GTP WRS-Online : Event 80 : Competizione a Spa - March 20

  • Thread starter Gravitron
NA race results:

Gooners has received an 18 second drive-through penalty for not leaving sufficient side room for WRP on lap 14 at Les Combes after the Kemmel straight.

08: Corner Rights:

If sufficient overlap is established before the turn-in point, then the behind driver has the right to sufficient side room. The ahead driver must also leave sufficient side room for the behind driver. This means that each driver has a right to their respective "line", or side of the track, right up to the exit point. Neither driver should squeeze the other toward the inside or outside of the corner during the apex or exit.

WRP had had pulled beside (to the left) and partially passed gooners on Kemmel straight and was entitled to his outside line into the corner. Gooners went too hard into the corner to hold the inside line and allow sufficient side room and initiated contact with WRP ultimately resulting in WRP being forced on a line that caused him to put tires off track and lose traction and end up on the grass. The proper action at that point for gooners would have been to hold off throttle until WRP regained the track and resume behind WRP.

The incident was made worse by the fact that Gooners had a bobble through Eau Rouge leading up to that corner, and kept his speed up and throttle at 100% by using a significant portion of the the run-off area to the right of the rumbles. The incident would have been avoided all together if gooners had lifted to stay on track after the bobble OR lifted upon returning to the track rather than trying to defend his position on the next corner after going out of bounds. If either of these actions had taken place the pass would have been completed without overlap remaining well prior to the turn in point for the corner and WRP would have had full right to his line of choice.

Here's a video of the incident:


And the combined results:

And the picture of the week goes to.... GTP_Litchi

Here are the voting results:


This pic has been inserted as the feature pic for this event in the OP. 👍
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So my vote is missing (twissy#1)?

I checked the google doc and your vote was filtered out because you spelled your PSN ID "GTP_Jamy" and it was not recognized as being on the registry so it wasn't counted.

Doesn't change the winner, but here's the new vote breakdown after I corrected your typo:

Thank you guys. Not sure I really deserve it 'cause I confess I work a bit on Photoshop CS6 and I see that you don't.
I'll try to show a vid of my photoshop work, (usually no more than 5-6 mn 'cause I only add some filters, blur effects, brightness effects and signature) for my next submission. It won't be with the VW Golf, i hope you'll create an event with the Mustang @ Madrid ;)

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