GT7 has failed to be Gran Turismo

  • Thread starter m76


This is a rant thread, but rather than an angry rant, it is a very sad rant.

Gran Turismo 7 has unfortunately managed what I thought unthinkable. It failed so miserably that I didn't even play it for 2 days now. I lost all excitement. I had more fun re-playing GT1 and GT2 leading up to the release. Much more fun in fact than GT7 was able to provide so far. I'd hazard that outside of the offshoot releases like the prolouges and sport, this is the worst GT game to date.

I can't point to a single thing that is wrong with GT7, it's a ton of small issues, that might be deemed inconsequential on their own. But put together, it is literally a death of a thousand cuts.

The things that contribute most to the failure are:

  1. Lack of freedom to do as you will.
    With all content locked away, you can't do anything but follow the beaten path. Any individuality is sorely punished by the game. For example I purchased a car early on, but I couldn't really use it beyond a few races, because the game unlocks races that are only suitable for the cars that it gave as prizes for the previous ones.

    This makes GT mode, or career mode if you will a boring grind, and not an exciting wonderland of opportunities like in previous GT games.
    You do not chose the cars you race, and you do not choose the tracks you race on. There is no sense of achievement of making the right choice of cars.

    I was hoping desperately that the menu book nonsense is just part of the tutorial, and soon everything will unlock, but then it continued on and on, trickle feeding content. It's boring me out of my mind.

  2. The bugs and issues surrounding progression and challenges
    Ultimately this was the last straw that broke the horse's back for me. I'm unwilling to waste my time trying to complete missions or challenges that might be bugged. And the casual way in which Polyphony just writes in the "fixed issues" of the release log, that if you previously didn't get a trophy you just need to do the challenges again, boils my blood.

  3. Nerfed credit income
    I really don't understand why fans are taking this without saying a word. Are you confused into silence? The game is obviously designed to shepherd people towards microtransactions. I played the game for two weeks and all I have to show for it is two cars that I was able to purchase for 160k and 250k respectively, and some mild upgrades, and about 500k left in credits. It is pathetic, especially considering that the most desirable cars tend to cost a million credits or more.

    Why can't we sell cars, really? Can anyone give a reasonable explanation other than to nerf income? Especially considering that this seems to be a last minute addition since the PS store page of the game still mentions selling as part of the game.

    And then we didn't even mention invites to purchase cars yet. It's 100% a play trying to exploit FOMO. Yeah, buy credits now, otherwise we take away your opportunity to buy the Veyron, or whatever. But they can dangle anything in front of me, I spit on it rather than catch when it comes to microtransactions.

  4. The rest of the minor issues
    Like the weird physics, the cluttered hud with tons of useless stuff, the lack of customization of the view position, the talking heads they didn't even bother to voice all take away from the experience.
The worst part is that game failed by design. As in it's not that they failed to do what they set out to do, but the egregious parts are deliberate design decisions.
Yes whether entirely intentional, partly intentional or not, I can see exactly where you are coming from. In essence GT7 is a matured game, and it's no longer appealing to the same players that GT1 and GT2 did. Hell in it's current state, I don't know who it's appealing to. Casuals of some variety surely
I still have memories of gt3, probably my favorite gt, I played it for nearly a year and rally was actually fun
This I'm done with this, until they will make new races, cars and bugs
How come racing game on a calculator that's what ps2 had as cpu has no broken missions, tires etc and this game does, mind you there was no way to patch games on a disk so it had to be near perfect, they just got lazy, fat and greedy, shame
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It does appeal to the casuals just with the way it presents itself. And that’s fine, that was Gran Turismo’s intention anyway for every game.
I'm not saying appealing to casuals is a bad thing. What I meant is that it's not longer fun to master a current GT game, with GT7, there's no reward, because the physics are not there yet, the car collecting is ruthlessly grindy, and there's a huge lack of single player events, there's so many gaps etc for a traditional GT game. Past GT games were appealing to casuals, yes but they also delivered the meat for those that wanted that depth. With GT7 it's like they ONLY appeal to the casuals. It's like a cheap free-to-play throwaway game. Not a good feeling.

I treat all my games both casually and seriously, depending on me. But I need the game to have that depth that past GT games had, otherwise I will not bother even playing it casually. There's nothing interesting about a game that's severely lacking in depth that past titles delivered on in spades. It stinks.
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I still have memories of gt3, probably my favorite gt, I played it for nearly a year and rally was actually fun
This I'm done with this, until they will make new races, cars and bugs
How come racing game on a calculator that's what ps2 had as cpu has no broken broken missions, tires etc and this game does, mind you there was no way to patch games on a disk so it had to be near perfect, they just got lazy, fat and greedy, shame
Because GT3 was 21 years ago. A whole adult. PD probably scanned cars in 20 minutes back then.
GT3 has less cars than GT7.

And more events.

This argument doesn't apply here.
Do you really believe the development process, hardware and software is the same as it was in 2001 on the PS2 as it is in 2021 on the PS4/5??
Lol @ “as simple as this”
Yes, just because it has shiny grafux doesn't make it more complex in terms of everything else
You go from a to a in a circle, not exactly a rocket science

Hardware and software evolved in terms of speed, the fact that cafe doesn't even has voice actors tells they have made some shortcuts and sold it as a design
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Do you really believe the development process, hardware and software is the same as it was in 2001 on the PS2 as it is in 2021 on the PS4/5??
GT Sport had a comparable amount of events to GT3.

GT Sport had around 300 races by 2020, excluding missions, while GT3 had 340 races.
In GT7 you can create your own race.

Any arguments about not enough events are invalid.
In GT Sport you can create your own race.

By that logic, GT Sport never should've gotten a career mode as GT Sport never needed any offline events. The initial amount of 0 was enough, because you could create your own race! The fact that GT Sport launched without any offline events was received with so much backlash that it led to GT7 getting a fully fledged offline mode. But I guess that backlash was invalid?

Not to mention the absolutely pathetic payouts in those custom races. Or how the custom grids are broken (tuning doesn't fully apply to AI cars). Or how it's a copy paste job from GT Sport, meaning it doesn't have the chili pepper AI when it easily could've. Or most importantly: how arcade mode has absolutely nothing to do with career mode, obviously.
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GT Sport had a comparable amount of events to GT3.

GT Sport had around 300 races by 2020, excluding missions, while GT3 had 340 races.
How many of said events were added after release? This is a serious question. I came into GTS early 2020 and events were still being added.
People consider having to do the same thing more than once "grinding".

Rough figures...

400 cars × 90 layouts (Some cars can't fit dirt tyres so not all cars at all locations are possible).. call it 36,000 races before you've used the same car and track combo more than once.

Let's say you race 50% of those in the most wide ranging conditions possible, i.e. Clear, Sunny daytime, grid start... vs.. Night time and wet with a rolling start - because those really are pretty different experiences in this game...

.. that's 54,000 races.

... now let's say you only care about 2% of that .. that's still over 1000 races.

... now let's say the game only gets the same amount of DLC as GT Sport did... call it 100 cars and 30 more tracks... and we redo the calculation... we get (500 × 120 × 1.5) × 0.02 = 1800 races.

There's plenty of racing to go at what ever way you look at it.

It’s literally what I pay them for.
What, so you expect them to do all the rest of the coding, modeling, sampling, design, promotion, server-side stuff for free?... I dunno man, that seems pretty rough, when all you need to do is select some options from a menu.
What, so you expect them to do all the rest of the coding, modeling, sampling, design, promotion, server-side stuff for free?... I dunno man, that seems pretty rough, when all you need to do is select some options from a menu.

No, I expect them to do the lot, including creating races (lots and lots), for what I pay them. It’s a main series GT game. We never had this problem before. Did we ever have to create our own races in previous titles?

If you like making your own races, good for you, but you’re a tiny, tiny moronity of the GT player base.
I really don't understand why fans are taking this without saying a word. Are you confused into silence?
There are many of us that have been on here raising these issues since 2-3 days post-launch, so you are far from the only one speaking up about them. Glad to have another voice though in the hopes the Polyphony course-corrects and gives us a proper numbered GT experience. I know it will come eventually, but it should have been in-tact at launch.
What, so you expect them to do all the rest of the coding, modeling, sampling, design, promotion, server-side stuff for free?... I dunno man, that seems pretty rough, when all you need to do is select some options from a menu
No, he expects them to do it for €65 (€75 on PS5).

...doing 54.000 custom races is clearly not the intended way to play the game, most notably because there is, in fact, a career mode.

Why is the career mode even there if players are supposed to spend thousands of hours in arcade mode? Why is the career mode so short if the players are supposed to do 54.000 races?

Your own made up way of playing the game is nothing more than your own made up way of playing the game. You can have fun in your own way, that's fine. But it's nothing more than that, and it's certainly not how the game was originally intended to be played. Obviously.
My honest opinion. GT7 came out 1 month early.

In GT7 you can create your own race.

Any arguments about not enough events are invalid.
********. Go to World Circuit, check out the championships at the bottom and note the license requirements for each. Now got to Licenses and compare and contrast the two...

We do not have IB/IA/S races, which have always been the "meat" of the career mode. We have no GT500/Gr 2 races, we have no LMP/Group C/Gr 1 races, we have no endurance races, and we're also missing series staples like the MX-5 and Lambo cups.

The offline "career" mode isn't even half-finished. We effectively have the tutorial... There's nothing "invalid" about the argument that the game is incomplete; it's objective truth.
Agree MatsiMonk, you have a good point but I also do agree with OP. A lot.
If the OP doesn't like the game I don't have a problem with that, I'm simply pointing out that a lack of things to do really isn't a fair criticism.

Did we ever have to create our own races in previous titles
No, you didn't "have to", and you don't "have to" now. You can now if you want more events and you were not always able to do so in previous GT games. It takes some mental gymnastics to turn an often requested benefit expanded upon in GT7 from GT Sport, and not present in earlier titles into a bad thing.

if the players are supposed to
If players can,

if players are supposed to
if players can.

it's certainly not how the game was originally intended to be played.
Which no doubt is why they've laid the foundation and structure to add more "events with a pretty title screen so people that literally paid PD to make race events for them" get to race after 3 clicks, instead of about 10.

Seriously, PD give the player the tools to make thousands upon thousands of races and some people are like... "No! You must serve up these events for me, for I must not have to select the options for myself!". Crazy.
If you like making your own races, good for you, but you’re a tiny, tiny moronity of the GT player base.
Wow, sick burn.
Your own made up way of playing the game is nothing more than your own made up way of playing the game. You can have fun in your own way, that's fine. But it's nothing more than that, and it's certainly not how the game was originally intended to be played. Obviously.
People have been calling for paid custom races with custom grids for over a decade, so this is nonsense.

Fans cry out for it for ages, they put it in the game, and now according to you they're a 'made up way of playing' that isn't how 'the game was originally intended to be played'.

What are they then? An easter egg? :lol:
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