GT5's reaction to EA's lock down on Porsche, Pagani Huayra, etc.

  • Thread starter pasigiri
I'm sure everyone knows about EA's lock down on Porsche and Pagani Huayra. This truely sucks, but I've been wondering about something. Since it seems that PD and Nissan, and curiously maybe Mazda (???), are very close, I wonder would EA change there ways if PD licensed off both of them off. And not just any contract, but one that allows other all racing game developers to use them in their respective games except EA, totally blocking them out. It would even be cooler if the other developers joined in doing the same with there car manufacturer relationships blocking JUST EA.

All in all, bullying everyone to play your game (NFS) by making sure no other game developer can have a Porsche or Pagani or whatever just screams an inability to innovate. And I'm sorry, as for real racing on a console, GT5 and Forza takes it. That NFS and Shift stuff is all arcade.
We got Zondas in the game, and RUF subsitutes, why doesn't PD go after other Porsche tuners as an alternative. Also, NFS does have japanese cars, R34, R35, 350z, 370, mazda RX-7, RX-8, i reckon if there were atleast some premium RUF's or other Porsche tuning companies, the community, could be that little bit more happy.
It's probably never going to happen, but I'd rejoice in EA's misfortune if they got some of their own medicine :sly:

I'm not buying another NFS game unless Criterion develops it. Hot Pursuit was plain awesome. The Run and Shift? Hmm...

All in all, bullying everyone to play your game (NFS) by making sure no other game developer can have a Porsche or Pagani or whatever just screams an inability to innovate. And I'm sorry, as for real racing on a console, GT5 and Forza takes it. That NFS and Shift stuff is all arcade.

Couldn't agree more with that 👍
The problem with fighting fire with fire in this case is that it could always end up escalating to extreme levels. EA's exclusive rights deal is incredibly annoying, absolutely, but having other companies pursue exclusive deals could cause each franchise to end up with only certain makes of cars instead of the majority they enjoy now. If T10 or PD counter with an exclusive rights deal to hurt EA, what's to stop EA from moving one step further with another one?

Of course, this scenario assumes marques would even be okay with that, which I always like to think they aren't (Porsche being the odd one out). Still, I don't think ill will would benefit any side in the long run.
Well, hell will freeze over before such a scenario would be realistic anyway.

Though the thought of a massive protest against this way of licensing cars just warms the cockles of my heart.
shift 2 and the NFS games are great fun and competive we shouldnt hate on them its part of the buisness its legal i got no beef with them now back to spec 2.0 lol
The problem with fighting fire with fire in this case is that it could always end up escalating to extreme levels. EA's exclusive rights deal is incredibly annoying, absolutely, but having other companies pursue exclusive deals could cause each franchise to end up with only certain makes of cars instead of the majority they enjoy now. If T10 or PD counter with an exclusive rights deal to hurt EA, what's to stop EA from moving one step further with another one?
Of course, this scenario assumes marques would even be okay with that, which I always like to think they aren't (Porsche being the odd one out). Still, I don't think ill will would benefit any side in the long run.

What's to stop T10 and PD from working together on licencing issues? Even though they are rival games, I can see mutual benefits for both companies. Maybe they could wrangle Porsche from EA, or they could give each other sub licences for certain cars, leaving EA in the cold.

Can't see that happening though :(
If anything, this hurts porsche more than anyone else.
Not being in the game gran turismo puts them at a disadvantage for recognition with future drivers.
No kidding, a few weeks ago I was driving through a school zone on my way to lunch and a group of little kids started to holler at me as I drove by, I realized what was happening as their words barely got wrx across the highway... Little kids excited to see and recognize a wrx sti!?
Thats the sort of power a game like gt can bring to a car's recognition. Amazing- yes, but even more amazing is that porsche doesnt mind.

No biggie but I garuntee you could put all the different porsches in gt and people from 5-50 would know what a carrera gt is and would never mess up whats what in the porsche line.
Enough of this licensing bs from developers...

There needs to be an independent car rendering agency that constantly works to make high quality car models, then sells them off to game manufacturers for use in-game. Licensing is replaced with commission, everyone gets high quality cars (with updates from a 3rd party), game manufacturers can spend more time and money on the actual game, and games can be produced a lot faster. EVERYONE would benefit.
It's sad that EA has to have exclusive rights to stay competitive with everyone. Oh wait, if they have exclusive rights they can make half arsed games without competition. Something tells me they do this on purpose:sly:

EA just needs to let go of their exclusive rights. Competition in the gaming community is a good thing. It requires companies to make better games and push gaming forward. EA is basically anti-gaming in my opinion. Nothing but a rehash company.
If anything, this hurts porsche more than anyone else.
Not being in the game gran turismo puts them at a disadvantage for recognition with future drivers.
No kidding, a few weeks ago I was driving through a school zone on my way to lunch and a group of little kids started to holler at me as I drove by, I realized what was happening as their words barely got wrx across the highway... Little kids excited to see and recognize a wrx sti!?
Thats the sort of power a game like gt can bring to a car's recognition. Amazing- yes, but even more amazing is that porsche doesnt mind.

No biggie but I garuntee you could put all the different porsches in gt and people from 5-50 would know what a carrera gt is and would never mess up whats what in the porsche line.

Lol! If you are old enough to drive and wealthy enough to buy a Porsche, it's inclusion or exclusion from a console video game will have absolutely no bearing on your desire to own one.
Why? EA are willing to pay the money for exclusive licences because they want their games to have something other driving games don't, good on them, they're spending big money to keep their customers happy. Maybe Sony should do the same and stop being so tight fisted and also, it's not as if Sony can't buy the rights to use these cars from EA, they can but they're just not willing to part with the cash to do so.

Hating on a company because they spend money to give something exclusive to their loyal customers is just plain stupid and whether the NFS games are arcade or not is just plain irrelevant.

By the way, there's a ton of supercar manufacturers out there who don't have an exclusive licence with EA or any other games company and don't have their cars in GT5 like Koenigsegg, Ariel, Gumpert, Noble, Ascari, Keating, Caparo, Spyker, SSC, Rolls-Royce (technically not a supercar manufacturer but prestigious nonetheless), etc etc etc.....
and lets not forget how the licences Sony and PD do have are underutilized in GT5, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Aston Martin, Bugatti, TVR, Bentley all have cars that are ignored in GT5, so what's the point of them getting Porsche and throwing in a token 5 cars and missing the rest?
People constantly bash EA for their exclusives but you have to remember the manufacturer are just as liable for accepting the offer. They obviously prefer the higher money from EA rather than having their cars featured in multiple race games.
This licensing deal cannot last forever. Although what concerns me is, this is the reason there's never been porsche's in any of the GT games. It's nothing new, it's a deal which may even go back as far as the first test drive, 24 years ago. (which was an amazing game on Atari ST and the 911 was super tail happy). Maybe they signed a 25 year deal? Or review the agreement every five years? Maybe next year will be the end of it?
Well I really don't see PD and T10 getting porsche anytime soon. Look at the Madden series. Since EA bought the rights to the NFL it's the only football game now and its practically a monopoly and they are getting away with it. Barely any innovation since there is no competition. Competition is a good thing EA look how hard you guys worked on BF3. You guys are gonna blow the pants off of CODMW3.
The problem with fighting fire with fire in this case is that it could always end up escalating to extreme levels. EA's exclusive rights deal is incredibly annoying, absolutely, but having other companies pursue exclusive deals could cause each franchise to end up with only certain makes of cars instead of the majority they enjoy now. If T10 or PD counter with an exclusive rights deal to hurt EA, what's to stop EA from moving one step further with another one?

Of course, this scenario assumes marques would even be okay with that, which I always like to think they aren't (Porsche being the odd one out). Still, I don't think ill will would benefit any side in the long run.

You just took the words right out of my mouth!
Hating on a company because they spend money to give something exclusive to their loyal customers is just plain stupid and whether the NFS games are arcade or not is just plain irrelevant.

It's not just Porshe they do this with though. EA tries to buy up all the licenses for the games they make. Hell, if EA had the chance they'd probably try to buy the whole car industry.:lol: What makes it worse is alot of their games are not that good to begin with, especially their racing games.
I'm sorry... Not really on topic but I'm just gonna rant... NFS Shift 2 Unleashed is THE WORST DRIVING GAME EVER!!! All copies of that thing should be thrown in a huge pile and burned!

EA should give that give up that Porsche license to PD and get out of the auto racing games forever. PD could do some great things with Porsche.
EA should stick to football and hockey video games.

Rant over!
EA probably has more money to spend on NFS than PD and Turn10 combined. I guess we're lucky that they don't have exclusive rights for every car :D
Lol! If you are old enough to drive and wealthy enough to buy a Porsche, it's inclusion or exclusion from a console video game will have absolutely no bearing on your desire to own one.

All he said was younger kids are growing up with particular cars in their lives and grow attached to those cars. If you are old and wealthy, you are going to buy what you want to buy, but what you want to buy is often determined by childhood dreams or ideas. Many of these people won't have an attachment to Porsche in any way.

I think what he is saying is true to a point, though I am unsure how much effect it actually has. Go to a classic car meet and ask the people about their cars, their stories will begin when they're children a good majority of the time. However, media has a strong push on adults and Porsche doesn't only exist in video games.
Ea ruins everything 1st blocking football awhile back, cant put out a good basketball game to save society and blocking porsches

Whenever they can't innovate they buyout
PD's reaction to the licensing issue was to include RUF for GT2 (good move), but then not introduce any newer models since then (not so great).

Indeed, GT2 had more RUF models than we have now. I was wondering if this was because they were antsy about Porsche objecting (I know RUF rebuild the cars but c'mon), but Forza has included much newer models.

DLC? Well as the first GT5 car pack just has reskins/RMs of existing cars, I for one am not holding my breath, same goes for more Ferraris, Lamborghinis etc. Perhaps they will surprise us all with some genuinely new cars soon :)
I would have to agree that this likely would not happen and it would create a very delicate situation (who would want to buy a different game every time you want to drive a different car???).

But my biggest gripe is the lack of innovation and monopolization of racing games. EA is not about the games, it's about money and profit. Now I understand as a business you have to make money, but a business should also be behind their product. Look at Toyota. They were making TONS of money on there line up and turning over mad profit. But when the new head stepped in, he called out his own company as boring and having a lack of any soul. That's what EA, or anybody else for that matter, could turn racing games into with this whole licensing stuff. Racing games with no soul or passion in it.