view. Who's idea was it to put that bloody windscreen wiper in the middle of the screen! 1st car I tried was a bit of a nightmare and I was thinking, god this is going to be tough, but then the next three I quite liked. Going to be interesting to see what cars people like.
Ive got the lap timings on heads up display on the left and I now realise that's getting in the way of left turns and seeing the apex properly so I need to move that.

Ill give those other setting a go too, thanks for that, mine at all default.
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I tried Days gone, just didn't get on with it at all,
I know what you mean. I didn't initially, I nearly gave up a few times, but persisted a bit longer and it began to click with me. Although it can be a little repetitive at times there's quite an interesting story that evolves as the world keeps getting bigger. And the graphics are amazing for a "last gen" console.
I finished the original Last Of Us, very good, but not tried/got part 2.

The video above was without the HUD on. I have various elements activated during our races which generally looks like this...
(Picture to follow)

Going to be interesting to see what cars people like.
It would be interesting to hear everyone's opinions on the different cars.

I don't dislike any of them really. I wasn't too far off similar lap times once I'd got used to each one.
With me driving - The fastest might be the Toyota, it's a bit LMPish. Another quick one is the Merc, it's quite stable and has full aids if needed. The slowest (but only just) is possibly the Porsche, but it's very nice to drive. The F50 could be the most fun! The McLaren I like too and it's got the best interior view. The Panoz under steers somewhat but is loud, plus it's got the best steering wheel. The one I might like the least is the Nissan, although it's growing on me.
Don't disagree with any of those. Porsche is very smooth, and very quiet, I had to turn my engine volume up! On paper, it looks like the McLaren would have the fastest straight line speed, but the gearing is a bit weird for 5th & 6th, feels like that's compromising some speed. The Ferrari handles so well, it doesn't seem to be aware that understeer exists.

Haven't played last of us, been on my long and growing list of games that I need to play for quite some time.
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I tried the McLaren 1st and struggled to get the feel of it, probably because it needs more skill, I dont know. The Merc and the Toyota were nice to drive, but my fav so far is the Ferrari, even if it does sound like scalextric's car. That all might change before tomorrow, when ive retried them.
Now I love Brno. Always have a good race there. ☺

I'm considering delaying the start of the GT1 championship until October 11th.
I was going to postpone the 2nd meeting at Fuji for 1 week anyway (because both Mario and Napalm can't make it) so it'd make more sense to instead of starting and then immediately stopping, to start and then continue. Is that generally OK with everyone?

We'll still do some test races tomorrow just to iron out any problems. I'll try and get in few races in of about 3 to 5 laps to try out the different cars. And also try out grid and rolling starts.
The following 2 weeks will be filled with... something. Maybe @Zolon32 might want to test out his handicapping idea? And there's also my team idea to experiment with.
Brno is new to me but I like it so far from practice, feels good in these cars.

Had the same issue with starts Napalm, too much power to just plant the accelerator, and no 4 wheel drive this time for traction... I'm hoping the rolling start option works to be honest, I enjoyed the manual rolling start we did at Daytona in the BMW V12 LM, maybe that could work in these cars. I guess your main concern with rolling starts is entry speed to turn 1, in which case a no overtake until X rule may be needed.
The trouble with the full manual rolling start is that when penalties are on there is the the chance of getting a time penalty before you even start the race. If the pole sitter crosses the line before it goes green or a driver edges in front of another are a couple of examples. Everyone would need to be alert. A computer controlled rolling start should be OK though. We'll give them a go.

Did about 10 starts vs AI's and every time I lost 2-3 positions
They have different physics and grip to us human drivers. And also the AI know when the lights are going to change. ☺

in which case a no overtake until X rule may be needed.
There is of course the "No overtaking Paul" rule that's always in place. Everyone ignores it though.
A slight clarification of the rules on the first post to hopefully make the car choices easier to understand.

And especially for Mario. 😉
A cada semana, todos devem escolher um carro GT1 e ficar com ele nas 3 corridas noturnas. Alguns dos carros se adaptam melhor a algumas pistas do que a outras, então vale a pena experimentá-los todos.

Se um piloto terminar no pódio, ele deve continuar a usar o carro naquela noite, mas não pode usar o carro novamente até a semana 8 (há 7 GT1). Todos os outros podem escolher qualquer carro para a semana seguinte, incluindo o mesmo carro que acabaram de usar, se quiserem.
Blame Mr Google if it's wrong.

And I think we'll use rolling starts for this series. I think that will be OK for the tracks listed, but I'll check.
The practising night was really useful thanks, personally it would have helped a lot to know what tracks we would practise on beforehand so I could have done a few refresh runs in the week, as I dont know most of them (or at least forgot them) and was driving blind to many corners or braking way to early (especially with the, new to me, in car view as an added view restrictor), annoying other drivers most likely.
But only a 'would be nice' idea.
Really helped swapping to 'stable' thanks.
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Thanks Paul, everything is clear now, and I thank you for the translating effort (Mr. Google is quite correct, although evidently he talks like a brazilian, it's funny :D )

So, every week the car picked for the first race must be used in races 2 and 3. If in any of these 3 races a podium is achieved that car becomes unavailable for the remainder of the championship. Got it! 👍

Still, just to be clear: This sentence
Traction control and ABS will not be allowed this time
Only means what you say after, right? Meaning, we are forced to realistic setting and we can only change it to take off one or both if the particular car we're using has them available. But we can't turn these assists on for cars that don't have them historically. I guess this is it but if you can confirm please do

Last night was an enjoyable return to the excellent company of you all. I was very green at the start and it was fortunate that I picked the Mercedes first because it is a car that you can trust. I tried all but the Ferrari and the McLaren, and I'm not sure if there are any significant performance differences. The Toyota felt fast, but maybe it was the noise, don't know.

Thanks again for putting this up, I'm sure we'll have great fun with the races ahead! :) 👍 :cheers:
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Yes @Pantheons I think I should have picked a more well known track to test on. Dubai is good but not everyone knows it fully. Once we were on Nurbergring it was fine.
Annoying other drivers? I wouldn't think so. ☺

I've been taking a look at the photographs on your website, very talented indeed.

I guess this is it but if you can confirm please do
Yep I think you've got it correct. If the car is shown has having aids available on the selection screen you will have the use of them. If there is none shown they won't be available.
It sort of goes along with the handicapping, in that some cars will be trickier to drive and race with. Although some may like that!