GTP WRS-Online : Special IV - Laguna Mixed Class Enduro - Apr 29

  • Thread starter WRP001
Resorting to spam posts now are we. This thread needs a big clean-up now. What started out as trying to point someone in the right direction has escalated into an argument over GTPs and the WRS' Rules for no reason. I would just stop it now TheExtremist, before the mods hand out infractations to you. 👍
U know what I'm just going to apologise I really want to participate therefore I'm going to oblige, and I'm going to create the new psn account
Got some good practice in. Got all my sectors together for a best of 1:15.131 but wasn't able to match it again and I wasn't recording unfortunately. But I did hit a few more low 51s before I called it a night.

Here's an onboard of one of them:

and splits for the 1:15.131 -

I tried Vaga's tune at first but it was too shaky on exit. Tried Prai's tune and I got a lot more comfortable, although I kept Vaga's transmission settings. I also reduced the Diff. Acceleration to 7.

Can that be my tag

You need to have created an actual PSN account with the tag. Yes, it can be your tag, if it's available on PSN and you have actually created the account.

Don't give me that 🤬 a psn name is a psn name we shouldn't have to create a whole new account I know they've put a lot of effort in but they could've changed some things around

This attitude is not going to get you very far. I think all of your questions have been answered. But if you have more questions regarding the registry qualifier, please direct them to us in this thread.
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Ok so once I create a gtp account I'll add that guy and then write down a time whenim free and the class I want to qualify for right?
Would love to take part in this, but sunday 20:00 gmt is a bit dodgy :crazy: I don't know how I'd make it to work on monday.

Judging by Wardez's video the 787b looks like a hoot to drive in that spec on that track.
I'm interested in taking part (probably as a GT class car), I need to sort out a GTP registry time (I'll do that today or tomorrow) but otherwise I'd like to join in if there is any spaces free still?
I'd like to join in if there is any spaces free still?

We should be OK on space. We should be able to take up to 14 per room, with 2 rooms active. That would put us at 28 drivers, with 23 currently registered, and 2 of those are reserves.
I'm in lounge A atm for some practice laps.
Feel free to join for some practice races with you guys ;)
Got some good practice in. Got all my sectors together for a best of 1:15.131 but wasn't able to match it again and I wasn't recording unfortunately. But I did hit a few more low 51s before I called it a night.


I tried Vaga's tune at first but it was too shaky on exit. Tried Prai's tune and I got a lot more comfortable, although I kept Vaga's transmission settings. I also reduced the Diff. Acceleration to 7.

Sweet lap Eddie. 👍

I've got to rework my transmissions after watching your lap. Are you really using Vagabond's transmission without mods? I'm hitting 1'15.5 on my best laps, but I'm not using 1st gear at all and I can see it helps. Your lines through the corkscrew and following turn are really much better than mine so I'll study them.

Question: Do you ever sleep? I think we've got another fast vampire on our hands.

My time at the top the of practice sheet was short again. :sly: I think it's going to take a 1'15 to make room A in this car. :crazy: Eddie, if you can run 1'15s while doing live commentary on your feed and not sleeping at all I'm going to be really impressed. :lol:

Finally, I think your responses to the GTP tag question nonsense above were spot on. Thanks and glad I slept through the entire conversation. :dopey:
I'm in lounge A atm for some practice laps.
Feel free to join for some practice races with you guys ;)

After 5-6 practice laps, finally managed a low 22'. Hard and long to find a fast and safe tune for me cause i drive with my poor DS3 lol.
Back in the next few days

Youtube video coming soon. 👍

Grats Ed for your pole in the practice leaderboard. It's very close 👍

Here is the vid. Currently being processed so be patient ;)
Sorry for the awful quality, i don't have the same equipment than my friend Ed for screen capture... :D

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Okay, I'm pretty sure I won't be able to make the next Enduro unfortunately, but I think I can make the first Support Race so I signed up as a reserve, and I may choose either class, depends on how much control I have of them.. although I really want to drive the 787 :P

Is it okay if I qualify for the main event anyway? Would be good to see where I rank in case I can actually make it.
Sorry for having some questions but I'm new to this online championship stuff (never even knew it existed). Do I have to make a new account? In example, GTP_Skreetsha? On other notes, GTP_3D3Racing, I have to send him a friend request from my GTP account? Also, Speedy6543? I am from Holland, and seeing as we have GMT here, I have to qualify in his online room? Bit of clarification for this online noob would be much appreciated :)

I believe Wardez adressed your questions already here.

If you eventually get on the GTP_3D3Racing friendlist and when you are ready to qualify, post your available times here and we'll meet in that GTP_3D3Racing lounge.

Is it okay if I qualify for the main event anyway? Would be good to see where I rank in case I can actually make it.
There's only one qualifying round and it counts for the support races and the main event.
I'm interested in taking part (probably as a GT class car), I need to sort out a GTP registry time (I'll do that today or tomorrow) but otherwise I'd like to join in if there is any spaces free still?

We should be OK on space. We should be able to take up to 14 per room, with 2 rooms active. That would put us at 28 drivers, with 23 currently registered, and 2 of those are reserves.

A follow up / clarification. Registration is unlimited, but the race itself is limited to 28 drivers -- 14 per class.

So anyone on the official GTP_Registry can sign up and run qualifying. The fastest drivers will get entry into the enduro and any remaining drivers will go on a reserve list and fill in for cancels or no shows in order of quali time / class. If you don't make a qualifying run you will not be allowed to race. And you only get one shot to qualify so get sufficient practice in before you make your run. No exceptions.

If we are short drivers for one of the classes (e.g. there are only 6 LMP cars in the B race) then we'll add an extra driver from the other class.

The other clarification/reminder is that if any driver does not exhibit sufficient car control and pace in their qualifying run they will not be allowed to participate even if they make the top 14 in their class. It's all spelled out in the details post of the OP.

  1. Any driver in either class that demonstrates in qualification or practice sessions that he cannot keep the car in control and on the track consistently or maintain a reasonable pace will not be allowed to participate in the enduro race. The stewards and event organizers will make that call if it is deemed necessary.

All the drivers in the previous enduro at Spa came prepared, qualified and raced with control and proper etiquette and we didn't have to put this rule into practice and hopefully the same goes for this event.

We really would like to see as many of you join us in the lounge for practices as much as possible before the races so that all drivers get an idea how to drive around others... e.g. learn braking points, car control, pace, etc. Participating in one of the support races on Saturday is highly recommended if you are new to our online events.

If you need any tips or suggestions other drivers are always willing to help out... case in point the tunes and videos already shared in the thread.

Is it okay if I qualify for the main event anyway? Would be good to see where I rank in case I can actually make it.

Absolutely, sign up for reserve for the enduro (and put in your note in the comments field). And sign up for either or both Saturday support races. Check out the new practice leaderboard as well and feel free to post your practice times there to see where you stand.

One final note on reserves for the enduro. You will need to commit at the end of the quali window for the target class or you will go on the waiting list below any drivers that do commit. In other words if you can't commit by the qualifying deadline for the class any driver that can commit will go ahead of you (as far as making the enduro event and/or making the A race). If you decide to commit later (e.g. the day before the race) and there are still spots available you will be entered in race B and will start at the back of the grid.

Finally, note that if you set your status to committed you are expected to make the race. Any abuse of the "committed" status will be frowned upon and may affect eligibility for future events... e.g. don't commit if there is any "reasonable doubt" that you will make the race. If your status is committed and you don't show up or notify a steward ahead of time via the thread your eligibility may be removed for all future events.
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Deleting and reinstalling game data seems to have fixed the calibration issue. Hopefully it stays that way when I jump on the track tonight. Thanks for the idea Tim.👍
Going in 3D3 lounge for some more practice (cause I really need it) if anyone wants to join
Neither of you are listed on the Official GTP_Registry so that's the first thing you need to correct. Read the GTP WRS Comprehensive Guide, submit your registry qualifier and then you can come back here and ask questions.

There will be a wait after you submit your qualifier before you'll be assigned a division, but if you submit the qualifier in the next 3-4 days your entry will be processed in time for the race.


I ran 1'15.593 tonight after Lucas joined Scott and I in the lounge with these splits:


Let's see how long it takes a D1 driver to knock me off the top of the practice leaderboard. :sly:

Oh ok. Sorry about that man. I will do that and hopefully be able to qualify.
I'm in the main lobby with T-L, who just pulled a 21.6 in the RX-7. :crazy:
Will be there for another half hour or so.
Myself, Jon and Nigel are getting some practice in the lobby now 👍