GT7 is really good, I don’t know what everyone’s on about!

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I’ve been playing (nearly) all of the GT series, all the way from the PS1 era, building up to GT7 for the past, I dunno, 18 months now. Not to 100% completion with any of them (I simply do not have time for endurances!), more to a certain ‘personal satisfaction’. Finally started 7 last Sunday, been playing a couple of hours a day since. So I will admit I’m still pretty much on first impressions, but so far so good. It actually might well be the best one in the series for me. It’s certainly by far the best actual driving, even though I’ve got a pretty old wheel (a G27), the handling feels leaps and bounds nicer than even Sport (which I was playing most recently).

I think playing through all the old games first has given me a sort of unique appreciation for the menus, which i’ve deliberately tried to avoid learning about in any detail up to now to avoid ‘spoilers’ as it where. To be honest if GT7 was just the same old campaign mode again, I don’t think I’d have as much enthusiasm for it.

I do get the criticism that game progression is more linear compared to the older games, so maybe they could’ve done something different/better in that regard. Maybe by different menus from the other talking heads you meet in the cafe, not just Luca, so you can have more of a choice on which ones you do and in which order might have been an idea. But personally I think that’s only really kind of a minor criticism.

There’s a few old favourites missing from the car list which unfortunately don’t have any signs of returning, Lotus and TVR’s being the main ones, and no S2000? Or Nismo 270R and 400R? It’s just not Gran Turismo without those!

And this roulette ticket gimmick is extracting the urine, innit? Every. Single. Time I’m just getting the worst possible prize, redeeming them feels like more of a chore than a reward. But at least the game is throwing plenty of prize cars and money at me just from playing it for now.

Overall, from the perspective of someone who’s more of a casual racing fan than a hardcore competitive sim racer, GT7 is the best in the series in years, at least. I kinda want to say GT4 is still the best one overall, but 7 seems to be getting a lot of hate that it simply doesn’t deserve. It’s a really good game!
Everyone has their own opinions, including me.

For me GT7 has been utter disappointment so far. I was hyped when the news broke that GT7 is coming. Naturally I expected it to be the familiar experience GT1 through 6 offered, but that wasn't the case at all. And even though I would likely breeze through the career, having a wheel and the game being adjusted for DualShock/Sense, it's still a big deal for me to miss out on the classic GT experience.

Sometimes people have expectations. If you have none, then the game is much easier to enjoy with a more open (or very tolerant) mind.
and no S2000?
Um...S2000 is indeed in the game. Imported from Sport, so it has been there since launch.
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Um...S2000 is indeed in the game. Imported from Sport, so it has been there since launch.

It certainly isn’t in brand central. Can you only get it used or something, or is it a legendary car?

Also, how often do the line-ups switch in the used and legendary dealerships? A couple of changes have been made to the used line up since I’ve been playing (I think?) but the legendary line-up hasn’t changed at all yet.
Also, how often do the line-ups switch in the used and legendary dealerships? A couple of changes have been made to the used line up since I’ve been playing (I think?) but the legendary line-up hasn’t changed at all yet.
As for this question, it varies.

But generally, the used car lot changes daily, with cars going out of stock and new ones coming in. For Legendary, it takes a couple days for cars going out of stock. Unless a car is already out of stock by that point, no car will come to replace it, which would then be on the following day.

Edit: just remembered that progress affects this stuff. I remember those who completed menu 39 get more frequent rotations.
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There’s an S2000 in Brand Central. Just not in the Honda dealership, and it’s already been modified.

Oh yeah yeah, I saw the Amuse S2000. One day, it will be mine, oh yes. I’m glad the standard one’s in the game too, I’ve been thinking it wasn’t all week, I was really gutted!
It has moments of brilliance (the Nations Cup race I just finished was one of my best online races ever) and some baffling decisions holding it back. Better than just being mediocre, IMO. But it could certainly be better.
Do we need another "GT7 is great" - "No it's not" - "Yes it is" thread? I think people like the game for some good reasons and people dislike the game for some good reasons.
I don’t play online mainly due to the fact that you can’t tune your cars for the races but I do see a lot of complaints about online.As for the rest of the game I like it, but for me to make it even better is to have real time Endurance races. I also think the roulette wheel is a load of plop,there is no longer any need for tuning parts on it and the Invites are just a waste of time to be honest.
I was wondering, would anyone mind briefly outlining the problems people are having with the game? Someone said they’re mostly to do with online? I know that there’s posts and threads about it for me to research myself, but there’s so many, and I don’t have a great deal of time.

Perhaps if we can come up with some kind of concise list of the most agreed upon glaring issues, and have it signed like a petition by a large amount of the player base both here and maybe even take it over to Reddit too or wherever, and/or get some of the bigger youtubers on board, and then get it sent to the devs somehow, they might just take notice - or am I dreaming?
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I was wondering, would anyone mind briefly outlining the problems people are having with the game? Someone said they’re mostly to do with online? I know that there’s posts and threads about it for me to research myself, but there’s so many, and I don’t have a great deal of time.

Perhaps if we can come up with some kind of concise list of the most agreed upon glaring issues, and have it signed like a petition by a large amount of the player base both here and maybe even take it over to Reddit too or wherever, and/or get some of the bigger youtubers on board, and then get it sent to the devs somehow, they might just take notice - or am I dreaming?
With all respect, read the forums. I don't have time to repeat all the issues that have been discussed on here nor does this site need another thread with people arguing about the game. There is no need to come up with a concise list that you categorically will not get agreement on, as the devs will not be interested one bit.
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Haha, fair enough. It was just an idea. I can’t imagine the devs would bother about individuals emailing with various complaints, but a community effort might get them to take notice I dunno. Assuming it hasn’t been tried already
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I was wondering, would anyone mind briefly outlining the problems people are having with the game?
There are certain cars you need to grind 13 hours for, minimum.
The prices in the legendary dealership reflect the real world (up to 20 mil.) and keep rising when the real price rises as well. Sometimes like 5 million rise for one car.
The rotation for legendary dealership is like 80 days on average, but some cars got left out and people had to wait almost a year to buy a certain car.
The invitation system is ****.
The payment of offline races is all over the place. Just 4 races that pay a lot, some races that pay okay, and then a lot of races pay almost nothing.
The roulette tickets give **** prices most of the time.
Almost all races are catch the rabbit.
The AI is stupid a lot of the time.
So many missed opportunities for races, they don't have a JGTC championship etc.
I was wondering, would anyone mind briefly outlining the problems people are having with the game? Someone said they’re mostly to do with online? I know that there’s posts and threads about it for me to research myself, but there’s so many, and I don’t have a great deal of time.

Perhaps if we can come up with some kind of concise list of the most agreed upon glaring issues, and have it signed like a petition by a large amount of the player base both here and maybe even take it over to Reddit too or wherever, and/or get some of the bigger youtubers on board, and then get it sent to the devs somehow, they might just take notice - or am I dreaming? 😬
Yeah, there's plenty of reasons people are unhappy if you search around the forum. I usually don't bother because it doesn't affect me and reading constant negativity sucks, my only real gripe with the game recently is the server issues where sometimes sports mode races are failing to start qualifying on time for the ongoing gtws events, hope they fix that soon.

I'm still having a great time, played for more than a year and yeah I don't have every car, but I'm also not in a rush to unlock everything. I may have switched to iRacing / ACC if the VR implementation in this game wasn't fantastic, but it is so I really haven't gotten bored.
It's my most played game, I like it for many reasons, but the rest of the franchise built certain expectations that so far aren't being met in full.

The last licence test for instance is not utilised as a requirement anywhere. The cash, experience with twitchy arse racecars and (hopefully) two cars you get as rewards make it worthwhile though.

Wow, how many pages!? Haha.

I’ve read the first two pages anyway, but it’s nearly my bedtime so i’ll come back to that. I’ve noticed a couple of these issues from early on have been fixed: e.g I’m guessing the ‘race shop’ where you can buy tyres before a race is a new feature, as people were griping about an inability to do that last year. So that’s something!

The biggest, or at least most recurring gripe seems to be the slow AI - which was ever thus in GT really - and certainly more so from the ‘HD era’ onwards, and all of the rolling starts instead of grid starts. Which I reckon are part of the same problem. I guess it’s a way to make the games more accessible to newcomers? From what I understand racing games are nowhere near as popular as they used to be. That’s a big problem for both the devs and Sony at large from purely a business POV, and making the games so hard that they’re off putting to all but the most dedicated would probably be disastrous.

Hopefully this SOPHY system might help matters in that regard, making the AI smarter overall would be amazing. A game changer (quite literally!)

I do seem to remember setting the AI difficulty before starting the career mode in GT7. Something to do with chilli peppers? I know it was only a week ago, but I have a pretty stressful day job lol!

I’m pretty sure I set it to the hardest difficulty but yeah I am still finding if I tune my car to the recommended PP I end up totally overpowered.

Maybe it’s a case that they tried making the AI go faster but the physics are so complicated that it couldn’t handle it, and that’s why they have to be so slow? I dunno, I’m really not knowledgeable in these matters.
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This sums it up pretty concisely. Yeah, three and a half hours is concise for all the issues with GT7. The game has an absolutely amazing foundation that they've done next to nothing with. There is seemingly no direction, no focus to the game. Almost every aspect, aside from the core technical foundation, is half baked at best. On top of that Polyphony was either dishonest, or ignorant with their claims pre-launch. I never thought I'd see the day when I miss the pink Vitz. That damn horse armour....

This sums it up pretty concisely. Yeah, three and a half hours is concise for all the issues with GT7. The game has an absolutely amazing foundation that they've done next to nothing with. There is seemingly no direction, no focus to the game. Almost every aspect, aside from the core technical foundation, is half baked at best. On top of that Polyphony was either dishonest, or ignorant with their claims pre-launch. I never thought I'd see the day when I miss the pink Vitz. That damn horse armour....

Iirc, there is a three part series for these videos and this is the bumper edition, so maybe OP would do a good job by watching them individually.

To my mind, the author sums up the overarching quibbles with GT7 in single player. The online complaints are mostly predictable given the nature of online gaming.
Iirc, there is a three part series for these videos and this is the bumper edition, so maybe OP would do a good job by watching them individually.

To my mind, the author sums up the overarching quibbles with GT7 in single player. The online complaints are mostly predictable given the nature of online gaming.
I'd hardly call the author's criticisms trivial. Unless that's not what you meant by quibble... I really think with the advent and popularization of things like the steam deck, console gaming as a whole is dying. Why would one want to purchase a clunky, non portable console when you could just get a pc that has a much bigger library of games and is technically more proficient. And for not that much more money either. Or buy something like a steam deck which is almost as technically as capable as a console, but is also portable. Now I am talking about the next 10-15 years or so...and I'm off topic lol.

I only mention that because I think the demise of console gaming is partially because of the superficiality of modern AAA games as seen in GT7. To me, GT7 lacks depth. It lacks personality. It feels to me as if it was a labour. Something that had to be produced to meet a bottom line and nothing more. Its individual parts lovingly and painstakingly crafted by individuals that genuinely care, but then ramshackled together by someone only concerned with pleasing some committee somewhere. After all, gotta meet that deadline!

As said in the video, I think the people at Polyphony on the ground level, the people actually working on the individual parts of the game, really do care. But the management have lost their vision, lost their focus. Lost their passion and in some cases lost their spine. And frankly, it shows.

Edit: To be fair, maybe I'm just jaded. But having grown up in arguably the golden age of video games, it's been a slow but clearly downhill trend ever since. I do enjoy GT7 but it often feels cheap. Most modern games to me feel less and less like art, and more like just a product to be sold with every passing year. It's that damned horse armour I tell ya.

But hey, if you feel like you're getting your money's worth, then go for it. Don't let jaded old fools like me ruin it for you. But if quality games cease to exist within the main stream market, you'll always be welcome on this grumpy side of the fence.
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