GTP Awards 2k5 THE RESULTS!!!

  • Thread starter DQuaN


Goat of the Year
United Kingdom
Well..... You have all been voting/nominating (sorry for the confusion!) for the last week. I recieved over 30 votes. I don't know if that's good or bad, but here are the results that you have been waiting for......

Most Knowledgeable
Did anyone expect anything different? Funnily enough, he didn't win it last year. But i think (and all will agree) that it is a well earned title this year.

Best Quote
A tie for this one..

.Duck. for:
IMO, that's not a good excuse. If you were from Indonesia or some other country, then that's one thing. Daan, one of our forum moderators, is from Scotland and uses perfect English.
I suppose you never understood Ewan McGreggor, Sean Connery or Rab C Nesbit ;)


DQuaN for:
Sorry, I was having sex
What can I say? :dopey:

An honerable mention has to go to Famine, who got more votes than .Duck. and myself, but were for different quotes.

Best Thread
ledhed for the Creation vs Evolution Thread

Most Helpful
A 3 way tie on this one. The winners are...
Duke, Solid Lifters and live4speed

Touring Mars

Touring Mars
His jokes are so bad, but make us laugh so much!

Best Avatar/Sig/User title
A tie between DQuaN and Punk Rock

Most likely to get a thread closed
Another tie (there are quite a few) between....
El Flexo and Young Warrior (who will find it difficult with his current user status!)

Most likely to be crowned a moderator
G.T and may i say, a wonderful member. (remember that when you are a mod! ;) )

Biggest impression on GTP
Well Duh!

Young_Warrior's most notable Protege
A tie between....
Plague.Ghost and TVR&Ferrari_Fan

Most likley to be wheeled off to the Nut House
This time a 4 way tie.....
The winners are TVR&Ferrari_Fan, Bee, Race Idiot and Omnis

And there you have it ladies and gentlemen. A couple of weeks ago I was trawling through some old threads in the Rumble Strip, and I came across the GTP Awards. Realising that it was rapidly approaching the end of the year, I took it upon myself to host it this year.

I hope you all have enjoyed voting/nominating (once again, sorry for the confusion :guilty: ). And I hope you all like the results.

A Merry Christmas to everyone, and a Happy New Year.

Peace Out.

Dunc. :)
Hey, I got voted for, I didn't expect that so :cheers: I'll slip you that tenner later Dunc. And a bigger :cheers: to DQuaN for sorting it all out, if I was in Ealing I'd buy you a pint.
May I say that Duke (being the only mod that voted), was very diplomatic in not wanting to vote for the "Most likely to get a thread closed" and "Most likely to be crowned Moderator.
Congrats to all the winners, and enjoy your priz … errr, enjoy the glory! :P

Congrats though imo, it felt a bit rushed this year, and there weren't alot of voters.

Basically, this year seemed more for the Rumble Strip than all around GTP.
I was quite suprised to get one myself. It seems that people like the dog with his face in the tin. Or maybe it says something about me? :rolleyes:
Great work, DQuaN. Thank you for that! :) I agree with many of the selections, except for one. ledhed should have also won the "Most likley to be wheeled off to the Nut House" categoy. :D
In your opinion maybe. But i'm afraid that not enough people thought the same. :)

And, thankyou :)
In your opinion maybe. But i'm afraid that not enough people thought the same. :)
I know, I was just joking around. ;) It might have confused you though, since I really did vote for ledhed, and you were the only one who knew that. :lol:
It might have confused you though, since I really did vote for ledhed, and you were the only one who knew that. :lol:

Ummm, yes I did know that. But as I said, not enough people thought the same or voted the same. Hence why he didn't win the award.
**** you guys, man.

edit: people don't get honorable mentions just because people voted for them? I found Shannon and tha_con to be 3 times more knowledgeable than Famine. Famine is knowledgeable, but in a trivial sense. I mean no offense or anything, of course.
I was quite suprised to get one myself. It seems that people like the dog with his face in the tin. Or maybe it says something about me? :rolleyes:

It's that hat does it. :dopey:

Cngrats to those who got glory of bein reconized for sumthin, good or bad.
**** you guys, man.

edit: people don't get honorable mentions just because people voted for them? I found Shannon and tha_con to be 3 times more knowledgeable than Famine. Famine is knowledgeable, but in a trivial sense. I mean no offense or anything, of course.

Yeah. but nobody rubs it in your face like Famine. :lol: j/k.

Congratulations to all the winners... especially Plague.Ghost and TVR&Ferrari_Fan.

BTW, when's YW's ban lifted? :lol:
**** you guys, man.

edit: people don't get honorable mentions just because people voted for them? I found Shannon and tha_con to be 3 times more knowledgeable than Famine. Famine is knowledgeable, but in a trivial sense. I mean no offense or anything, of course.

Pfft. I'm everything in a trivial sense.


*waves trophies around shouting "In your face"*

*realises that no physical trophies are actually awarded, and is holding a pair of socks*
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Your feet stink... Famine.

And yes, that ban does need to be lifted... he was the life of the party!
edit: people don't get honorable mentions just because people voted for them? I found Shannon and tha_con to be 3 times more knowledgeable than Famine. Famine is knowledgeable, but in a trivial sense. I mean no offense or anything, of course.
Tha_Con is very knowledgable but he never leaves the GT or PS forums, so all you ever see is his knowledge on comuters. I have no idea if he's knowledgable on things other non computer related topics. Famine posts all over the site, and has knowledgable posts all over the site, so I think he deserves it more than Tha_Con, as for Shannon, not sure who you mean.
What is the Young_Warrior's most notable Protege all about. And I reckon G.T will never be a mod, sorry but thats what i reckon.

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