GT4 Trackmaps

  • Thread starter cyruscloud
I noticed some wireframe images of some of the GT4 tracks on this site. Was wondering if anyone knows where I can find or have hires images similar to those or even better textured maps like that. I'm thinking of recreating these tracks for a PC sim for my own use and it would really help to have some high quality maps. Thanks, and hope this isn't too far out of line in this forum or anything, just thought it would be best place to ask.
I think there's some in the Japanese release manual, and possibly the Press Edition Box Set/Driving the Game book.

Edit: Yes, in fact the Japanese manual does have a track map per page.
I think he's looking for those wire frame ones, you know, the ones that are 3D and show the curbs and grandstands.
I seriously doubt actually finding the 3d wire maps for the courses. The only way that I know of how you can make them yourself is actually going to each race course and measuring them out. Taking pictures would help too.
I'm mostly just interested in the maps for the GT original tracks like midfield, grand valley, etc. The location tracks and real world tracks I can use google earth, photos, etc. to do those if I want, but can't get info like that for fantasy tracks. I'm looking for wireframe or textures either way, just of the actual mesh hopefully, line maps won't really help that much. The ones on this site are good but would like to find something similar for the others. I read once that one of the GT3 guides had some in it, just wondering if anyone has happened upon these or have some that wouldn't mind scanning them.

As for how I do it, basically just use 3dsmax and a good platform sim like Rfactor, not too hard really, just takes some time. I've built other tracks before, real world tracks, but want to add some of the GT originals to the bunch since I am a fan of the layouts on most of these courses.
Thankyou very much, just what I was looking for. Motegi and Fuji were the real world tracks I really needed maps of as well since aerial shots or googleearth imagery is practically no existent so this will be really helpful.
Thanks Alpha for the links for the tracks.
I added this to my favorites for future reference.
Thanks man. 👍

I work on this stuff for Rfactor made by ISI. Good sim, open architecture, full time scale system unlimited number of AI opponets, kinda system heavy though. I use to work with F1 Challenge also made by ISI but Rfactor is using DX9 while F1C used DX7 so moving on from that, but on F1C the community had put together over 150 tracks at one point, definatly a sim to pick up if your into pc gaming and find it in the bargain bin somewhere.
Hahaha, I downloaded them all onto my PSP for future references, that way I dont have to turn on my computer to help myself or my bro figure out a line. Great find, dude!
oh no!!!! they are gone!!
did anyone save them all? if you did rehost the please!!!!!
thank you to whomever rehosts them!