- 324
- Hungary
This is a rant thread, but rather than an angry rant, it is a very sad rant.
Gran Turismo 7 has unfortunately managed what I thought unthinkable. It failed so miserably that I didn't even play it for 2 days now. I lost all excitement. I had more fun re-playing GT1 and GT2 leading up to the release. Much more fun in fact than GT7 was able to provide so far. I'd hazard that outside of the offshoot releases like the prolouges and sport, this is the worst GT game to date.
I can't point to a single thing that is wrong with GT7, it's a ton of small issues, that might be deemed inconsequential on their own. But put together, it is literally a death of a thousand cuts.
The things that contribute most to the failure are:
Gran Turismo 7 has unfortunately managed what I thought unthinkable. It failed so miserably that I didn't even play it for 2 days now. I lost all excitement. I had more fun re-playing GT1 and GT2 leading up to the release. Much more fun in fact than GT7 was able to provide so far. I'd hazard that outside of the offshoot releases like the prolouges and sport, this is the worst GT game to date.
I can't point to a single thing that is wrong with GT7, it's a ton of small issues, that might be deemed inconsequential on their own. But put together, it is literally a death of a thousand cuts.
The things that contribute most to the failure are:
- Lack of freedom to do as you will.
With all content locked away, you can't do anything but follow the beaten path. Any individuality is sorely punished by the game. For example I purchased a car early on, but I couldn't really use it beyond a few races, because the game unlocks races that are only suitable for the cars that it gave as prizes for the previous ones.
This makes GT mode, or career mode if you will a boring grind, and not an exciting wonderland of opportunities like in previous GT games.
You do not chose the cars you race, and you do not choose the tracks you race on. There is no sense of achievement of making the right choice of cars.
I was hoping desperately that the menu book nonsense is just part of the tutorial, and soon everything will unlock, but then it continued on and on, trickle feeding content. It's boring me out of my mind.
- The bugs and issues surrounding progression and challenges
Ultimately this was the last straw that broke the horse's back for me. I'm unwilling to waste my time trying to complete missions or challenges that might be bugged. And the casual way in which Polyphony just writes in the "fixed issues" of the release log, that if you previously didn't get a trophy you just need to do the challenges again, boils my blood.
- Nerfed credit income
I really don't understand why fans are taking this without saying a word. Are you confused into silence? The game is obviously designed to shepherd people towards microtransactions. I played the game for two weeks and all I have to show for it is two cars that I was able to purchase for 160k and 250k respectively, and some mild upgrades, and about 500k left in credits. It is pathetic, especially considering that the most desirable cars tend to cost a million credits or more.
Why can't we sell cars, really? Can anyone give a reasonable explanation other than to nerf income? Especially considering that this seems to be a last minute addition since the PS store page of the game still mentions selling as part of the game.
And then we didn't even mention invites to purchase cars yet. It's 100% a play trying to exploit FOMO. Yeah, buy credits now, otherwise we take away your opportunity to buy the Veyron, or whatever. But they can dangle anything in front of me, I spit on it rather than catch when it comes to microtransactions.
- The rest of the minor issues
Like the weird physics, the cluttered hud with tons of useless stuff, the lack of customization of the view position, the talking heads they didn't even bother to voice all take away from the experience.