GTP Cool Wall: Results (read OP)

  • Thread starter Snikle
Cool! When will the doc have the other cars from before the revival put in? Will it ever?
It will probably never, since it doesn't need to. The original spoilers are never going to go anywhere, and the new results are right underneath the spoilers in the OP.
It will probably never, since it doesn't need to. The original spoilers are never going to go anywhere, and the new results are right underneath the spoilers in the OP.
Yeah, but it would be nice to have just one list with all the results together. Oh well, I still have the excel sheet.
@GranTurNismo It would be a good idea if you linked each poll result in the second results post with it’s voting pages like with the first post results. I also believe it would be good to list the cars currently up for voting on the top on the first page so users can know what’s currently being polled at the time.
@GranTurNismo It would be a good idea if you linked each poll result in the second results post with it’s voting pages like with the first post results. I also believe it would be good to list the cars currently up for voting on the top on the first page so users can know what’s currently being polled at the time.
I agree, but to be fully honest, I don’t know to do that. I spent about 20 minutes or so trying to figure it out but no luck.
I agree, but to be fully honest, I don’t know to do that. I spent about 20 minutes or so trying to figure it out but no luck.
I might have an idea on how to figure it out. Click "Edit" for the original pre-revival results post, and look at how the syntax is for the links there, and then do it the same way for the post-revival results.

And then tell us how to do that, because I've also tried a bunch of times to make the links say other things on this site, to no avail.
Do you think that a Cool wall car should have the ability for new nomination after like 5 years, culture changes overtime and how we perceive certain cars clearly changes too.
I've always thought this should be the case but maybe 5 years is too short? Something more like 7 or 8 years would seem more reasonable
Got the first weekly update to the results in, with the Silvia barely missing out on an SZ placement with 0.909, then the Kaiser-Darrin coming in with a solid cool at 0.455, and finally the BMW Z4 landing on the negative side of vanilla at -0.037. I probably won't make a post like this every time, just wanted to get it out there for this first week.

Go add to the nomination queue if you don't have 2 cars there already! We'd love to have you!
Added links to all the results from the 2019 revival to now. Now, just like with the original post of results, you can go see the thread for each car with a single click.
The Google doc idea for putting all the results in one list had some flaws. I scrapped it, and split the original post in 2, so I could add the cars to the original list without going over the limit. Unfortunately, this means that the separate 2019+ list is no longer there, but having all the cars in one single list is what the wall is supposed to be anyway.
What about Honda Beat? It should get added to results. I wonder if there are more left to nominate? Edit I wonder if there are more missing

I added the Beat. If there are any others missing from the results thread, finding them would be pretty tough. I can go through the results thread and (up to date) excel file at the same time, that should find them, but it will take a long time.
I added the Beat. If there are any others missing from the results thread, finding them would be pretty tough. I can go through the results thread and (up to date) excel file at the same time, that should find them, but it will take a long time.
Well there are 1313 threads, with taking away the 5 threads with active voting and 2 pinned threads, the number becomes 1306. It seems that there is a number of 22 entries missing at max. However there are probably other threads that arent polls at all. So yes, it will be very hard to find the remaining ones if they exist.


Anyway OP is finally updated.

Also the Chiron and Divo wound up right next to each other as well.
I finally updated the results again, the size of the OPs makes it kind of cumbersome. It's easiest to update it in large chunks like this, but I realized its probably a bad idea to hide the results from the voting public for so long. So I made a Recent Results page that I can update easily for when polls close but I haven't updated the main OP list yet. Since this one is small it will be easy to find the most recently polled cars. Hope this makes things a little easier for everyone.

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