GTP_WRS Week 1 : BallS1 to the Wall

  • Thread starter EDK
Well done people, and insane times on the top there! I hope everyone is at least somewhat satisfied with their final results.

Really had a blast in my first ever WRS, big thanks goes for the admins for coming up with such an addicting combo! 👍
I hope everyone is at least somewhat satisfied with their final results.

I certainly am, I did better than expected to be honest - I really struggled with this combo for most of the week. I just hope I am on par with my Division placement, that's been my biggest worry since I got placed in D2B.
Unbelievably happy 13th in my first event and under the 1 second barrier to the fastest guys some great times posted.
Was such a good week hoping to follow it up in the fxx now .
Well done people, and insane times on the top there! I hope everyone is at least somewhat satisfied with their final results.

That depends... Div4 times are all over the place so I have no idea if I did well relative to my handicap or not.

Although... I know I personally kept at it and kept improving all week, so I always have that to take away. :cool:

Won't have time for week 2 due to work, but looking forward to week 3!
Wow, 56th overall and 5th in my division. Very happy with that. :)
That's way better than I expected from my first WRS event.
I was pleasantly surprised w/ my finish, all things considered. Great turn out for this version of the WRS. In the GT5 WRS first race I was like 120th or something and this time a much more respectable "almost" top third of the pile.

If there was a good indicator as to this new class of participant for WRS6, the posting to submission percentage would indicate a healthy community.

Great Job Moddzzzz 👍 :gtpflag:
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Div3 members are littered all over the leaderboards, that's going to make it a bit more challenging and rewarding to try to improve.

Wonder what a 1 TT qualifier would have indicated.
Great Week 1 turnout everyone... amazing 100% submissions! 👍 I don't think that's ever happened. :cool: Thanks to Kevin for kicking us off into GT6 in style. :cheers:

Not 100% as oink didn't submit a lap... and he had darn good splits too???

Someone must have posted a lap, but never posted splits.
Heres a video of my lap while we wait to see James lap :scared:
it can give an idea of t3 for anyone that might been struggling with it :)

the first corner was important to get the chicane right, you go from complete right and merge on complete left on the curb, to enter the chicane as straight as possible and just do weight transfer with downshift, then accelerate asap without going out of the track on exit, then i released the throtle briefly in last curve to keep the right line, you need to keep the line tight and release throttle before apex to keep a good exit speed.

i lost a chunk of time in the entry of t2 i had to slow down too much in the long left hand

edit: monster energy didnt submitted as well ?
Great Week 1 turnout everyone... amazing 100% submissions! 👍 I don't think that's ever happened. :cool: Thanks to Kevin for kicking us off into GT6 in style. :cheers:

I don't see Oink anywhere in the results, did somebody submit without posting splits?

These submitted a lap without ever posting splits:
  • hladas
  • ginjaninja555
  • EuroAWD
  • XxHotjikexX
  • SDLocked
  • FerrariF1GT
  • GTP_Striker
  • ThaSyn
  • Napalm_LT
  • irt_MrG
  • c4joelito
  • ZiSong
  • SVTlover
  • MSCad
  • Flaren89
  • vida_cz
  • ernestone
  • Friday_GTRP
  • RickLubberding
  • GTP_Sig
These submitted splits without a lap:
  • GTP_Zapphoid
  • gtp_crispy_one
  • GTP_OnlyMe
  • brettcee
  • GTP_TBoat
  • btcanon
  • GTP_Doug
  • dadarjapit
  • Shlagem
  • GTP_BroncosXR8
  • GTP_mcfizzle
  • GTP_01GTP
  • robert_samuel94
  • GTP_Speedy6543
  • GTP_MilleRSVR
  • GTP_NishRacer
  • GTP_LittlePaul
  • GTP_gmmatthew
  • GTP_oink
  • Monster-Energy71

Submitting splits without a lap is not that uncommon, but that there are so many in the first group is very strange.
Looks like my last sector bumped me up a few spots, thank god :lol:

Well done to everyone, some crazy times at the top :eek:
Heres a video of my lap while we wait to see James lap :scared:

Hey, Mike, you got a capture card, now? 👍

I was already watching Twissy's replay 2 minutes after the deadline (they're not region specific anymore)! Looking at both yours and his, it's funny how they don't really look faster, but like Deton just said, they do look cleaner and smoother!
At least I wasn't last :dunce:

It was a fun combo, even if I could never get the first 2 turns right.:D
Hey, Mike, you got a capture card, now? 👍

I was already watching Twissy's replay 2 minutes after the deadline (they're not region specific anymore)! Looking at both yours and his, it's funny how they don't really look faster, but like Deton just said, they do look cleaner and smoother!

Yes, i have an HDPVR, You are right i forgot we could watch other region replay now! :)

For the lap, a car like this is easy to overdrive and make you think you are still not pushing it enought :lol:

that was my problem on t1 at first, then i tried keeping tighter corner at slightly slower speed giving a good amount of steering and it worked better, my best t1 was ,885, still far away from James T1 though :eek:

all in all its mostly about doing everything only once like Chris @Vagabond say, brake once, trailbrake once, steer in one smooth motion, if you lift throttle dont play with it, go into throttle once on exit etc..

its easier to pratice on one single corner, like an hairpin, but then you can apply it to a serie of corners :)
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Is it too early to start checking replays?

Wait until the results thread is posted I think - it might be that not all of them need to be checked. But look at the top replays if you want to, it's great that there's no Region locking on Replays now, so I can see US replays and you can see EU replays.
I was pretty low, T3 saved me a bit, thankfully.
Not a great result for my first tt, but not too bad after all. Time for the FXX now.
Wow, that's a lot of drivers. I am happy with my result 18th in D3, considering it was my first go at MT
Thanks to all those mods who check the replays, you must have been busy! Sorry if my lap was boring in comparison to some of those awesome times out there. I honestly don't know how you guys do it. Well done all drivers.
Now I have a target to beat 92nd place, bring on TT2 Wahoo!

Can we filter the leader board, or download spread sheets? I just love the stats side of it.
Wow, that's a lot of drivers. I am happy with my result 18th in D3, considering it was my first go at MT
Thanks to all those mods who check the replays, you must have been busy! Sorry if my lap was boring in comparison to some of those awesome times out there. I honestly don't know how you guys do it. Well done all drivers.
Now I have a target to beat 92nd place, bring on TT2 Wahoo!

Can we filter the leader board, or download spread sheets? I just love the stats side of it.

Actually, now that the qualifier is behind us it is up to you participating drivers to review and verify the event replays, not the admins. The results thread will list those replays in need of checking and all drivers are expected to pitch in a little. If you see something hard to call in a lap, ask for help. When it gets real close that's when the admins usually have to help out.

The results are unofficial until all tagged replays are checked. If any are dirty they will get DQ'd and their times removed. Fetchy took care of checking car, track, tires and settings so the manual review process is all about making sure two wheels stayed on or over track at all times.

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