GT5 Latest News & Discussion

  • Thread starter gamelle71
People find it funny.

Less so when they find out how it's actually pronounced, mind.
Kazunori Yamauchi just can't be taken seriously anymore. His interviews and presentations have always been misleading.

He has fooled all of us so many times now.

gt5p will have many updates, and most likely damage.
gt5 will release 1 year after prologue.
gt5 will be here at the end of 2009
gt5 release will be before gt psp
gt5 release soon after gt psp
gt5 release anounced very soon
We can release anytime we want.
gt5 release 3th of november 2010
gt5 will release holiday season of 2010.

Ow and there are so many things I'm forgetting.

I mean I love GT, but maybe he doesn't know a thing about what his team is doing, or he has some kind of disease in which he promises things he cant keep?
PD is giving everyone a new livery in commemoration of the latest delay

Then Kaz handed his homework in late and has now transferred the blame to his employer.
Did he say that? He said they missed their deadline, and something along the same lines on his Twitter feed.

All he said is that it is up to Sony as to what that means for the release date, because Sony has a schedule (one facility can only create so many discs) which required him to have the game in on time. Because of his missed deadline Sony has to figure out how to work it in to the production and release schedule.

According to what has been reported/tweeted: Kaz was late. It was his fault and he has owed up to it and apologized. And now he is saying that he can't give any more information because it is in Sony's hands at this point to fix his mistake with as little effect as possible.
Kazunori Yamauchi just can't be taken seriously anymore. His interviews and presentations have always been misleading.

He has fooled all of us so many times now.

gt5p will have many updates, and most likely damage.
gt5 will release 1 year after prologue.
gt5 will be here at the end of 2009
gt5 release will be before gt psp
gt5 release soon after gt psp
gt5 release anounced very soon
We can release anytime we want.
gt5 release 3th of november 2010
gt5 will release holiday season of 2010.

Ow and there are so many things I'm forgetting.

I mean I love GT, but maybe he doesn't know a thing about what his team is doing, or he has some kind of disease in which he promises things he cant keep?

He has "Fooled us"? (sorry, this is one of those times where British punctuation rules are more helpful, as BenzAMG didn't use a question mark)

Is he running around with a diabolical snicker or something?
Despite the frustration that has been caused, I agree with FoolKiller. Kaz did own up to it, and he apologized.

To add to that....we're all (or at least most of us) human. Is it frustrating that it's not on time? Yes. Is it easy to get mad at someone because of it? Yes. However, how long can you stay angry at someone who owned up to the mistake and apologized?

Judging by the "will you still buy GT5" poll, for the few that say they're canceling their order, I mean it's your choice, but why on earth would you cancel your order for what is probably going to be one of the best racing games in history, just because of a 3 day production miss, and maybe a few weeks extra of waiting? Sure, throw the argument of "well we've been waiting five years" blah blah...think about it...five years vs. a few weeks, while the game is done, and just waiting to be printed. But hey, it's up to you, I'm not going to stop you from not buying the game.

All I know, is that I'll still be getting my collector's edition after it's released...which WILL get here, eventually. Patience will pay off.
Despite the frustration that has been caused, I agree with FoolKiller. Kaz did own up to it, and he apologized.

To add to that....we're all (or at least most of us) human. Is it frustrating that it's not on time? Yes. Is it easy to get mad at someone because of it? Yes. However, how long can you stay angry at someone who owned up to the mistake and apologized?

Judging by the "will you still buy GT5" poll, for the few that say they're canceling their order, I mean it's your choice, but why on earth would you cancel your order for what is probably going to be one of the best racing games in history, just because of a 3 day production miss, and maybe a few weeks extra of waiting? Sure, throw the argument of "well we've been waiting five years" blah blah...think about it...five years vs. a few weeks, while the game is done, and just waiting to be printed. But hey, it's up to you, I'm not going to stop you from not buying the game.

All I know, is that I'll still be getting my collector's edition after it's released...which WILL get here, eventually. Patience will pay off.

Of course dude, but I'm feeling fooled. And I don't like this condition.
Despite the frustration that has been caused, I agree with FoolKiller. Kaz did own up to it, and he apologized.

Judging by the "will you still buy GT5" poll, for the few that say they're canceling their order, I mean it's your choice...I'm not going to stop you from not buying the game.

All I know, is that I'll still be getting my collector's edition after it's released...which WILL get here, eventually. Patience will pay off.

Good words there. All of us were upset, but canceling your order because of a few weeks wait is going over-board. I still kept my CE order as well! 👍
Despite the frustration that has been caused, I agree with FoolKiller. Kaz did own up to it, and he apologized.

I agree but then he added that he was only 3 days late and now everything is up to SONY. So if the new release date makes people mad we're just supposed to blame SONY, right?
You know when you drag race, 1/10th of a sec in the 60ft amounts to something like .4-.6s in the final ET of the pass, so what kaz has done is cost us 3 days that will amount to 4-5 weeks.
Okay I have a question. If it is three days late from its deadline have those three days alreay passed and now it is being made or are they now polishing up the game more because they are in a holding pattern now and think they have more time to work on the game?

I'm leaning towards the latter.

It seems to me that if the three days have passed that they should have sent the game off to get pressed so they will try to be ahead of any delays that could happen in pressing or shipping...
I still feel like a great many of the people who might be canceling pre-orders, or not making it a first-day buy, or only buying used, aren't doing it because of "a few weeks longer". It's the principal behind PD not ever sticking to deadlines. No other series has such a history of constant delays or vague "maybe the end of the year" comments.

Is it enough for me to cancel my pre-order? No. I need a racing game that caters to my tastes best on the one modern console I own. I'm just glad Kaz and the gang are just in charge of making something as unimportant as a video game in my life, and not in control of some other, vital aspect of life. You know, the real world, where deadlines are kind of important...
If the release date remains in this holiday season, then I will keep my preorder, but If it gets pushed back into let's say March 2011, then at that point I will cancel my preorder (been their done that).
Okay I have a question. If it is three days late from its deadline have those three days alreay passed and now it is being made or are they now polishing up the game more because they are in a holding pattern now and think they have more time to work on the game?

I'm leaning towards the latter.

Would be safer for Sony to not allow anymore tweaking and just sit on that gold disc I reckon assuming that it indeed was finished 3 days too late, and maybe suggest PD make a second gold disc in the meantime if they wanted to further develop it which if finished in time and better than the original they could use instead.
If not, they at least have an option to release that game on a fixed date at all.
Not sure this is a possibility but if it were it might be a sensible way to adress this whole issue and I totally agree with SlipZtrEm by the way as GT5 is my only option at the moment ( and remains a first day buy because I need my fix ).
You know that you spell that "Fuku", not "Fakju", right?

this is my take on it...fuku, it's fuku-ova hahaha

good to hear it's just some production difficulties, that's what i thought as well..and yea shame on those who said they were going to cancel their CE orders because of this, very childish if you ask me.
I agree but then he added that he was only 3 days late and now everything is up to SONY. So if the new release date makes people mad we're just supposed to blame SONY, right?
You know when you drag race, 1/10th of a sec in the 60ft amounts to something like .4-.6s in the final ET of the pass, so what kaz has done is cost us 3 days that will amount to 4-5 weeks.

I understand what you mean, regarding the small 3 day mistake possibly adding up to another month or more before we see it. However, as I said, and I'll stand by my statement, mistakes are made, and yes PD has notoriously and frustratingly been late on numerous deadlines before, but despite, even all of that, people go gaga for this game, and this series...despite all the other hardships in the way. To me at least, it'll all be worth it in the end as I know i'll spend years playing this game.

Yeah it sucks that his mistake adds up to more time, but I'm not blaming SONY and the reason he said it was up to SONY now is because it actually is up to them when they want to release the game now, though it is PD's fault for missing SONY's original deadline according to the recent news. Release it inline with COD, inline with NFS, or do you wait until the holiday mayhem starts? November 2 would've been perfect, but since that's not part of the picture anymore, someone will have to make a decision.
I'm not angry, I never was.

I just don't get that Kaz doesn't learn from his mistakes when talking to the press. How many times did he make us believe something that wasn't going to happen? It's like he doesn't know where to draw the line between what he wants, and what is realistically possible. It great that he wants the game to be released tomorrow, or that he wants 20.000 cars in he game, as long as you don't make people believe that's actually going to happen this generation.

He is making the expectations so high, people can only be disappointed.

I'm over the fact that the game has been delayed. I can wait a little longer. But I learned to not get my hopes up for a "holiday season" release!
No matter what i will get my SE when it´s done, don´t really care to get angry, stuff like this happens in all walks of life deadlines get missed problems arise and so on, if this is any indication on how people deal with dissapointment mankind is in serious trouble. ;)

My only suggestion to Kaz/PD/Sony for the future is to just tell people it´s done when it´s done. :)
Any more than 2 weeks of a delay and I'm canceling my signature edition order and getting the standard edition.

Why? What's the difference between a 2 week delay and a a release date that was set 2 weeks later than Nov. 2nd?
If it's coming out in 2011 I'm switching to regular version and not buying any DLC ever. They can suck me off after all this nonsense. 6 years for a freaking racing videogame are you serious? It's not like creating a living breathing world full of vibrant characters as in an RPG.

PD, you suck royally. I'm sorry but you do. I'll be a GT fan forever because I was 14 when I started on GT1, but I really do think you guys suck at getting things done in a timely fashion.