GTA Online: Fort Zancudo FFA!!!

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I've done something similar to this with my crew mates. We, after several runs, had that place cleaned out at some points. I'd strongly recommend having a couple guys with Savages take out the tanks if you don't have anyone in the base with tanks themselves. IMO, the tanks are the bigger threat to the operation than the Lazers are. 99.9 percent of our deaths came from the tanks.
Jets can spawn in mid-air sometimes.


WELL, since these will be a problem, let's have several people on rooftops of hangars acting as mobile anti-air, with Homing Launchers, Miniguns, or Heavy Snipers (If they're a good shot). They'll just need to defend themselves if there are ladders leading to the rooftops.
I read on the GTA Wiki that you will not receive a wanted level if you fly extremely close to the ground and if you aren't seen by any soldiers. Not sure if this applies to online. The Savage will vaporize tanks and it's rocket pods allow for constant firing, but it's quite a big target and isn't as nimble as a Buzzard. The Valkyrie can take a hell of a beating, but you need a co-pilot to operate the cannon.
The Valkyrie seems like a better choice. You have more control over aiming the cannon, meaning you can fire at tanks while remaining out of range. However, the jets seem like a potential issue since you'd have to be at a decent height to avoid the tanks.
The guy I was playing with only got shot down in his Savage because of friendly fire (shot down by one of his crew members in a Lazer that didn't pay attention to his shots). The Savage's infinite rockets make it far superior to the Buzzard despite being less nimble. If you keep it low and slightly out of the base, the main threat with Savages will be the police Mavericks rather than any military equipment.