GT7 best wheel for FFB?

  • Thread starter Met Entso
You can’t go wrong with a DirectDrive Wheel.
Strange that some People are disappointed with the CSL DD.
To me its got a very good FFB in GT7.
It’s the best Price/Value Wheelbase I’d say.
I honestly think it's the game. My GT DD Pro only picks up kerb vibration on certain tracks. Tokyo Express way is extremely annoying because the concrete vibration is exaggerated by 1000%... I also plugged in my old clubsport 2.5 base with a Drive Hub and get the same results.
My opinion: Get a used T-GT II.

GT7 FFB is so weak compared to other games (sims), so GT DD Pro is a waste of money.

Transducer is a benefit, OpenWheel addon is cheap but very good, also BT LED Display is awesome and works fine with GT7.

I combined this with T-LCM pedals which are decent.
Agree TGT II is perfect I use it with csl elite pedals with drive hub and I am very happy 😃
Maybe it’s a firmware thing?

When did you get your wheel? I got mine a couple days before GT7 came out. Haven’t checked to see if there’s new firmware out
I got mine in early Dec 2021 and I have updated my wheel to the latest firmware with no problem at all, the only issue with the wheel is the feel of kerbs and some I don't even feel at all in this game.

Going back to kerbs so I if you feel some and not other kerbs through the wheel in the game, well it's definitely not the wheel and more like the game.
I know that for the G923 the kerb vibration is tied to the controller vibration setting (the one in the main options menu, not the pause menu). Kerbs, surface noise, gear shifting, and engine vibration feedback is all controlled through this setting. Maybe it's the same on other wheels; could try turning it up if you're not feeling kerbs. I have it at 100 and I feel almost all of them (some of the flatter ones are more subtle, though).
I know that for the G923 the kerb vibration is tied to the controller vibration setting (the one in the main options menu, not the pause menu). Kerbs, surface noise, gear shifting, and engine vibration feedback is all controlled through this setting. Maybe it's the same on other wheels; could try turning it up if you're not feeling kerbs. I have it at 100 and I feel almost all of them (some of the flatter ones are more subtle, though).
I wonder if they're using the G923's TrueForce (or whatever it's called) for the kerb FFB? On the G29 no matter the settings the kerbs are just completely numb, the only feeling you can get from them is if you hit a big one at high speed but that's about it. Would also explain why other wheels don't have kerb FFB either.
I think so, yeah. On Reddit someone from Logitech mentioned that trueforce is controlled by the vibration setting, but it made me wonder if maybe it had a similar effect on other wheels.