GTP_WRS Week 1 : BallS1 to the Wall

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I'm being a bit sad and making a note of my split times on my phone. Haha!

I could possibly get another 2 tenths out of this.

Is anybody else anal enough to record all your splits or is it just me?

I think I possibly need to get out more! :lol:

If I find 2 tenths then I think I'll be finished.
@iSidious no.. writing your splits are normal for around here... but if you think that's bad, here's something I posted on week 138 (I believe)

I change paints for every day I race and keep a note pad of all my splits. Day 1 I start out with an orange color, day 2 is red, 3 is green, 4 is white.

This week I changed it up. Green for day 1, Orange for 2, blue 3 and 4 white.

Why I am explaining this? Every week my fastest overall time is green. This week was no exception. Ran my fastest time with green.

Here's my notepad:

Green: fastest t3 time
Orange: fastest t2 time of 812
White: fastest average time about 1-2 tenths off my 1 lap.
Blue: fastest t1 of 656

I must be bonkers then eh? :D
I've submitted. I don't think I'll be able to replicate my time from yesterday. I got really lucky.
I'd like to put in my 2 cents worth of advise for anyone.

I find it helpful to 'walk the track'. I replay a lap and pause at a corner I'm learning, then enter Photo Mode and walk around looking at brake markers, spots on the track surface, distances between relative points on and off the track, and anything else that might help me figure out where and what to do. It's a lot easier to study the track while walking than going 100mph. ;)
Good luck everyone and keep on keeping on. :gtpflag:

I've left a ton of time on this one, but it's about all I can do with the time available. Dropped 3/10 in T2 but gained a few in T1... Oh well, I'm happy with the OT.

a little step back at 2nd split, but i did my best 3rd sector so far in this lap, just enought to improve my previous best lap.
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Getting closer to my goal of a ' first sector, but am not sure if I can get it.
My tips for success:

Turn 1: Throw it in, modulate brake and throttle lightly, then throw it in again. Tight to the apex and don't run too wide or you'll be doing 5 mph too slow at the next apex.
Turn 2: Lift and coast. 100mph apex. Careful throttle application.
Turn 3: Lift and coast very slightly, line up for the next very important corner...
Turn 4: the exit, straight line as much as poss and "clip" the kerb so that you get a fraction of rotation. Floor it. You do not want to be going on the grass at all here, with REAL grip reduction you run the risk of binning it and dropping 3 tenths. You also need to nail this turn as turn 5 involves very little slow down when done correctly.
Turn 5: Lift and 50% throttle for a few seconds. I change down here too, if you don't, you'll need to brake. Hold the turn as tight as you can - IMHO this is the quickest way, no double apex as the tyres light up and the grip doesn't come back for the exit. Spot the exit as early as you can and aim to be just inside the kerb on exit.
Turn 6: Brake late rather than early, late apex beats early apex 10 times out of 10. If you go too far though and miss the hairpin apex, start over. You'll not get that back!
Turn 7: Nothing to say here. Flat and no bother.
Turn 8: Hard corner to get right...start slightly wide and aim to brake, change down once (or twice if you want) stay tight and don't go off track on the inside.
Chicane: Aim for sticking the whole left/right side of the car over the kerbs, both in and out. Hail mary, roll the dice and hope you get a double 6.
Last turn: Late apex is best, early apex is a recipe for going partially off, or way off into the wall.

Turns 1 to 4 is like driving Suzuka. You can't sacrifice one turn in favour of another, all must be one sequence.
The hairpin and the last corner you must avoid an early apex like the plague!
The rest of it is tight lines and careful throttle application. Limited mashing! Smoking tyres are fine provided you're at the correct speed and it's just into the red. Maintaining red tyres is pretty bad ;)

Great post. I would just like to add that I think corner 3 is what is called a "compromise" corner, in which you align more to the left (close to apex) sacrificing a little speed in order to aim properly for the important corner 4 and be early on the throttle. Since corner 4 exits to a straight (relatively to previous corners) early throttle should improve lap time.
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Hairpin is killing me but I think I have everything figured out for the most part. If I hit everything together I may have a couple tenths left. Well past where I expected to be so knocking off anything is gravy at this point. 👍
Tonight is not the night for me. just ran about 25 laps and can get one good lap in that is close to my fastest lap, but nothing ahead of it. Just hit a wall and now am looking entirely different at this track. Changed up a few habits and tried approaching every corner in a different manner. I see at least a second I can take off my final time at minimum. I think with these new views I see the time in the track I am missing. Just need a perfect lap now. Got two more nights in me.

Going for a beer break and then see with a few more laps what it does :)
Wall that bothered me previously has been moved 0.3 at the line :D
Only 0.1 down at T2, but that is still something.


I have a fair grasp on the "Suzuka" bends now, running with rhythm, and with focus on the final exit, crucial. Low .1 seen but no .0's yet.

What bothers me most now is T2, the long lefthander is not consistent, and the hairpin ruins every second lap. But hey, that is the fun of TT'ing. In the end I will nail them :mischievous:

Is anybody else anal enough to record all your splits or is it just me?
I do it sometimes, especially on new tracks where I have no idea about what is achievable. If I have recorded 10 laps, I sometimes find one of them has a sector X that is 0.2 faster than anything else, then I go back and check out what on earth I did there. Kind of a trial and error process. And it helps to set yourself a lap time goal - add all your best sectors and then 0.2 more.

My tips for success:
The rest of it is tight lines and careful throttle application. Limited mashing! Smoking tyres are fine provided you're at the correct speed and it's just into the red. Maintaining red tyres is pretty bad ;)
Thanks a lot for the writeup!

I find that I need to run different turns in different ways, the "Suzuka" bends are all about feathering, while the big left-hander is all about trashing, the more the better.


And oh yeah, incredible to see that 100+ leaderboard. Cheers guys!
I'd like to put in my 2 cents worth of advise for anyone.

I find it helpful to 'walk the track'. I replay a lap and pause at a corner I'm learning, then enter Photo Mode and walk around looking at brake markers, spots on the track surface, distances between relative points on and off the track, and anything else that might help me figure out where and what to do. It's a lot easier to study the track while walking than going 100mph. ;)
Good luck everyone and keep on keeping on. :gtpflag:

I thought I was the only one that did that. :lol: I also run each track in'd be surprised what you can learn by doing that. Besides that, I have my lucky socks (hospital socks with the treads on them) and to Brando ItsAllAboutWins, my fastest/lucky car color is Hot Lava. :)
A bit LTTP but i have to say that this combo made me struggle, as i couldn´t find the right rhythm.

Lost 2 days just to found out why i was so out of pace on the first sector :crazy:

The best so far with an ok T3


Amazing participation this week, hope you all stick around
From this cool thread:


Credit to @markwang 👍
A question about tyre temperature.

To my knowledge the color in the tyre wear bars is indicating tyre temperature. In about 3-4 laps at least one of the tires, usually the front right one, turns darkish yellow and doesn't really recover from that. And it also seems to turn bright red much faster after reaching that point.

So is it sort of counterproductive to keep going on with the tyres about to catch fire, or should I restart after a couple laps to get fresh, cool set of tires?

This just came to my mind as I've ran a couple rounds of about 50 laps without restarts, and usually I have had problems in terms of good sectors when I've done those longer runs.

E: Had to edit to make more sense.
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A question about tyre temperature.

To my knowledge the color in the tyre wear bars is indicating tyre temperature. In about 3-4 laps at least one of the tires, usually the front right one, turns darkish yellow and doesn't really recover from that. And it also seems to turn bright red much faster after reaching that point.

So is it sort of counterproductive to keep going on with the tyres about to catch fire, or should I restart after a couple laps to get fresh, cool set of tires?

This just came to my mind as I've ran a couple rounds of about 50 laps without restarts, and usually I have had problems in terms of good sectors when I've done those longer runs.

E: Had to edit to make more sense.

I usually run stints of 12 laps without stopping, then take about a 5 minute break and start again. I noticed that about 90% of all my improvements come between laps 8-10. That goes back to TT's ran in GT5 also and holds true for the Seasonal TT's as well.

Yes, I keep charts/stats on all this..... plus more. :dopey:
Just drove my personal best on 2 sectors, improved my best lap by .1xx and forgot to save best replay before I pressed exit to go view my new glorious lap.. no words describe this feeling I'm having right now..
