GTP_WRS New Drivers and Promotions

  • Thread starter Vaxen
Latest submissions:

:: Division 2 ::

Division 2 Silver (2.334 - 2.666):

smialas86 / smialas86 / PL (2.415)

:: Division 3 ::

Division 3 Bronze (3.667 - 3.999):

doughboy877 / Bertracer / UK (3.691)

Promotions as of Apr 7, 2014:

GTP_Jump_Ace (Jump_Ace) D2 Gold -> D1 Bronze (1.92894 -0.40439)
GTP_Vipond (Bleached) D2 Silver -> D2 Gold (2.32465 -0.34201)
RowdLL (RodrigoDLL) D3 Bronze -> D3 Silver (3.56236 -0.43764)
senninha_77 (Senninha_77) D4 Gold -> D3 Bronze (3.89862 -0.43471)
Congrats to all, especially Jerome and Senninha for division jump.
Welcome @smialas86 and @Bertracer. I was way off with my prediction, but you just missed out on D3 silver.
Ha, yes you were.
Happy here though, have to start somewhere. I had a slightly quicker set of laps that on reflection are clean, i was so unsure at the time about having two wheels on the curbs, but i guess that's yhr nature of the beast.
Very cool to be onboard, i guess now its time to get cracking on promotion. 👍:bowdown: with this tt.
congrats to everyone on promotion, and to fellow new joinee, @smialas86

Congrats to all, especially Jerome and Senninha for division jump.
Welcome @smialas86 and @Bertracer. I was way off with my prediction, but you just missed out on D3 silver. You'll be at the top of D3 in no time.
We shall see, i see you are currently 5th in the division, so i need to get promoted to d3 gold, and first...
is it normal to see drastic divison jumps quite quickly? Seems like its going to be highly difficult and competitive.
We shall see, i see you are currently 5th in the division, so i need to get promoted to d3 gold, and first...
is it normal to see drastic divison jumps quite quickly? Seems like its going to be highly difficult and competitive.

It is competitive, that's what makes it fun. You will soon make friends that run at the similar pace as you.
Then if you want to get faster you will resist the new week challenge, download some faster replays from the week that just finished and try to follow those lines and match the speed carried through corners.
What's great about the WRS is that you don't need to be the fastest to have fun.
How exactly do promotions work anyway?

Each event you submit a lap for, you get will get a handicap score....either positive or negative. If you keep getting negative handicaps (running laps faster than the par score for your division), your handicap will decrease and, at some point, you will likely cross the threshold to another division which will result in you being promoted (the admins do the promotions every couple of weeks or so).

For example: I started Week 1 in Division 4 Bronze, have had a negative handicap score for all 11 events so far and am now in Division 3 Gold.

Hope that explains it :)
Each event you submit a lap for, you get will get a handicap score....either positive or negative. If you keep getting negative handicaps (running laps faster than the par score for your division), your handicap will decrease and, at some point, you will likely cross the threshold to another division which will result in you being promoted (the admins do the promotions every couple of weeks or so).

For example: I started Week 1 in Division 4 Bronze, have had a negative handicap score for all 11 events so far and am now in Division 3 Gold.

Hope that explains it :)

But you are good enough for at least D2...I'll wait for you
But you are good enough for at least D2...I'll wait for you

You could be waiting a while :lol:. I am expecting an extremely positive handicap this week with the Abarth as I just can't get a handle on be honest, the time's I have got so far are more D4 times than D2 and I am not expecting much improvement. I have no idea how I managed a D2 time for the Audi either as I just hated driving it (the "seconds per minute behind the leader" was my second best so far...the Focus being the best :confused:).
You make it sound like I'm pregnant. :yuck::lol:

I think I'll keep scouting the limits of D2 for a few more weeks, maybe try to time it with Brandon's eventual D1 promotion. :D

The way I'm driving lately, it'll be awhile before I can better my handicap. I'm shocked you didn't make it this week.