GT5 Online Closes 20th May 2014

  • Thread starter Oniichan
Good plan Sony, GT6 isn't doing well so you kill GT5 and force players to buy GT6, btw, did you know that the Live service for the 360 and all the games that use it are gonna be running for at least another year? You're worse than Microsoft.
Aww, what a shame. I really liked the online racing & most of the game itself. Huge mistake on PD / Sony's part.

GT6 drifting SUX big time.
You force me to go back to GT5, then you announce GT5 servers are closing.

Really PD?
I hope you know that a lot of people will leave the GT series for rFactor or LFS, only because drifting in GT6 feels like 🤬.

I am certainly switching to rFactor now.

I wouldn't say that drifting in GT6 sucks, I would just say that it feels very different to what we are used to due to the new tyre and suspension models featured in GT6. However, I will definitely agree that drifting is harder, since it seems that the rear of the car seems to have more momentum and thus it is easier to spin the car. I often have to "saw" the wheel back and forth rapidly in order to keep a drifting car balanced and either not spin out or get mid-drift understeer.
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Some of you need to get over this.. It costs money to keep a server running to play online. And some of you act like it's happening tomorrow.. Lets see if you all feel the Same way in May.. And as far as the drifting goes, the sensitivity has been increased.. turn down the sensitivity for the controller to -2.. It feels just like GT5 again.

GT6 drifting SUX big time.
You force me to go back to GT5, then you announce GT5 servers are closing.

Really PD?
I hope you know that a lot of people will leave the GT series for rFactor or LFS, only because drifting in GT6 feels like 🤬.

I am certainly switching to rFactor now.

Sony pays the servers, not PD. PD is just a development team.

Some people will feel what I felt when MGO servers were closed, but hey, you have GT6 instead of nothing..
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I'm kinda sad that this is happening. I would've liked to go back to GT5 after I'm bored of GT6 to play with a few friends again and relive the fun of F1 cars online

"Formula Grand Turismo" so not all is lost..IMO it's better cause you can change the colors of them. They are quicker. Yes F1 were nice but the got boring cause it was too easy to control, the F.G.T keeps you on your toes and feels more like F1 in most computer Sims. Plus there are rumors of a Lotus historic F1 car to keep you busy if they bring it to GT PLEASE!!!!

AND people forget this is a new physics engine, so it will take some tuning and some practice to get drifting down which IMO is better cause it makes it more realistic. No not everyone will get drifting down on day one, I remember it took me almost a month on gt5 to drift at least half decent with the wheel, so it would not surprise me for it to take some time on GT6
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They are discontinuing a game that JUST got outdated a few weeks ago and in a few months will be completely dead because of PD. EA barely ever shut down their servers for games that extend to 6 years old. I seen this coming in a few years, not so instantaneous as this. especially where the game replacing it is so light in features and the jury still very much out on the game's lifespan.
No, you misunderstood.

How is this in any way bullying?
AND people forget this is a new physics engine, so it will take some tuning and some practice to get drifting down which IMO is better cause it makes it more realistic. No not everyone will get drifting down on day one, I remember it took me almost a month on gt5 to drift at least half decent with the wheel, so it would not surprise me for it to take some time on GT6
Well I'm quite surprised that I picked up drifting with the new physics engine as quickly as I did then. I was able to start drifting as soon as the first drift challenge coffee break showed up in National A (I think).
I would have thought that the online aspect would have remained open for many more years than this as there are plenty of older games that still have their online servers available, but I don't have any qualms with this personally. The only thing you would have to make sure you've done before the shut down would be the two trophies for creating and sharing a Photo and Track.

I'm not sure if they're possible whilst the servers are shut down. According to multiple trophy guides, these are classed as online trophies.

GT6 drifting SUX big time.
You force me to go back to GT5, then you announce GT5 servers are closing.

Really PD?
I hope you know that a lot of people will leave the GT series for rFactor or LFS, only because drifting in GT6 feels like 🤬.

I am certainly switching to rFactor now.

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Three and a half years? That's a lot earlier than I (or most of us) ever expected, I believe. In comparison, FM2's servers only got shut down early this year. And as far as I'm concerned, its sucessors' servers are still up and running.

What's up, Sony?
Last I heard, Gran Turismo servers are based in PD's own studio in Japan. If anything we can't compare them to EA or Microsoft servers. Sony doesn't have huge resources as those companies either, and games like Gran Turismo had to make its own. So yes, it's pretty limited for them to keep things running optimum. As time grows. GT6 players will also grow, so it needs to keep things running optimum by eliminating the need for the older games.
Wow even more evidence that Sony and PD are trying to make as much money as possible by screwing over the fans once more. Really shocked this is happening so soon, this is becoming a very transparent money making scheme with GT6. I just hope PD can deliver with GT7, it is such an important title, I believe it will make or break the series for alot of the hardcore fanbase. The Playstation 3 generation has seen Gran Turismo really lose it's x factor in my opinion.
Can't say that GT5 online will be missed. That was the whole game right there really, but still, it was crap. GT5 is the worst in the series, and getting people to upgrade to GT6 is a good move as its a way superior game.
Oh no, 2 whole months! That makes a huge difference! Not really. If anything, GT5P's servers should have been shutdown earlier, since it was just a demo, the full version was already out.

My point is why GT5's servers are closing faster than GT5P's?
Well at least I know not to put in too much time or effort into GT6, as the online service will be shut down as soon as GT7 comes out (one or two years according to Kaz).

Yeah, because the only reason to play GT6 is to play online when GT7 is out... It's not fun now, but when GT7 comes out, GT6 will be awesome!.... right?!
"Formula Grand Turismo" so not all is lost..IMO it's better cause you can change the colors of them. They are quicker. Yes F1 were nice but the got boring cause it was too easy to control, the F.G.T keeps you on your toes and feels more like F1 in most computer Sims. Plus there are rumors of a Lotus historic F1 car to keep you busy if they bring it to GT PLEASE!!!!

Well the FGT for me in GT6 are A LOT more easier to control now... They handle similarly to the F1 cars of GT5. I just got of messing around on Silverstone GP with it. Did a 1:31.8 before giving up form tiredness.
Well the FGT for me in GT6 are A LOT more easier to control now... They handle similarly to the F1 cars of GT5. I just got of messing around on Silverstone GP with it. Did a 1:31.8 before giving up form tiredness.

I didn't drive it too much. Just took it out for an hour, too many other cars my head is spinning! lol I don't know what to drive. That SS Nova, Me and my step dad built one just like it, except we took the soft top off and painted it yellow with black racing stripes, 5 inch cowl hood and the whole front end was fiberglass with a 383 stroker "It moved haha, Guy wreaked it drag racing before we bought it. Ahhh the memories!

GT6 drifting SUX big time.
You force me to go back to GT5, then you announce GT5 servers are closing.

Really PD?
I hope you know that a lot of people will leave the GT series for rFactor or LFS, only because drifting in GT6 feels like 🤬.

I am certainly switching to rFactor now.

Just because you cant drift on the game doesnt mean others cant. Speak for yourself as GT6 is great to drift on for alot of people, including me.
Also, its not like you started out as a drift king when GT5 was released. You should definitely go play something else since all you do is giving the drift community a bad name.
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Not really surprising I think? They report first and foremost to their shareholders and will have calculated the risks involved alienating a few die hard GT5 fans before pulling the plug.

The servers and the bandwidth won't cost them much. Probably just a bunch of VMs in some data centers around the globe. The races themselves are hosted on the players own PS3s, so all they are providing is information about who hosts what and where.

But for them it does not make sense to keep providing that service, even if they charged for it. Think they'd much rather have all of us on a PS4 and a paid PSN subscription sooner rather than later. The lure of the constant revenue stream... That's why I doubt GT6 will go on for much more than a year from now on.

Really like GT6 so far, but when they force a subscription on me is going to be the time I switch back to PCs. Can't be arsed to get a pre-paid credit card just for a game, and I certainly won't give a company with Sony's security record my real card details.

Question now is how difficult would it be to reverse engineer the GT5/6 on line functionality? I'm sure someone has already done an in depth packet capture. Should be possible to run our own servers for on-line racing?